Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Refreshment Snacks♪♪

2014-04-07 19:13:09


Good Afternoon[みんな:01]



Today, it was an early morning so,
I’ve already gotten tiredー.



For work, it was reaally fun though[みんな:02][みんな:03]




I’ll introduce you to the refreshment snacks we got at the concert in Hiroshima prefecture[みんな:04]



From RihoRiho’s familyドキドキ


Cream puffs and[みんな:05]




It was superーsuperーsuperー yummy[みんな:07]



From Hello!Pro Trainee 段原瑠々(Danbara Ruru)chan’s family, cookies[みんな:08]



From the staff[みんな:20][みんな:21]


Butter cake[みんな:09]


This too, yum[みんな:10][みんな:11]




And, Sayumi’s friend who was in the same class when we were in elementary 1st year came to see the concert too,
and brought refreshment snacks~ドキドキドキドキ


Hassaku jellies音譜


And then, cookies tooニコニコ


I haven’t really gotten to see them
and we haven’t seen each other for years already but
to come to see the concert like this, and bring refreshment snacks
that really makes me happy[みんな:16][みんな:17]



Eating a hassaku jelly





The hassaku jellies were yummy tooーー.


Everyone, thank you so very much for the yummy yummy refreshments[みんな:14][みんな:15]


I still had a two shot with RihoRiho
from the Hiroshima Concert Dayー[みんな:18]








Ishida-san going Waーーー[みんな:19]





(Ameblo Original URL)

Only English!!!!!!

2014-04-07 17:21:48













Starting today with all the Japanese kids in school,
Without speaking Japanese, we’re pledging to use English only!
And with the principal teacher! lol
And, I’ve gotten to take the English only trophy!
In the school Aika’s in once a month, they hand out a trophy for Best English speaker ( ^ω^ )♪♪
I’ll do my best ( ´艸`)
I wonder if I can do itー?(´・_・`) lol














Well for today, for now I got to do itー( ̄ー ̄)☆
I’m not sure if my sentences came out right. lol


But, I conveyed what I wanted to convey, and came back with the answers to the questions too, it’s raising my motivation♡





Ah! Yesterday by the way, I read Bijo to Yajuu♪♪


Beauty&the beast♡







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Disney Wedding

2014-04-07 13:42:11






La Foret was cute!! A picture from my date with Yuka♡




☆If you were to have a wedding ceremony where would you like itー??(≧∇≦)



Florida’s Disney World!



This has been my dream for a long time *(^o^)/*





☆Do you have an amusement park besides Disneyland and Disneay sea that you think I want to go there~ or I’d like to try going there~?
Incidentally, we wanna go to Disneyland←←



No no, if that’s the case we wanna go to Disneyland too!




☆If you went to a dream world with someone from Berikyuー, who would you chose?






☆I have a question, just what is your secret to keeping your figure?
I’m preparing for my wedding and feel like I gotta do my best with my diet but, if you have any good methods please tell me ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ


Waaa congratulations!!
Hmm I see.
Try omitting carbohydrates at night? I think.
In the afternoon eat a good amount of what you like, and at night go without carbohydrates, just alcohol and the snacks that go with it. like that maybe *(^o^)/*


☆If you got to wear a costume this year too,
what kind of disguise would you want to try?(^^)
And, if you have a cosplay you want to try, I’d be happy if you tell us♪


Mmー I haven’t thought about it yet but, something Disney would be great huh *(^o^)/*


☆You’re in an unavoidable situation, and you have to choose one of them. Gakisan which do you choose?


・Life on a desserted island for a month of survival
・5 night stay with Ikuta




Oh no no, probably 5 night stay with Ikkuta (^^;;
Cuase I don’t think Ikuta is irritating or anything? heh


Cause she’s my cute junior heh



☆Gakisan’s biggest misunderstanding, at an event, saying “No~Aichan’s era is, still like stairs!” Do you have anything you want to say about it now?





I have nothing I want to say. heh



☆In Kimagure Princess’ Lyrics, what phrase do you like?(^O^)/
Incidentally for me, it’s (Gakisan’s “Suki na youni karande” [tl: Wrapped up in all you like])!!





