Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Datsumo Labo

2016-03-11 18:39:50


With work finished, it’s ドキドキDatsumo Laboドキドキ
I went there照れドキドキ




From here, we’re heading towards summer
and the amount of skin showing will go up so
it’s been on my mind you know おーっ!あせるドキドキ







The atmosphere is very calming too,
and all the staff are just fantastic 照れドキドキ





Heading towards summer I aim to be prettyおーっ!ビックリマークドキドキ


(Ameblo Original URL)


2016-03-11 13:25:48


For today, I’m off to work with odango hair照れDASH!






The pink in my hair color has come out but
it’s gone to a good colorドキドキにひひ


Maaaybe next time I should go with purple-ish照れドキドキドキドキ



happy birthday





(Ameblo Original URL)


2016-03-11 11:30:20



5 years have passed since the Tohoku earthquake.




That we can spend today normally, I’m grateful for that…




Treasuring this day today
I feel like that’s how I want to spend it.










(Ameblo Original URL)

Akatsuki no Yona

2016-03-10 23:07:39


With Hair-make-up & Outfit Run-Through✩


We did ittt!!!





Again, it’s become a day where new ideas were born!!!









It’ll be a greater production!!!



There isn’t much practice left but,



Until the very edge of the shows, We’re sticking to it!!!



So that it’ll be a great production, with everyone


we’re building it!!!






Loving Yona more than anyone,
as Yona, I feel I want to live through the theater.




Each and every character is living there.



That scene, by all means I want you to come see it.




I’ll be waiting!!!




(Ameblo Original URL)

Japan’s Creation! Iikubo Haruna

2016-03-10 22:48:03
Theme:Iikubo Haruna







Today was Morning Musume。’16’s regular show,


1422 Radio Nippon
『Morning Musume。’16 no Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~』





Fukumura-san, Kuduー, and me・Iikubo Haruna, the 3 of us appearedウインク



It became a very fun recording, I think listening to it you’ll think it’s interestingウインクキラキラ



It’s broadcasting 3/19, 3/26!


By all means please listen kayー流れ星







And there was time until the next job so…




I went out with Kuduー~ラブラブ







At the newly finished crepe shop in Roppongi Hills, the 2 of us had the same, macha ice cream and macha cheesecake crepeラブラブ



I’m probably giving you the facial expression from Kuduー that’s like, “yYummm!”~(*^o^*)ルンルン





And, we went to sese 『Eiga Doraemon Shin・Nobita no Nihontanjou』 [tl: Movie, Doraemon Shin-Nobita’s Japan Creation]ーーーおねがい









We ended up getting these Doraemon freebiesハート



Pegasus and Griffin Doraemon~ピンクハート




Sheesh, I was bawling (T_T)
Kuduー too, the 2 of us, were DaraDara pooring tears and nose drippingsえーん


The Doraemon movies make me think abou tall kinds of things you know~!
After seeing them I always struggle with my thoughts, and deriving from that, for my love of Doraemon stories, flowers bloom流れ星



To get that sympathy, it’s fun!


For me, I like Wannyan Jikuuden as number 1 but, Shin・Nobita no Wannyan Jikuuden, how many years has it been since I’ve seen it~? I thought about itびっくり lol



I’ll always be looking forward to the future too you knowキラキラ




Duーsan, thanks you for coming along with me today~(*^o^*)





Fashion Coordinate App


キラキラWEAR キラキラ












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