Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Shuukan ASCII

2014-04-15 12:40:29


Good Afternoon[みんな:01]



Today’s released[みんな:02]



『Shuukan Asukiー [tl: Weekly ASCII]』


I get to be on the front coverアップニコニコ



Please check it out for me[みんな:03]


The Stylist processed this for meー[みんな:04]
The Usa-chan are cute~[みんな:05][みんな:06]


In-shoot Sayumi[みんな:07]






Well then, Today I’ll do my best with the day again[みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]





(Ameblo Original URL)

Lipstick introduction.

2014-04-15 08:56:55




Lately into lipstick, it’s me.










Liーke this.



I’ll introduce some of my favorites



First of this hereee






Deep red lipstick. Moreover with Minnie-chan on it I couldn’t help ittt
I got it from Akane for my birthday but,
It’s so much my favorite I wanted to buy a stock of them ♡



And… Shirotama-Senseー gave on my birthday…



Yves Saint Laurent’s pink lipstick


This is a superー favorite of mine too, I’ve already used more than half of it ( ̄▽ ̄)Emoji





This is greatー!!
If you have any like that pwwease tell me一.




(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-15 00:13:39






A picture from my date♡ with Akane.
We went to a cute Cafeー(o´〰`o)♡*✲゚*。


Akane had omelet rice♡
I had pasta♡


Lately I’ve really liked pasta.








After eating, walking, walking, walking…DASH!



About 3 stations worthhh


On this day I walked very very much
˛˛ꉂ ೭(˵¯̴͒ꇴ¯̴͒˵)౨” Good Job~✩⃛˖° Eating then walking! Two birds one stone!



☆If a berikyuー member became your little sister, who would it be?






☆If there’s a food Gakisan’s currently into, please tell us(o^^o)♪







☆You went to a snack contest but, please tell us any impressions you have left from that time and Niigaki-san’s recommended snacks♪


Hotel Newgrand’s fruit cake was yummy, it was one of my favorite (^.^)


My personal suggestion, Yokohama city French mille-feuille choco (^.^)



☆It seems Shirotama-Senseー calls you “Riーko” but,
where you called that for a long time?(*^^*)
Were you not called, “Big sis-chan”?


It’s never been Big sis-chan
Long ago it was Risa-chan.
Lately, Riーko heh


☆I want to try going to a Gakisan live but, I’m afraid that there will probably be songs I don’t know…
Are there any “I just want you to know this!” songs?



Even if there are songs you don’t know, it’ll be a LIVE you can have fun in(^.^)


By all means come kay!


☆Up to now is there an alcohol you thought, “this is the nost delicious~”?



I like champagne.
MOET of course is one…♡


☆If there’s something you’re doing for your beauty, please tell us(⌒▽⌒)



I’m worrying about moisturizers~Emoji



☆Risa-chan hair is always silky, I’m jealous! Is there somethign you’re kinda keeping in mind? Tell me (;_;)♡



I thoroughly get treatments♡



☆Do you go back and read the scripts to plays you’ve been in in the past??
How nostalgic… like that.


I have I have (^.^)
The other day I’ve gone back to read Fujiko heh
I want to do it again.



☆When you’re feeling down, how do you raise your mood?




I have fun with friends(^.^)



(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-14 17:35:53












To work, GOー.











☆ If I ate Jagarico each and every day
could I one day become Niigaki Risa?


You might! heh
by Niigaki Risa



☆Ikuta and alcohol
which do you like?



’bout the same←



When you’re at home watching TV or whatever and think something is funny, do you properly laugh?




I laugh.
Yesterday, at night when I watched the Dart no Tabi that I recorded, and I bursted out laughing alone



☆Risa you know♪( ̄▽ ̄)
Lately, are you drinking black oolong tea~?? It’s been on my mind♪(≧∇≦)




I haven’t been drinking it latelyy…
I want to drink someee



☆So that your throat doesn’t get sore
if you have any thing to be careful of, please tell us


Don’t make noise as much as possible.
Avoid drying out…


I think *(^o^)/*


☆For Gakisan, what kind of beings are the 5th gen members? And what kind of being is Aichan? Are you close friends (heart friend)?



Of course
everyone is precious to me.
( *˙-˙* )♡




☆Won’t you give me a name like NiiNii’s Pemu?
If you can, a cute style that feels like NiiNii’s Pemu would be great♪♪







How’s that?( ̄▽ ̄)


☆Gakisan if you became a performer, what kind of work would you want to do?♡ I feel like for me, I’d want to do Disney type work in the future…♡♡



I’d aspire to go into a Disney line of work too *(^o^)/*



☆For nickname sense extraordinare Gakisasn, a question from me as well.
“If you could give a new nickname for Gakisan’s beloved Miyamoto Karin-chan, what would it be?”



I think for Karin, Karin is cute as it is though.


If I were to give her one…





☆Gakisan, what color would like for a wedding dress?
For Gakisan is it, “I want to have my wedding in Japan,” or “I want to have my wedding overseas,” which wedding would you want?



Of course I’d want to wear pure white.


For the wedding ceremony, it’d be my dream to have it at Florida Disney








(Ameblo Original URL)

OV Kantoku

2014-04-14 16:25:14



FujiTV 『OV Kantoku [tl: OV supervisor]』



Today’s 25:00-25:30 broadcast[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]




Is fuーll of very OV(Omoshiroi [tl: funny] VTR) \(^o^)/








Please watch kayーーーー[みんな:04][みんな:05]





(Ameblo Original URL)