♪I~n Janaaa~i♪
[tl: Isn’t it great?]


I think (^.^)




☆Is there Japanese Artists you want to try going to a live for other than Hello!??



I want to go again to, Amuro Namie-san’s and DREAMSCOME-san(^.^)


One I want to try going to is KANA-BOON-san




☆For what you want to take with Pemu, are there any places or buildings?




Disney (^.^)




☆”Recently, mails from Ikuta haven’t been coming so I’m crying,” Is that true?



I’m really smiling.


Who? Who told you that heh





(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-07 05:36:38


A picture from my date with Yuka. for the first time in awhile.



Since we appeared in Tumbling, we’ve been totally good friends(^.^)☆







Reaally laughing heh







☆Aren’t you living alone?



I’m not.




☆Gakisan what is your future dream?



I want to be an actress who can touch the heart of lots of people.



☆In Morning Musume。’14 who would you want to be your little sis?




☆Did you not do a recording for a Front Memory Gakisan Verー??



There wasn’tー





☆Gakisan, While you were in Musume。 you played Jeanne d’Arc in 「Reborn Inochi no Audition」 huh.
Since then, have you not tried to audition for a musical?



I want to do the play Straight.
I love plays with sword fights, dance, and song though (^.^)
After The! Musical I want to do Straight.



☆I’m not good at being social, people don’t like me
There’s lots of times I don’t know what I should say or the words don’t come out, evening a company feeling helpless what would Risa-chan think to do?


First, stop thinking you’re not good at it, smile and greet everyone (^.^)
Try starting from there and seeing how it is?


☆Aichan and Risa-chan both have full schedules, it’s probably hard but, might a live with the two of you come to be at some point?



I want to you knowー‼︎‼︎
I won’t know if we can though. I want to though


☆Gakisan what is recent snack you’re into eating with alcohol?



Sasami chicken breast with wasabi.



☆Of the Disney characters, who is the one you love the most?





☆For dreams or goals,
Until what age do you think you should have them till?



Feel like you want to have one, I think that’s totally fine *(^o^)/*



It was an early morning wake up☆


Today let’s do our best all day tooー!





(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-07 00:15:41



A Job Well Done[みんな:01]


This has ended up being a late night update…



Today was concerts in Okayama[みんな:02]


It was superー fun[みんな:03][みんな:04]



Well, more than usual I could reaaally see everyone’s facial expressions wellー[みんな:05]



With that, maybe everyone could see Sayumi’s facial expressions more than usual too?


thinking about it, makes me feel awkwardーー[みんな:06][みんな:07][みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]



Everyone, thank you so much, as always, for lots of power!!!!


With that power,
Sayumi can do her bestー!
Once again I felt that~.



And so, from here on as well, please give Sayumi powerーーーー[みんな:11][みんな:12]




Cause I won’t ever use that power pointlessly~[みんな:13]




And, Sayumi and everyone has to do our best so we can convey of our power more too!!!



If you get all UjiUji, hesitate over the small stuff,
Everyone is working hard to not waste the power we getあせる


We won’t waste it!
We gotta do our bestードキドキドキドキドキドキ




Well then, coming home from Okayama~ to Tokyo on bullet train is 3 hours 15 minutes…



I couldn’t do anything but sleep!!!










I ate though[みんな:14][みんな:15]



The first 15 minutes was food,
And after that instant sleep!!! and so


I slept the whole 3 hoursーーー[みんな:16]



Even though usually I’d be messing with my phone but, on the bullet train I hardly looked at my phone[みんな:17]



I batankyuー plotthuded?



Sheesh, even now I’m sleepy sleepy…



Doing a fun concert, it was so much fun so I can batankyuー, that’s a delight~[みんな:18][みんな:19][みんな:20]


Oh my, I’m sleepy so, I can’t even get a sentence together汗



Ah, maybe that’s the same as always!ひらめき電球




If it’s something you don’t get,
please interpret it in your own way (lol)



Good Nighーht[みんな:21]







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