Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

By Myself♪



Good Eveningーーー!



I did my make-up♪♪



it might have been awhlie since I’ve done my own make-upー♪♪\(^o^)/




I want to eat some Sacre〜☆


Talking about Sacre


They have a white soda flavor tooー!





It seem they have a cheese cake flavor? too!!!!



Surprising \(◎o◎)/



Sayumi, only knew about lemon



But, I haven’t seen them at convenience stores or supermarkets so,
I wonder if they already stopped selling it〜



I wante to try eating the white soda one〜♪



GyuGyutto is yummy too!



Lately, I loーーーーーーーve ice cream



I superー like Pino too, I buy big boxes and,


I loーve the peanut flavor too( *´艸`)



But one way or anothier I like normal Pino too I think〜♪


But the choco flavor is great huh!!!!。゜(゜´Д`゜)゜。



In the end I like them aーll♪ \(^o^)/



With summer of course it’s ice cream huh!


flavored ice cream, I love it too but, I’ve been eating up actual pistachios recently!




This is nothing but food talk〜!\(^o^)/


2013/6/17 19:18 (GREE)


2013-06-17 19:17:23


I did my nailsーーーネイルベル



Full Pink[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]




With this manicure set[みんな:06]




It’s something I got from someone but,


The color is really cute too,



and more than anything…








It’s a beaーーーーーrドキドキ




Bear, I like like youードキドキ




Bear shaped manicure set iswell, super~ cute you knowクマ



For Sayumi,


if it’s real animals, then Seera[みんな:09]



if it’s drawings, then bunnies[みんな:10]



and if plushies and small things, then bearsクマ



that’s what I like~ラブラブ



And, gators too~(lol)




Long ago, I went to Wanien and,


it was really fun[みんな:08]



I want to go againードキドキドキドキドキドキ
Well thenーーー






(Ameblo Original URL)


2013-06-17 12:50:35


The other day,


Lots of SayuUsa goods arrive so, I picked them up[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]


Clear files[みんな:04][みんな:05]




A surprise attack[みんな:06][みんな:07]




SayuUsa goods are so cute gyuuーーーーー[みんな:08]





All so summery, even these uchiwa fansニコニコ




SayuUsa goods, they are really really cute, I recommend themラブラブ



RunRun Cheery Satou[みんな:09][みんな:10]




The reason she’s all RunRun cheery is…




cause she’s holding SayuUsa goods[みんな:11]



When everyone GETs SayuUsa goods they’ll be RunRun cheery too~音譜


(Ameblo Original URL)

My Clothes♪♪

2013-06-16 23:23:45


Good Eveningキラキラキラキラキラキラ



Earlier while watching TV,




I really wanted to sleep [みんな:01]




But, I want to watch TV too so…




During just the CM’s I’ll sleepビックリマーク




I thought, I closed my eyes…


and when I next opened them again,



Alreay what was on TV had finished…。゚(T^T)゚。



Well, that’s how it goes huhあせるあせる



Sleeping just during CM well, that kinda skill, isn’t something Sayumi can do[みんな:02][みんな:03]




My Clothes[みんな:04]


It’s Jill Stuart[みんな:05]



A rough feeling[みんな:06][みんな:07]



and, it’s very comfyドキドキ




A ponytail音譜




Well then everyone~ドキドキ



From tomorrow, it’ll be a new week too, let’s do our bestー[みんな:08]






(Ameblo Original URL)

Sunday Night



Good Eveningー.



It’s Sunday night huh.



When I was in school, Sunday night was really badー(lol)



maybe cause starting tomorrow I gotta get up early again for schoolー.



I thought, I want to take a break…(lol)



School, when I would go it’d be fun and yet,
Someーhow up until I got there, I totally felt it was bothersome you know



Well in Sayumi’s case,


getting to school…



it wasn’t till after she was on the road



that part sucked thoughー.



Elementary and middle school were pretty far that’s why☆



I don’t like exercise!



Until I got there, there’d be walking, or biking, and I didn’t like the exercise ya know…



And, if you’re talking about class, Phys Ed.!


I totally didn’t like itー(lol)




…music too.







Music (lol)




Well, in music class, there were days where we each would have to sing alone thaーt’s why




That was so embarrassing…
I really didn’t like it\(^o^)/



And now,



I hope I get even a small solo singing part in Morning Musume。’s new songs☆



thos how I think now huh(^_-)



a wonder〜☆


2013/6/16 23:23 (GREE)