Kenmin SHOW


Mornーin’ <3


The other day I had recording for “Himitsu no Kenmin SHOW (Secrets of the citizen’s SHOW)”☆


I appeared as a citizen of Yamaguchi prefecture!


My outfits is, apple-chans




My rings sparkly too, it was adorable O*
(1st shot)


The second picture is, getting a necklace put on by the stylist-san (o^∀^o)♪



Kenmin SHOW broadcasts 6/23!


Ple~ase watch \(^ー^)/




2011/6/2 12:29



My Hello!Project juniors, S/mileage☆
With their long legs, cuteness, and lots of charm, S/mileage☆
Sayumi’s loved S/mileage☆
Who just hit their first full year S/mileage☆



Tha~t S/mileage isssss,
recruiting members!! it seems \(^ー^)/


Unbelieveable I know.
I was also surprised (∋_∈)
I saw the clips of the member recruitment being announced on the net and,
all of S/mileage was also really surprised,
they unintentionally gave really complex expressions and comments huh (lol)


Everyone’s a bit overwhelmed by it (lol)
Wada Ayaka-chan’s final comment was, positive, she did it with a level head, of course she’s the leader. That’s what I thought ☆!!
For sure from here on too there are big hopes that S/mileage will get really more charming (≧∇≦)


And today, S/mileage’s manager-san asked,
“Michishige you gonna do it too?”,
In that moment, “Ah‥‥<3" well what I thought is a secret (lol)


And yet, it’s limited to middle/high schoolers!! You know (^_^;)


All you middle/high schoolers all over the country♪
It’s your chance to be in S/mileage (≧∇≦)♪♪♪


For details, go to their official homepage
Please look.


Ah, we’re recruiting for Morning Musume。’s 10th Generation members too!
Please keep that in mind (人´∀`)


2011/6/2 00:29

Show-off Update


It’s the outfit for the morning assembly event we had the morning of the second day of the bus tour (≧∇≦)


I don’t normally wear light blue much but,
really it’s one of my favorites so I was happy to☆


Having the scrunchie in my hair too may me feel feminine too, it’s adorableleーrightー<3 (lol)



The third picture is, all these extremely cute stickers <3 Shiny stickers to stick on my cell phone (*^_ ’)☆


KikiLala and MyMelo-chan♪
Their so cute it’d be a waste to use them, I got all excited dokidoki about it ヽ(´▽`)/


They’re just pictures I wanted to show off to everyone (lol)
Aren’t they justーadorableleー???♪


Laid out below the stickers is a Cinnamoroll-chan bag☆


With this I’m gonna put stuff in it and walk around with it☆ヽ(▽⌒*)



2011/6/1 23:13



Did you watch “Powerful Face”? Did ya?


Those who saw it, thanks~(≧∇≦)♪


Sayumi, aah she was seen, (How she was seen I don’t know though‥), she was extremely nervous (´;ω;`)


Pulling a prank well, it was my first time,
I had jitters? so, usually, Sayumi, except when filming, wasn’t being a chatty person somehow…


If I let it slip…………or like,
If I couldn’t act well……………like that,
I kept thinking of all kinds of bad things I could face (T_T)/


So, when Fujimori-san got caught in it, I was really relieved (ノд<。)


So midway through(After Fujimori-san got caught) I enjoyed the pranks as usual (●´mn`)(lol)



I was really worried but,
it was fun (≧∇≦)♪♪



The picture, is a picture from the day we were on location pulling the prank.
From that morning my expression was nervous…(lol)


And Sayumi’s acting… it’s embarassing~~~(->_<-)(lol)


I did my best in my own Sayumi way↑


2011/6/1 21:54

Powerful Face!!




On TBS “Bakumon Powerful Face”, Sayumi appears~~~\(^ー^)/


It’s from 19:55~20:54★


We play a practical joke on OriRadio’s Fujimori-san~(o>ω 

I was extremely! still extremely nervous…So nervous I was wondering what to do for about two weeks before…


But I did my best (@゜▽゜@)↑↑↑ In Sayumi’s own way that is…


Please watch it(m’□’m)


It classes with the time for UstreaMusume。 though….


Just for today. I want you to watch Powerful Face (;_;)


Just kidding…
That’s totally not thinking about my juniors↓ I’m sorry↓↓↓↓


But after all I want you to watch it.
Sayumi so selfish huhー(>_<) Sorry.



But, still you know,
Please watch Powerful Face (∋_∈)


2011/6/1 13:58



In the end, I went back to sleep again (^_^;)


I ignored my alarm too and I slept o(`▽´)o


I had a dreamー!


A dream where my cell phone shrank down to lighter size…


I took a pic but the screen was so small I couldn’t really tell if it was cute or not \(^ー^)/



In reality I just took a pic that was kinda cute…..(lol)


I’m O–ff(≧∇≦)


2011/6/1 13:36





I have an quick notice (≧∇≦)



From today 6/1~6/30,
At Shibuya’s on street vision, *Onlyyou*’s PV will be streaming on a projector once an hour for “DAM★Uta(Song)”(Daiichikosho Co. Ltd) Exclusive full ringtones for future distribution” V(^-^)V



We did it, I’m happy☆☆☆☆
Thank you for your support.


Well. Sayumi’s now in her bed but..I’m squirming around uneune (´∀`)
It’s happiness (≧▼≦)


But. I gotta get ready soon~(∋_∈)


2011/6/1 10:49

Bread Day


Today for alllllll day↑


good work everyoneeee ☆\(^ー^)/☆


And today was the end of May too. Fast huh―――o(`▽´)o



Today, all day it was just a bread eating day(^_^;)
At home I ate bread,
Even at home I ate bread,
After I can home too I ate bread I got at work…(lol)
thinking it over, it might be an amazing amount♪


I like it so it’s totally fine though (≧∇≦)



Bagel&Bagel has a new flavor on sale, “French Toast”, it was delicious, I’ve taken a liking to it (o^∀^o)


I gotta eat it again~!



2011/5/31 23:44

Live Outfit


It’s the outfit from the bus tour live it i——s!!!!♪



Inlaid with flowers, it was cute



the ribbon in my Usachan hair♪


Of course Sayumi likes Usachan hair♪♪
Lately, when I’m in Morning Musume。 I can’t really do it so (;_;)(;_;)
I was happy \(^ー^)/




2011/5/31 21:56

Kinoko no Yama


Of course it’s Shizuoka.


Snacks <3 Kinoko no Yama (Mountain of Mushrooms) <3 Green tea flavor



Not the macha kind, Green Tea.


Of courseー(^_^)v


Could it be Shizuoka tea?


We went through the trouble so, let’s everyone each some~♪ we ate it(≧∇≦)





The bitter taste felt good (´∀`)


The picture, at first we took a three shot, and just when I checked it…. Tanaka Reina-san said,


“Reina’s cut off (like from the screen)” (`´)


That said,
I took a one shot of her too.
She’s not cut off by the screen, she’s in the screen full and proper,
I took one of Reina V(^-^)V



Thank goodness, thank goodness, phew =3=3=3=3 (lol)


2011/5/31 20:29