


The picture is,
the singing outfit for “Maji Desu Ka SUKA!”♪


Even at the concert we’re wearing it yo\(^ー^)/


Each member has a different jacket color but, Sayumi’s got the pink jacket <3


Even with the Mister Donut that Manager-san bought for us,
With cuteness being the important factor, I ended up picking pink (´∀`)


Cute is right right? <3(^∇^ <3)(<3 ^∇^)<3


Cute is infinite \(^ー^)/




2011/4/25 00:21




Refreshment snacks from Suzuki Kanon-chan’s family☆





Extremely big ones!


Even compared to Aika’s face,
you can really tell that the creampuffs are big rightー(*^o^*)


Even though Aika has a small face too \(^ー^)/



For comparison, if you compared it to Sayumi’s face, the creampuffs would look small you know \(+×+)/lol!


Even though the trait for these creampuffs is that they should be big…


It’d end up taking away the creampuffs value…(-.-;)


That’s too bad!(lol)



2011/4/24 23:59



Nagoya Live♪♪


It was extremely fun (≧∇≦)


It was super~exciting↑


so exciting… my legs are wobbly (lol)


oh no, is it just that my legs are out of strengthー…(>_<)



Nagoya you know, it’s 9th gen member Suzuki Kanon’s hometown (*^_ ’)
Welcome homeー(_´Д`)ノ~~


Her first hometown concert, Zukki was extremely excited about it~↑↑↑


It was so cute (^_-)♪


The Kanon call and green penlights moved her as well.


But but,
Even though Zukki is the nickname Tsunku-san thought up,
It’s a Kanon call and actually for Sayumi that’s the one that comes to mine first………


Well whatever (lol)
it’s minor details!(lol)


Maybe it’s Zukki,
Maybe it’s Kanon,


Suzuki Kanon-chan is Suzuki Kanon-chan,
and it doesn’t change the fact that the Nagoya Concert was the most fun right~(^∀^)ノ



The picture is with Kanon who’s from the Aichi prefecture!!



2011/4/24 22:02




Nagoya Live―――――★♪(*^o^*)


We got lots of stuff for lunch.


It was yummy (^з^)-☆Chu!!
Gochisousama Deshita \(^ー^)/


And, Manager-san bought us Mister Donuts!




Delipiouspi! (*^o^*)<3(*^o^*)


we’ll do our best for the performancesー♪
It’s been awhlie since we did a concert so, I’m nervous…




2011/4/24 15:15

Keeping Awake



Lately, I sleep and sleep but I’m still tired…


and since I have to get up early this morning‥‥



Let’s looks at Suzuki Kanon looking goofy to wake up!(lol)


Mmhmm that’s effective \(☆o☆)/


Kanon-chan like this,
she got her T-shirt dirty so to make it ok, she’s wearing it backwards and inside-out on purpose…(*^o^*)



Suzuki Kanon looking goofy and making a funny face…
please everyone use this keep yourselves awake tooー♪(lol)



2011/4/24 08:32

Sayumi’s Neighbors are…



In the dressing room,


My left neighbor was Gakisan♪
My right neighbor was Eripon♪ ーっ\(^ー^)/


With Gakisan, we were talking about the same topic as last week, it’s exciting (lol)


we were talking about the performers ranking from the London Hearts the other day!



Cycling through the same topic…


Cycling through just that…


With that alone we were laughing out loud!(lol)


Just talking and talking, it’s funny, it really might bej ust from the talking alone (lol)


Probably, if the people around us were listening to our conversation,
and we were just cycling through the same things, they’d often lose interest rightー…
so I thought.



But I wonder if that’ll be the topic again next time!(lol)(≧∇≦)



Eripon, she talked to us lots♪
I’m so happy!




Eripon’s conversations are…
so KY, so KY…(lol)


Eripon’s neighbors need their strength (*´ο`*)=3(lol)


With this kinda feeling, Morning Musume。, enjoys doing stuff (^∀^)ノ


Usachan Peace!V(^-^)V


2011/4/24 00:17




Being in charge of lots of costumers like this, Aichan Beauty Stylist,


gave herself Topknot hair☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


It was cute (´ω`)


She looks like a foreigner’s baby (・ω・)


Lately Aichan,
with her golden blond short cut,


has looked like a prince, which was cool,
and looked like a baby, which was cute


It’s just so full of charmー
It’s terrificー!


Don’t embarass Sayumi ー<3(lol)


2011/4/23 23:48




Aichan Beauty stylist is in charge of Fukuchan’s hair as well♪


It’s all disheveled yurufuwa♪she curled it (*^_ ’)


Fukuchan…disheveled♪ it, matches you! it matches you~(_´Д`)ノ~~


It was cute☆


The word disheveled yurufuwa, is Fukuchan herself! that’s how it feels you know (^_-)♪♪♪


But in reality, that’s a bit of my wicked tongue~(lol)
That’s funny again ε=(>ε<*)♪



2011/4/23 22:42




Sayashi Riho-riho♪


At Aichan’s Beauty Parlor
she got a half up ponytail-chan (*^o^*)





Attached at the peak of this ponytail-chan is the ribbon Sayumi always has on from her “Maji Desu Ka SUKA!” outfit (*´∀`* ><)


Half, by force (lol)


But, after we put it on,
“Do you like ribbons?”
we asked
“I like them!”
she told us, thank goodnessー!


More so, the ribbon really matches her (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


At the handshake event, the fans were saying,
“Sayashi-chan matches that ribbon more”
that’s what they told meー(.. ;)


…That might be so but…
isn’t it taboo to tell me (;_;)


But, Sayumi isn’t gonna stop wearing ribbons from here either!(`∀´#)


21 year old Michishige Sayumi!
I won’t be beaten that’s why!(lol)


2011/4/23 22:23




Morning Musume。 dressing room was
acting as
Morning Musume。 Beauty Parlor~(≧∇≦)


First off, the beauty stylist is Aichan!


And, Sayumi is the honored customer♪♪(*^o^*)


I was twisting my bangs and putting them up but,
twisting them didn’t go that smoothly…(;_;)
when I was struggling with it,
Aichan did it for me~(´∀`)


I was so happy(*^□^*)
Thanx Aichan o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o


I got it twisted in a way that feels great!


I want to live straight forward so that my heart doesn’t get twisted (lol)




2011/4/23 22:07