Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Akashiya Sanma-san☆

2013-07-01 21:54:40


Today, 7/1 is,



Akashiya Sanma-san’s birthdayケーキ



With Sanma-san,


Every week, on MBS Youngtown Saturday,


he’s always helping me[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]






Always powerfully!!






But, nooot just funny!!




As a person, there’s lot you can respect form him[みんな:04]




Getting to do the radio show together with Sanma-san every week,


is really amazing[みんな:05][みんな:06][みんな:07]



Even though he’s an amazing person,
he connects with everyone in a really honest way[みんな:10]



Sayumi, still has a long long long way to go so,


Appreciating this welcoming circumstances,


I feel like I need to learn well from my talks with Sanma-sanドキドキ





Happy 58th Birthday[みんな:09]





(Ameblo Original URL)




☆☆☆☆☆Good Eveni〜ng☆☆☆☆☆



Now you know〜 It’s free time(*´∀`)♪


Pukuーn puffy!



Today, it’s hot inside my mouth〜!


What is it like this!!!


I can’t stop with the ice!*(^o^)/*


Usually, I don’t eat ice and yet〜。゜(゜´Д`゜)゜。


In my mouth,
the ice is melting quickly!



It’s kinda fun! lol


Well then, laters kay♪


2013/7/1 21:17 (GREE)

That Kind of Face

2013-07-01 19:41:15


Good Eveningーーラブラブラブラブ






Focusing on shoots,


it’s already night星空


It still feels like its around 4 in the afternoon[みんな:01]



Now you know,



I have this kind of face[みんな:02]


I can’t stop sneeziーng!



My throat huーーーrts!




Like that? lol









you know what’s blown away those minus feelingsー?[みんな:03]






Krispy Kreme donutsアップアップアップアップ





Sweets spread throughout my body~[みんな:07][みんな:08][みんな:09]



Eating donuts,



I have this kind of face[みんな:12]




Straight forwa~rd *(^o^)/*



All right,



Until the end, I gotta do my bestーーーー[みんな:10][みんな:11]



(Ameblo Original URL)

Bus Tour♪



Good Eveningーーー!!



Today, at Tokyo・Shibuya,


was an individual handshake event〜♪



We talked about allll kinds of things huh!!!( *´艸`)



I think lots of people talked about Sayumi’s solo bus tour☆



The solo bus tour, something I appreciate about it,


It seems they had more? than the number of people expected, a lot of people applied for it…



They had to reject people in the end…



When I asked about the number of applicants,


I wished that more people could come on the bus tour!


And the staff tried their best for that but,



No matter what happened we couldn’t get it so that everyone who applied got to go together(>_<)



I’m sorry,



If, I get to do another solo bus tour,




it’d be great we if could all go together huh☆



This time,


with the money you saved up to pay for the bus tour,



eat some yummy food♪, go have some fun with your friends and family♪



And save up again♪♪



Please do that kay



Those who can’t go on the bus tour,
so that you can know whats going on with the bus tour, I’ll
write lots about the bus tour on my blogs too!


That’s what I decided☆(*´∀`)♪



Please look forward to it



Of course! Everyone who is coming to the bus tour!!!!


Let’s fi〜ll up!
on funー(人´∀`*)



I look forward to it〜


2013/6/30 21:39 (GREE)

Last Look?

2013-06-30 20:58:20


Good Eveningーー[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



Today, at Tokyo・Shibuya,


We did a Morning Musume。 individual handshake event and….



The outfit is,




『Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai』’s


white version [みんな:04]



『Brainstorming/Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai』’s


individual handshake events and snapshot events are


with today, all finished and so,



this outfit,



might be having it’s last look…[みんな:05]目







when I think that,



I’ll end up wearing it again huh[みんな:06]




during the break time,
Manager-san got me,


[みんな:07]Tapioca Juice[みんな:08]



Manager-san bought it for me[みんな:09]



Milk tea tapioca[みんな:10]



I loーve tapioca[みんな:11]




For today, thank you so much[みんな:12]


I gotta do my best all day tomorrow tooー[みんな:13][みんな:14][みんな:15][みんな:16]


(Ameblo Original URL)