

London Hearts… did you see it?♪


A-lot of comments came in I’m happy~(≧∇≦) London Hearts power is amazing huh (≧ε≦)



Sayumi’s still at work so I haven’t seen it yet o(`▽´)o


Today is,
CBC Konya mo Usachan Peace!
the first set had…………
This girl!


Suzuki Kanon-chan.


She came on as a guest (´∀`)
Thanks, Kanon-chan (*^□^*)
She’s a elementary schooler♪ so cute♪o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o
The talks during the radio show were fun, She went to extreme lengths to answer me too (≧▼≦)



The picture is Kanon-chan doing her best writing the message used for posting up on the Usapi homepage♪


2011/3/8 23:34

London Hearts







Ended up cutting it close cause I was dreaming about Sayashii… my apologies (>_<)



Coming up is “London Hearts” with Michishige Sayumi appearing in it o(^▽^)o



Or coures, it’s the ranking corner but, today,
I’m the announcer ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ



I was super extremely nervous (≧ヘ≦)


By all means☆Please watch!


2011/3/8 20:54・コメントする



After Sayumi’s recording,


9th gen member, Sayashii Riho-chan had her recording so,
when my recording finished, outside the booth Riho-chan was waiting (≧∇≦)




She’s so adorable today too♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪


Sheesh, really, this is, “Moe” huh, that’s what I think ヽ(´▽`)/


Riho-chan spoke with a Hiroshima dialect, it was funー(o^∀^o)♪



Moreover, she’s carrying a thermos!
She’s out, the elementary schooler (*´∀`*)


Riho-chan carrying a thermos, that’s cute too,
instinctively I got a picture taken (^_^)v♪♪♪


She’s so cute.


2011/3/8 20:18

Off I Go




I’m off to work (^∀^)ノ♪


Today it’s song work so♪♪♪


Even though the song as a proper melody,


I’ll do my be-st so I don’t end up say it as a rap (≧∇≦)lol( ̄∀ ̄)


Ah~my bangs have grown, it’s flopーpyー(;_;)


I’m worrying over if I should cut it <(´△`;)>


When I cut it, it feels young,
When it’s long it feels more mature-ish…
But when lives start up you know~
my bangs get in the way~I thought about it…


A girls heart is complicated~(lol)


2011/3/8 15:45



Good Morning (^-^*)/



This morning
I ate a Harada rusk (≧∇≦)


and, for lunch I ate a mini meatbun!


It was a mini meatbun but, I ate at least 3 of them so as a result, I wonder if it’s the same as if I ate a regular sized meatbun(^。^;)


Well, as a snack it’ll be another Harada rusk!




More over it was the kind with chocolate coatings?(^o^)/


Terrific! This is great!


The chocolate is extremely thick (^_-)♪


Sayumi’s getting thicker too (^_-) lol


Those of you haven’t eaten it, I certainly want you toー\(^ー^)/


2011/3/8 13:58

Temp OL


Today coming up!



“Haken OL wa Mita (I saw a Temp OL)!” with Michishige Sayumi appearing♪


Somehow or another↑
Since I was young I loved it,
and even now I love it,
I love it so much, I’ve eaten more htan 30 of them in a day…


I’ve gotten a peak inside Tirol Choco \(^ー^)/


Tirol Choco somehow♪
pumps me up extremely well↑(^∀^)ノ


Imoto-san and Baabii-san too,
they were very wonderful people,
it was a very fun location V(^-^)V


The history of Tirol Choco and,
How the choco choco’s are made,
suggesting new developments…


Anyway Sayumi has come to love Tirol Choco all over again♪


By all means, please watch♪♪♪♪



“Haken OL wa Mita!”
Please watch it for me 八(´∀`*)


Ah~talking about that kind of stuff,
I want to eat Tirol Choco↑↑↑↑


Sayumi especially loves the white cookie flavor (≧∇≦)


2011/3/7 23:34







The picture is Aika-san in a goofy pose♪





Cute huh (^_-)♪



Sayumi wanted to be goofy too but…



She didn’t have any strength left for it (┳◇┳)



What now~~~\(^ー^)/



Well whatevers.
I’ll leave it up to to the cute energetic 9th gen!(^o^)/



For Sayumi, she’s be in the graceful adult group (^∀^)ノ(lol)


2011/3/7 23:11



is finishedddd!!


Today, the day was extremely long!
My legs are all beat up ”(ノ><)ノ


Today, for the new members,
the older members taught them the dance one to one (o>ω 

Sayumi isn’t good at telling people things so, she was worried about conveying it well…
so chaotic (@゜▽゜@)


But, the new members are trying their very best, they are giving their all on the hard choreography too so,
I was really kinda moved by it☆(>_<)



Rehearsals…from morning till night we’re really doing our best.
Well for the members it’s all pretty much new choreography…(οдО;)


But the time they are taking to memorize all the choreography steadily is rather fast too!b(・∇・●)


Their taking it in so fast, it’s surprising (≧ε≦)




It’s wonderful~~♪♪♪♪♪


2011/3/7 22:49



Good-Morning \(^ー^)/


♪From now I’m heading off to rehearsals V(^-^)V♪



Today there’s rain? snow? sleet?


Anyway, it seems like Kaminari-sama is a bit pouty huhー(゜∇゜)☆


Sayumi ate her lunch, a delicious pasta, and her mood is pretty great (^_^)v


I want to roll around like pasta~~~♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪(≧∇≦)


2011/3/7 12:46

Are You Serious?


Morning Musume。 shot♪♪♪



The outfits for Morning Musume。’s 45th Single, “Madji Desu Ka SUKA (Are you Serious SUKA/SKA?) !” on sale 3/24 are like this♪


Colored riders jackets, everyone’s different, it’s cute isn’t it?♪


Typically for Sayumi the point I want people to notice is…………



Our legs!!!!!!!!!




♪Net tights



It’s exciting right?~~~↑(o‘∀‘o)↑(‘∀’●)↑


Sayumi’s a net tights person! it’s flower patterned fishnet tights (●^ー^●)
It’s an extremely cute pattern it is♪



Sayumi’s in net tights but,
Personally the one I like to see is knee highs!


Knee highs, strangely…………


are just great you know? (lol)


2011/3/7 00:58