


9th Gen Members!


On the sceneeee ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


When I took the picture,
Ikuta Erina-chan said,
“Would it be better if I took off my mask~?”
and I said,
“Whichever’s fine~”
when I said that, Sayashi Riho-chan said,
“Don’t be the only one with a mask,” (Grin)
That’s what she said!(lol)



Sayashi Riho-riho, even though she’s usually docile she’s strict just with Ikuta Eripon…(lol)


It got me laughing quite a bit!!


The relationship of these two, it’s refreshing, I’m recently noticing it (lol)!



The second shot is, Ikuta Erina’s gag!!?


“It’s Ma-Bo-Don (A mapo tofu bowl)!”


All four together (lol)


2011/4/20 14:46

I Did It(^_-)


Good Morning!☆


Are you all in a pleasant mood?(≧ε≦)♪


Yesterday, we had dance lessons!


I pretty much got the choreography in my system!!”(ノ><)ノ


To come this far, that’s where I am now (lol)


Today let’s do our best again~~~↑


2011/4/20 11:18






she got her hair cut short!


**Made it golden blondeee~~~~(≧ε≦)☆↑♪↑☆**



Cool………★(*<3 o <3*)★


It’s so fascinating.
She’s like a prince♪
I wonder if she’ll be Sayumi’s prince…(lol)


Aichan matches the golden blonde short cut of course!!
and I like her adventurousness too!!


I look forward to what kind of Aichan I might be able to see from here on with her golden blonde short cut!!



2011/4/20 00:13

Shrimp’s Crab



I got snacksss☆♪↑



Hello Kitty snacks♪♪♪







Everyone in Morning Musume。 got some (≧ε≦)


“Crab senbei”,
and before that
we got “shrimp senbei”


Suzuki Kanon-chan,


the moment she saw the crab senbei,


“It’s the shrimp’s crab version!”


while biting into it
It was kinda funny ε=(>ε<*)


Shrimp’s crab………



She didn’t say the crab version of the shrimp senbei,


What is shrimp’s crab version!? it felt like that you know (lol)


2011/4/19 21:50




☆★Good Afternoon★☆


Sayumi slept and slept and slept and woke up but is still in a sleepy mode。(ρд-)zZZ


Yesterday, when I practiced the dance lesson at home,


Dance lesson practice…?


Dance lessons themselves are practice so, it feels a bit weird in Japaneseー!…wellーwhatーevers(lol)


Anyways, when I was dancing at home,
I was dancing on the rugー.
The carpet slid, and so I slipped, and nearly fell down!


I held on though (≧ε≦)


Thank goodnessー\(^ー^)/


But in the middle of the night, I seemed like I was gonna fall down alone, I think I probably looked stupid frantically trying to hold onー☆lol


Well, today first off is two business meetings so V(^-^)V OFF I GO.




2011/4/19 15:00

Do Your Best Me




That’s right――★


Today I had my hair weaved again (^_-)


Compared to the braids the make up artist gave me yesterday it’s sloppy though huh (;∇;)/~~
Sloppy, or rather…
the level of detail is totally different!!


Sayumi, doing it herself is so sketchy (>_<)


I think you can tell if you try comparing it with yesterdays picー, Sayumi’s lack of skill (lol)(cry)


Somehow, maybe I’m getting a grasp on how to do braids fairly well (*^o^*)♪


I’ve gotten better than I was before.:*・'(*゜▽゜*)’・*:.。



I’ve gotten more compatible with braids yoー(o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


Yes, congrats!


Mmhmm, thanks!



Today I’ve got surveys to fill now, and dance lessons to check on↑


2011/4/19 00:01





Dance lessons are finisheddd!
I sweated a lot


The picture is after the dance lesson♪
It’s the two of us, Sayumi who face sweats easily and Fukuchan (^_^;)lol♪


There are places where the choreography just doesn’t get through my body, and we rushed but,
Somehow in 3 hours, we got through one song♪♪♪


I’m still just learning it by rote,
whether or not I can remember the moves quickly, is just a matter of luck (lol)


I need to get it perfect by tomorrow!!!


I’ll do my best♪


2011/4/18 23:04




Right now, I’m signing things~♪


And then there’s dance lessons!!!


For the new song “Only you” (*^o^*)


First☆☆☆ time memorizing the choreography, I’m nervous so,
I’ll focus and be doing my best☆(>_<)


I wonder if it’ll be okー(´ω`)



2011/4/18 19:16




Earlier I put up two pictures but
only one got put up(>_<)



let’s add it in!



Yes★ it’s from yesterday though (≧∇≦)


or I should say, earlier,
today, my fortune is said to be bad


and after,
when I slept, I had a scary dreamー!


I wonder if it’s cause my luck is bad?”(ノ><)ノ


What kind of dream you sayー
well you know.
Kamei Eririn who graduated last year and
Takahashi Aichan who graduates this year,


in my dream they graduated at the same time…(;_;)


It was so sad!
And about that, they had Reina take an interview but,
Sayumi’s cell phone ringtone wouldn’t stop ringing…


I kept pressing the power, press,
It was roaring loud!!(>_<)


Sayumi’s fault they had to retake Reina’s comment
Reina told me off―――――――――――.
that was very scary (lol)



It’s that kind of dream♪



I hope I won’t told off in reality (^_^)v(lol)


2011/4/18 13:36




Good Morning!!


This morning, when I uninte~~ntionally looked at my fortune!


Sayumi as a




was the worst~~~(>_<)


Usually I don’t look at the fortunes but occasionally when I do, seeing me at the worst is no good (lol)ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


But I’ll do my best!
Today I’ll enjoy today♪


The picture is from yesterday♪~θ(^0^ )♪


The braids were so cute


or rather, the braids the make up artist gave me are so good


I didn’t want to undo them――★lol



2011/4/18 11:35