


Good Morning♪


It’s sudden but…
it’s the 9th gen members in full force\(^ー^)/



…………eh wha?



One, non-9th gen girl is casually mixed in there…


Do you know?


Try searching kayー?☆☆☆




(Thinking Time!)




TickTickTickTick. Time up~ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛



The answer is, in the second shot, in the bottom right is Michishige Sayumi~
Sayumi is a 6th gen member!


Was it too easy maybe?


2011/5/10 12:07




The other day, Sayashi Riho-riho was talking while half laughing (//∀//)



“Whoever wrote the thing at the trash is amazingly funnyー”



She was seriously laughing out while saying it to me, Sayashi telling me was so adorable, this scene was just terrific **(*/ω\*)**


Immediately we went to look together!


“Burnable Trash”
and there with it,
“Paper, Memories (Bitter ones)”
was written (lol)


It’s definitely funny(≧ω≦)


Everyone’s got bitter memories too soo, let’s just throw htem into the burnable trash~(lol)


The second shot is, cute strawberry Riho-riho and Sayumi taking a picture of cute strawberry Riho-riho!(Photo by Manager-san)



The third shot is, strawberry Riho-riho and strawberry Kanon,
they are too cute, Sayumi hugged them without thinking, and this is a picture of it!(Photo by Manager-san)


2011/5/9 23:59

The Chance is………



At Nagano Sunplaza,
Kikkawa Yuu-chan gave me her CD (*^o^*)


“Kikkake wa YOU (The chance is you)”




Thank you♪♪♪


I’m so happy \(^ー^)/


Kikkawa Yuu-chan, I like her singing voice, it has charm!
When she talks normally too it’s got this clarity I noticed that feels really good, that’s why I like it!!


Kikkawa Yuu-chan’s
“Kikkake wa YOU”
let’s listen to it together~o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o♪


Her PV is cute too <3


2011/5/9 23:14

DAM Channel*



We had filming for DAM Channel!*


My outfit, had a Summer feeling, it was refreshing it was!


The transmission day is,


DAM Channel→6/26~7/18(By Schedule)


Star Karaoke Channel(SukaBaー267 Channel)→6/26~7/18(By Schedule)


That’s it♪


Karaoke, lately I’ve been neglecting it so after awhile, I’ll get to see myself go I wonder V(^-^)V(lol)



The Members are,
Niigaki Risa-chan and me…
and the person you probably think of when you say Karaoke↑
Tanaka Reina-chan\(^ー^)/


Reina loves Karaoke that’s why♪~θ(^0^ )♪
Seems she’s been there for 7hours before(-.-;)
Amazi—–ingε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛



And, the host Nakagawa Shouko-san♪
She was extremely cute!!!
And, her energy and her reaction were very funny☆☆☆


Nakagawa Shouko-san, likes Morning Musume。! she told us, I was so happy (^^)/


“I’ve gone to lives a lot!
around 10 years ago,”
she said!


I…joined Morning Musume。 9 years ago so…..
When Nakagawa Shouko-san came to the lives, Sayumi still wasn’t in Morning Musume。….(^。^;)
Nakagawa-san! Please come to see a concert again (・∀・)ノ



And after the three of us did an interview for “KERA”!
Today the work for the 3 of us was fun (●´∀`●♪


2011/5/9 20:27

The Tale of Miso Soup☆Latter Half



(First shot)
Fukuchan and Riho-riho pouring hot water from their shared pot, making miso soup♪



(Second shot)
Riho-riho drinking her miso soup,
Staring at that Riho-riho with a funny face for some reason is Zukki (lol)



That’s it, the Tale of Miso Soup.




2011/5/9 20:06

The Tale of Miso Soup☆First Half



The first show from the other day over…


As Fukuchan was going to drink some miso soup,


(First shot)
She took three types in her hand,
Which flavor should I have I wonderー♪ she was like that(≧∇≦)



(Second shot)
Alright! I’m making miso soupー☆ and, a peace sign for it(^_^)v



(Third shot)
When Fukuchan was pouring hot water from the pot,
there, Riho-riho also came with miso soup to participate (o^∀^o)♪



To be continued in the latter halfー☆


2011/5/9 17:26

Morning Musume。




Taken at Nagano Sunplaza,
a picture of Morning Musume。’s 9 members togetherrr\(^ー^)/


From here, 10th Gen auditions are starting, once again we’ll have new members joining,
and Aichan graduation is coming up…(;_;)and,


Morning Musume。 continues to evolve though.


I myself hope for good luck for Morning Musume。 from here, and I look forward to it so,
Everyone please come along as well kay <3


Good luck from here on……
I’m saying stuff like that but, now I’ll be going forward having fun with full power with the current 9 of us (≧∇≦)


I love Morning Musume。!


2011/5/9 16:11




Good Afternoon!!!


I woke up tons of times but… in total I slept lots \(^ー^)/


But when I just got up…still my voice…(*_*)


It’s still not in normal condition but,
I’ll do my best♪~θ(^0^ )☆☆☆


That’s ri―――ight, that’s right!
The people who came yesterday to watch the Nagano Sunplaza concert, brought cream bread as refreshment snacks and…


I screamed…




It was so good(_´Д`)ノ~~



Seriously it was this delicious cream bread it was(*^o^*)



I forgot to take a pictureee”(ノ><)ノ


Oh, what shop could it have been from?


I’ll check Wikipedia~~♪


In times of trouble, Wikipedia~♪


If there’s something to look up, Wikipedia~♪



…uh, of course that’s not possible huh? (lol)


2011/5/9 13:52




At today’s Nagano Sunplaza Concert, there was an announcement!


I’ll be making the announcement here on the blog too!


* Morning Musume。10th Gen Member “Lively Mark” Audition are open!\(^ー^)/*


To liven up Japan, we’re mass recruiting someway bright girls with pride in their song loving smiles!


There hasn’t even been any time since 9th gen joined Morning Musume。 so…
I felt like, “ALREADY?!” you know!


But with the feeling like things are gonna keep getting busy, it’s something I’m really looking forward to♪


For details, Please see the “Morning Musume。10th Gen Members ‘Lively Mark’ Audition” special site.


I hope for the best!


I’ll be happy if we get lots of girls participating 八(´∀`<3)



By the way…
About Sayumi’s health, for concerning you…making you worry…bothering you…I’m sorry(>_<)


Even at the concert, somehow I could keenly feel these feelings coming from the audience (If I’m wrong what will I do?(lol)), with all the importance of it, everyone’s kindness made me feel like crying(lol)


Even though Sayumi can’t even manage her own health(∋_∈)


Even though if it was managing her cuteness she could do it(∋_∈)(lol)


Anyways!Everyone, thanks(;_;)


I need to get better quick!


Health Comes FIrst!!!!!




2011/5/8 23:33