
I did the recording for,
CBC Radio’s 『Konya moUsachan Peace』↑↑


Today I had a fun and cute talk too(≧∇≦)


Next is the magazine photo shoot and interview.
With all of Morning Musume together(^_^)v


In the meantime, while we’re heading there,




Lately, I’ve been falling asleep most easily while moving around.


The rocking motion while in transit calms me down more than my bed and other things I guess♪


I want one of those cradles adults use(≧∇≦)
a hammock↑↑




Michishige Sayumi appears in 『FLASH』 on sale today☆


And on the 26th, Michishige Sayumi’s solo photobook 『La』 goes on sale!


As there were lots more pictures taken for the photobook, i thought i’d show you a little bit of what’s in store


Ah, I wore this swimsuit in the
『FLASH』 magazine pictures, so be sure to check it out!(b^ー°)


Anyways, I’ll do my best again today!




Aa, I’m advertising again(lol)
Well, better stop here♪


Gotta do my best!




Good morning♪


First off♪♪♪♪


Gotta wet my hair(lol)


That’s right.
For this pic, I tied up my hair
to wash my face so,
it’s hard to tell but
my bedhead today is amaaaazing again!


The length of Sayumi’s hair is down to my chest but
in addition to it being long, there’s also a lot of it too(^O^)


That’s why drying it is such a pain, and I’m always carelessly going to bed, so every morning it’s a mess(-.-;)


If I were to try my best to dry it at night
it wouldn’t become such a problem in the morning but…


No matter what, I always seem to take the easy way out(lol)


I should think about my future self a little more before I act eh~(^_^)v

Depressed Aika?

Manager-san has already sent me a picture!↑↑


Mitsui Aika-chan♪


Manager-san said,
“It seems if there’s no dogs, Aika will be depressed.” (笑)


That’s because Aika reaaaaally loves dogs(≧∇≦)


We even looked around the pet shop together♪~θ(^0^ )


At that time, Sayumi
wanted a toy poodle no matter what.
So I went with Aika-chan to see one―♪


But even now, after about a year I still don’t have a dog!


But I want to have the experience
of taking care of a dog at least once in my lifetime.
I’ve already decided on a name, and even how I’m going to call it(^_^)v


My preparations are perfect(≧∇≦)


All that’s left, is to wait for the fateful encounter between that dog an I!!!


Kyaaa(≧∇≦)I can’t wait!!


That aside,
Will this depressed Aika-san
get to meet with a dog after this??


Sounds interesting eh?


It’d be nice if Aika could meet a dog so she’d cheer up(*^o^*)


Today I’m reading a book at home.


“How to Cure an Adult’s Headache.”


It’s quite difficult (>_<)
If you don’t think hard about it while you’re reading, you won’t understand it, so even reading it takes a lot of time.
In Sayumi’s case, it might even make my head hurt more than the average amount.(lol) That’s just a joke, I’m studying hard!


And as to what I learned…
First off…!


The way “migraine” is written in kanji! 『片頭痛』 [hentsuzuu]


For 20 years, Sayumi thought it was 『変頭痛』 [literally weird headache, also hentsuzuu]


That’s because, when you catch a cold, without any reason you’d get a weird headache… so I thought it was 『変頭痛』(>Σ<)


As for the other things I’m studying
I’ll write about it after I’m done reading it all(^_-)


Anyways, back to spending more time on this(^_^;)

My Sister's Mail

This is last night’s(this morning’s?) picture I took when I got home☆


Ah well, here’s a close-up shot again(≧ε≦)


That said, I sent a mail to my sister today who recently got a fever asking,
“Has your fever gone down?”
“Not yet ー Yesterday some market was in trouble[shijou taihen]
came in reply.


Let me translate.
This mail,
“Not yet ー Yesterday was the worst [ichiban taihen]
Is what it’s supposed to say.
For my can’t-be-bothered sister,
Except for the very first emote,
the heartmark, she can’t use anything else.
What a sorry state she must be in. (lol)


And, my can’t-be-bothered sister,
will give up in the middle of a sentence.
That’s why “worst [ichiban taihen]” turned into “market trouble[shijou taihen]” (lol)


For a second there I mistook that as being there was really some market in trouble (lol)


Even with a fever, this mail is just what you would expect from my sister♪(*^o^*)

Chocolate Answer

The answer to the chocolate that Sayumi ate before the Nagoya Live is…!


Starting with the first one☆


Right now, the popular(?) border style chocolate(・o・)ノ


Next, the second one☆


In the middle is, a round gooey chocolate\(^ー^)/


That’s all I have to say about how delicious this one was(*^□^*)


I’ve read everyone’s comments. There were lots and lots of answers o(^∇^o) (o^∇^)o


Lots of them were right, amazing(≧▼≦)っ I thought!!!!!


Whether you got the right or wrong answer, everyone, i got that you guys said you couldn’t do without Michishige Sayumi here♪(笑)


Aa, by the way the leftover chocolates
On the train from Nagoya to Tokyo I had them all(≧∇≦)


My love of chocolates hasn’t stopped from even a long time ago.


I think everyone’s love for Sayu will last forever too (lol)

Small Face Gakisan

Niigaki Risa-chan☆


You’re eating kishimen aren’t you~!


It’s hiding your face Gaki-san(>_<)


Small faced Gaki-san, your face is too small Gaki-san.


By the way、that t-shirt you’re wearing Gaki-san.


“This t-shirt, it’s L size you know~ Sayumin~”


she said.


Ahh so that’s it!
But Sayumin’s is LL size you know, Gaki-san!


That’s because
Gaki-san’s face is S size,
and Sayumi’s face is LL size,、
Gaki-san~ (T_T)