Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Happy Birthday!!

2014-01-14 12:13:37


Today is Koーhei-kun’s birthday!!


Last year, I remember during a performance as a surprise, we celebratedEmojiEmojiEmoji








With everyone, we’re bringing our powers together, making a wonderful play!!!



Look forward to it!



Koーheーkun. Happy birthdayアップケーキ





(Ameblo Original URL)

Beef Stroganoff

2014-01-13 23:44:37





Morning Musume。’14


were doing our nationwide 10 location simultaneous handshake event and…



One thing that’s fun about getting to go to various places nationwide is…




[みんな:02]the yummy food from those areas[みんな:01]



that’s is definitely oneニコニコアップ




Today all day,
Using Morning Musume。 Manager-san’s Twitter


they upped what each of the membesr ate,


I was watching it tooドキドキ





beef tongue,
boxed eel,


The yummy foods from those areas,
they really got to enjoy them[みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]



Speaking for Sayumi.



She didn’t really have the timeー(lol)



Coming in the handshake is soon! When he handshake was over, we gotta move!
like that[みんな:09]


With it being like that, Sayumi was kinda WakuWaku excited thoughにひひラブラブラブラブアップ





All day today, with the staff that was with me
looking at the members Twitter


“Steak, I wanna win against it!”


talking about it,


It was a random one sided battle[みんな:06][みんな:07][みんな:08]




With that
The staff bought me some of this・・・[みんな:10]






Beef Stroganoff!!!!!!恋の矢




When you say something like winning against steak….



You can’t help but go with beef stroganoff!



that’s how we thought of it[みんな:11][みんな:12][みんな:13]



The name, it’s quite stylish huhドキドキ



Beef stroganoffドキドキ


Beef stroganoffドキドキドキドキ


Doesn’t just make you want to say it??


Beef stroganoffドキドキドキドキドキドキ







Beef stroganoff\(^o^)/



I don’t know if I won over the steak though (lol)



No, just the name wins huh[みんな:27]
Beef stroganoff \(^o^)/ドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ




It was reallーy yummy[みんな:14][みんな:15]






for the handshake event, a job well doneドキドキ


cake reward[みんな:16][みんな:17][みんな:18][みんな:19]







Well the result was a lot of good things, thank you…




Coming home


Two peroli cake piecesチョキ


It was super yummy[みんな:24][みんな:25][みんな:26]


Thank you so much[みんな:28]



from the people at Shinseido,


☆GODIVA☆’s chocolateチョコレート


it looks yummy…[みんな:30][みんな:31]



thank you so much[みんな:32]


I just got themあせる



From here on I’ll do my best[みんな:33][みんな:34][みんな:35]




(Ameblo Original URL)




Today was…


we did theー♪♪


☆10 location simultaneous handshake event ×2☆



It was really fun〜ヾ(*>∀<)ノ゛Kyaha


The places Sayumi did her handshake event were!



Aeon Mall Niigata South 1F Marine Court



18:30〜Shinseido Sunshine City Alpa Store


it was in these two places!



Loooots of people came for me \(^o^)/


I was really happy


In Niigata, the air was reallーy clear(*´∀`)♪
It felt pretty refreshing!


I couldn’t buy 5kg of rice though lol



But, it was fun so, happiness〜\(^o^)/



I want to do another concert in Niigata!




And, in Tokyo☆Ikebukuro!
we’re always indebted to Ikebukuro Sunshine City on single release days!
It wasn’t at the water fountain plaza but,
it still kinda had this sense of security to itー( *´艸`)




For today, everyone! Really thanksー


I got lots of Power (〃ω〃)



It was cold so, everyone warm your bodies well


Don’t catch a cold or anything kay…



Those of you who already aren’t doing well, get well soon…


2014/1/13 23:18 (GREE)


2014-01-13 21:45:41


Good Eveningアップアップアップ



Today was,
Morning Musume。’14[みんな:01]


[みんな:02][みんな:03]10 Location Simultaneous Handshake Event ×2[みんな:04][みんな:05]


that’s what we didー[みんな:06]



Sayumi’s handshake events were…
Niigata Prefecture and Tokyo[みんな:07]



It was DokiDoki Heart-pounding… but,
It was superーーーー[みんな:08]fun[みんな:09][みんな:10][みんな:11]



Everyone who came,
it’s thanks to you[みんな:12][みんな:13][みんな:14]


Really, thank you so very muchドキドキ



[みんな:16]Today’s look[みんな:15]


Ugg boots[みんな:17]


I didn’t have grey ones so I’m happy I could get them~[みんな:19][みんな:20]




’14 Hoodie[みんな:21][みんな:22][みんな:23]



On the chest,
the wording
『Shoubu no nen dazo. [tl: “It’s the match year”]
Morning Musume。’14』



Yup, the match year.
We’ll do our best[みんな:24]



From the people at Ikebukuro’s Shinseido Sunshine City Alpa store I had a letter in my dressing room, it made me happy[みんな:25]


Thank you so muchラブラブ



The handshake events were fun~[みんな:26]


The talk was so fun tooー[みんな:27][みんな:28]



At Ikebukuro I talked about


Beef stroganoff[みんな:29]





well I’ll up that later on~[みんな:30][みんな:31][みんな:32]






in Niigata,


and Tokyo☆Ikebukuro,


we did a handshake event,


lots of you came, talked, and came in contact with me,
it really made me happy[みんな:33][みんな:34]



Everyone, I love youドキドキアップ



At the end, saying byebye I felt lonelyーしょぼん


But, we’ll get to meet again huhひらめき電球ラブラブラブラブラブラブ



The other members and


everyone who went to meet the other members too,
good work everyone[みんな:35]


If you look at Manager-san’s Twitter,
Everyone looks like they’re having fun more than anything else too[みんな:36][みんな:37][みんな:38]



Truly, thank you so muchラブラブ!アップアップアップ



(Ameblo Original URL)

Niigata Purin



The first picture☆
How I looked at the Niigata handshake event♪
The handshake event was fun
At the talk before the handshake event, we talked about Niigata(●´ー`●)
It was just for a little bit but, I enjoyed the talk too♪



lots of you came, I’m both thankful and moved…(人´∀`*)



Handshake tickets have also sold out (*´∀`)


Everyone who came!
Thank you so much!



The second picture is,
Niigata’s purin♪ Waーi Waーi\(^o^)/




From here, in Tokyo☆ Ikebukuro
is a handshake event!



I’m looking forward to i〜t♪〜(*´∀`*)〜〜(*´∀`*)〜♪ I wonder if I’ll get to talk lots♪



Ah, from that it’s FujiTV’s!「HEY!HEY!HEY! SP」


Today coming up!!
19:00〜20:54(Except in some areas) it’s broadcasting!!!!



Please watch, please do that, and continue to support us.



Those of you participating in the handshake, are you recording it maybeー?





2014/1/13 17:42 (GREE)