Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Gravure The Television☆

2013-07-11 19:42:34



[みんな:02][みんな:03]Fukuchan and Sayumi[みんな:01][みんな:04]



The two of us


did shoots for 『Gravure the Television』~~~~[みんな:05][みんな:06]



I think it rea~lly[みんな:07]


felt great[みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]



From the staff of Gravure the Television…[みんな:11]



I got birthday presents[みんな:12][みんな:13][みんな:14]



I ended up gettingドキドキドキドキドキドキ



The box is so~cu~te[みんな:15]



the contents which made me anxious…[みんな:16]












It’s a Quil Fait Bonnnnn[みんな:19][みんな:20][みんな:21]



It really brought up our mood[みんな:24]



I’m really very happy about it [みんな:22][みんな:23]



Thank you all, so very muchラブラブ




『Gravure the Television』


On sale in ★the beginning of August★[みんな:27]


Everyone, please look for it kayyy[みんな:25][みんな:26]





(Ameblo Original URL)

New Food Texture★

2013-07-11 16:22:54




We’re in shoots now[みんな:01][みんな:02]



Up until earlier, I was on location walking outside but,



it was veーーーーーーーーry







I said it so much,






It’s like I forgot every other word but that…[みんな:04]



But somehow I was okay! lol




Right now, for my body that has gotten hot from that, happy happy[みんな:05][みんな:06][みんな:07]



Ice cream[みんな:08]


well, like, frozen[みんな:09]
kinda, like, sherbet[みんな:10]



kinda like that,



yumm~y, sweets that Manager-san bought for me[みんな:11]



it was really really very yummyラブラブラブラブ



A new food textu~re \(^o^)/


The make up artist’s recommendation, Sweets[みんな:12]


Today I tried eating it, and now it’s Sayumi’s recommended sweets[みんな:13][みんな:14][みんな:15]



Well then,



Taken in a good~mood[みんな:16][みんな:17]



(Ameblo Original URL)




Today it’s as hot as ever too huh♪♪♪ *sweat



Today, I have shoots and stuff \(^o^)/



In the pictures,
I’m still not wearing make-up thoughー lol



From here, the make-up artist will make me cute ((*’д’*)★



Well then today I’m heading off for the day energeticallyーーーーー


2013/7/11 13:51 (GREE)




Good Afternoon!!!



I’ve been reaーーlly singing\(^o^)/



I sang for about three hours〜♪♪♪



From here on I gotta keep doing my best〜( *´艸`)★



Taking this picture while in transport in the car,
the light made the picture weirdー



Well, later


While we’re on the move I feel like I’m gonna end up sleeping…


2013/7/10 16:36 (GREE)


2013-07-10 14:37:49




Good Afternoon[みんな:01][みんな:02]


Today is hot too huh~[みんな:03][みんな:04]











have I put this picture up before?あせる




I’ve forgotten[みんな:06][みんな:07]




The moment I replaced the tissue in the tissue case,


Seera went in it,



and made me laugh[みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]



With her face is like a Samishige (tl: Michishige + Samishii/lonely,sad)[みんな:11]



Seera-chan, I loーve you[みんな:12][みんな:13][みんな:14]





(Ameblo Original URL)