Good Morning.


Last night and this morning,
watching tv, there’s a lot of sad news on.


My mom took a long time to get home too.


I couldn’t even think of how it is for everyone.


For myself, and those around me, the members, and my family, nothing happened but, there’s people who have been effected by all the damage, it’s heart-wrenching.



But we can’t be beaten, let’s do our best.


I’ll also be doing my best with rehearsal.


2011/3/12 12:20

2011-03-12 02:23:45


Is everyone ok from the earthquake?


Yesterday, I wanted to do a blog immediately but,
I’m sorry the update came so late.


There’s lots of comments worrying,
for making you worry so long, I’m sorry.


Yesterday, we were rehearsing when the earthquake happened, it was very scary.


Including myself, all the Morning Musume。 members are safe, please stay calm.


But there’s a lot of worry for those who were effected by the damage from the earthquake.


Somehow or another, I hope that the damages don’t increase, even a little.


There are still aftershocks so, please be careful.


2011/3/12 02:23



aaa——–!!!!(A spirited outcry☆)






First off, I’m sleepy☆ maybe (ρд-)zZZ(lol)


Today’s rehearsals again!
I’m off, doing my best (´∀`)


Lately, I’ve been a lot of talks between the fellow 6th gen member(Reina and Sayumi)o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o



Reina’s nonsense talking has me laughing without end (≧▼≦)



Just remembering it I ended up laughing (o>ω 



2011/3/11 13:50



Profile picture has changed~~~~~~~*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゜▽゜*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*



Yay ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



Since the blog started,
this profile picture is my favorite (´∀`)♪



This is,
“Madji Desu ka SUKA!”‘s artist photo (*^□^*)


The outfit is for the Madji Desu ka SUKA!’s jacket photo♪


Well, I’ll attach some pictures from the jacket photo shoot (^_^)v


Fullbody, halfway, face close up!



When I mailed it to Kamei Eririn,
For some reason she started talking about Yakiniku, Jojoen……


At a time like this, I’m hungry…(;_;)


Imagining Jojoen, and wanting some meat, I’m going to sleep (lol)


2011/3/11 02:46

Madji Desu ka SUKA!


Just now, on “Bijo Gaku”,
they streamed Morning Musume。’s PV for the new song, “Madji Desu ka SUKA (Are you serious SUKA/SKA)!”ー?


I found out when I saw the comments♪


Sayumi was in the bath (┳◇┳)


Madji Desu ka SUKA!’s PV…For Sayumi, she like’s the second chorus’s solo cut!
Wearing our normal clothes looking disc jacket outfits and singing (*^o^*)
I wonder if they didn’t stream it to the 2nd chorus???


By all means look forward to that \(^ー^)/


Or rat-her,
this is a pic of us gathered together during the PV shoots for Madji Desu ka SUKA! ヽ(´▽`)/



I love Morning Musume。 (*´∀`*)


2011/3/11 02:01

9th Gen Members


A couple days ago, during the magazine photoshoots I took these pics of the 9th gen members (≧∇≦)


THe first shot.
Sayashi Riho-chan and Ikuta Erina-chan.
Adorable (*´∀`*)♪


The second shot.
Fukumura Mizuki-chan and, Niigaki Risa-chan.
Adorable (*´∀`*)



…………eh, HuhHuhHuh?


There’s someone mixed in there that’s not a new memberー(-人-)


Who could it be?(.. ;)


That’s right―――――Niigaki Risa-chan★★★★


But Gakisan.
Lately, her hair, is black, somehow it’s fresh (´∀`)




2011/3/11 00:56

8 Hours


Rehearsals are over…


Today I was, rehearsing for about 8 hours? \(^ー^)/








That’s terrible it is…(;_;)


Well the first tour after membership changes is bad, it’s like that every time but…


The new members are also frantically following along!!


These kinds of lessons are hard,
even the 9th gen members who were normally really high spirited during meal breaks,
still today they might have been worn out, they had eaten in silence…


It’s 9 days till our first day…………!


we’ll do my best (o>ω 

2011/3/10 23:06

Is It Okay I Wonder…


Song recording over,
from here, it’s rehearsals♪




This time our rehersals, there isn’t enough time (┳◇┳)


I’m, quite rushed (;_;)


Soon, we’re doing dress rehearsals (rehearsals going through the program wearing our outfits) though……………


Still just the first half…
or rather, at least the first half, I still(;_;) can’t do it↓


I need to do my best★


All right.
I’ll do my best with all my power for rehearsals (´∀`)



First off, lunch (*^□^*) lol


2011/3/10 13:31






Ahj―! Sleepy(ρд-)zZZ
For no reason I got up early…



Today first of this morning we’re recording a song we are★


The new song is a energetic song but…


I wonder if I can get excited this morning?(lol)


Ah, it’ll be ok. Little by little it’s warming up ( ̄∀ ̄)~♪



ALL right, Today I’ll do my best throughout the day.
Everyone else do so too kay?♪\(^ー^)/


2011/3/10 10:04

Utsunomiya♪ Specialties


Today seemed pressing many times today… (^。^;)


recording for Gokigenyou, in Utsunomiya☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


Should I go out at an important time like this?…(>_<) I was really anxious but, Kosakai-san to begin with, we're blessed to be with all our coworkers and staff, I enjoyed it very much♪



Kosakai-san had said it!
Laughing it was really good!
It’s unbelieveable but,
even when I think my stomach was gonna boil over,
it’s great to laugh through it!!!


Wonderful stuff huh♪(*^o^*)



Before the recording,
The Gokigenyou staff bought yakisoba for me!!! it was extremely delicious too (o>ω 

And in the dressing room, there were tochiotome strawberries♪
They were so sweet I thought my cheeks might fall off (m’□’m)


Now, while I’m typing up this blog entry, I’m dozing utouto…
Ah- it’s gonna change days soon(>_<)........




I love Remioromen’s “3月9日” song’s lyrics♪


Ah, the Gekigenyou from today is,
airing on 3/17、3/18 it is. Watch kay?(o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


2011/3/10 01:36