Thank you for your continuous support as always ! I am very happy to see that many of you are interested in seeing more translations from Sayu’s Personal Book !
Here is the third part of the Make Up section in Sayu’s Book which will consist of pages 46 & 47. This time they will be focusing on Sayu’s Daily Make-up Routine.
⁂Please do not re-edit the pictures that I have posted. Also for maximum enjoyment, please do purchase the book ! I am mainly doing these translations for people who do not understand japanese and are curious of its contents ^^
Click on the images below to enlarge it ^^
(page 46) 
(page 47)
Comments & feedbacks on how to improve are much appreciated.
Do check back for more posts, the next one will be the last one for the make-up section which is Sayu’s Stage Make-up (part 4). Stay tuned !
After that I will be translating Sayu’s hair arrangements which will also come in 4 sections!
Thank you for reading up till here(´∀`)♡