What The~


In the end… I have to say…I ate oden….(lol)”(ノ><)ノ


What the~.


I just firmly just had the rice part of mom’s (≧∇≦)


Aryama. Just how much~.


My appetite doesn’t stop↓↓


THe picture is from yesterdays stage.


Taking the pictures, looking at them after I was suprised!
Aika… made a funny face in both!ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛笑


I wonder if she’s at that rebellious age♪


I~I’m full!(lol)


2011/3/5 01:04

Mama’s Friend


Rehearsals are finished.
I had sweat without realizing it (^∀^)ノ
9th gen members are doing their best too★


Today at home,
Ogawa Makocchan’s mom had come to stay over \(^ー^)/


She and Sayumi’s mom are super good friends that’s why♪


Makocchan-Mama is super cute.


When she says byebye to Sayumi’s mom and stuff,
Even though it’s not like they’re parting forever,
she cries like a puppy (;_;)



Even now,
“Sayuー、let’s go eat oden together~”
she said!


But I’m full so,


“I’m full~”


when I said that, she went,


“Eh,~let’s go eat~”


said it(lol) so cute♪


Tonight seems so busy (lol)


2011/3/4 22:46



Just now, we did MBS Youngtown Saturday radio (^o^)/


Today I saw a full of funny talk between Sanma-san and Sho-ji-san (o^∀^o)


Normal conversation was like comedic dialogue!


If it were a clip, it’d be like an exchange that’s rewinding countless times in a lot of places!


Sayumi is happy she can appear in these kinds of Yantan every week (*^o^*)♪♪


I also got to meet Morning Musume。OG… Dream Morning Musume。 ♪♪♪♪♪


Yoshizawa-san, completed, the Tokyo Marathon!
Congratulations (≧∇≦)


I still want to challenge new things, she said,
She’s got big dreams huh…
Surely that’s Dream Morning Musume。!!!
I thought (≧ε≦) lol


From here, it’s rehearsal.


Not joking around, I’ll do my best (*^_ ’)


2011/3/4 21:19



Today’s lunch is…


Korean cooking♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪


It was extremely yummy (o^~^o)



Even so….



I ate well \(^ー^)/


My appetite is amazing (゜∇゜)


The tteokbokki was yummy.


The cheese bibimbap was yummy too~


Ah, the chapchae too!


No way~, let’s not leave out the kimchichae either!


Well… it was all yummy! that’s it \(^ー^)/


It was a delightful lunch (_´Д`)ノ~~


Gochisousama Deshita!


I’m so full its painful~~~~(;_;)


Even then just now, we visited the bakery!
Constantly going, “that looks yummy~” (lol)


Just how much!(lol)


2011/3/4 14:41



Today, I was in recording for,
radio with Gakisan~(*^o^*)♪


The picture is,
together with
Mori Icchou-san
Fujita Yuumin (≧∇≦)★☆


It’ll broadcase 3/17, 3/18 in the morning it will.


we had fun talking.


There’s some free time so I’m going to have lunch with Gakisan and manager-san (´∀`)♪


2011/3/4 13:31

Yesterday’s Outfit Check


Yesterday’s on stage outfits★☆


With Gakisa~~n♪





With Gakisan, during the breaks for the first and second shows we talked a lot (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


Hmm? But when I really think about it, Gakisan was doing surveys and writing so, it might have been more a Sayumi monologue (●^ー^●)(lol)


Yesterday, even on stage, and in the dressing room, we chattered often… it was fun (^m^)


The survey Gakisan did while Sayumi was chatting…
All Morning Musume。 has the survey but,
the deadline… is today~~~(」゜□゜)」


Sayumi, hasn’t done it yet!


Yesterday I should have done it without chattingggg (゜∇゜)(゜∇゜)


But I can’t help it. I wanted to talk that’s why♪


For the survey, I’ll find the free time throughout the day and write it♪♪♪(^∀^)ノ


2011/3/4 13:25



Good Morning (≧∇≦)



This morning, I drank a Mitsuya cider mikan flavor, it might be a limited time?thing‥ (≧∇≦)


It’s really refreshing ☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


The carbonation is yummy―――!(〇>_<)


It feels like my energy tightens up (°O°)


All~~right↑ today’s gonna be long―――let’s try our best――――b(・∇・●)


2011/3/4 11:59





Now, well today I got snacks from the staff that came to see us so,
I’m eating snacks (^∀^)ノ


It was extremely yummy (o^~^o)


Green tea powder cookies★terrific(≧ε≦)


I had the snacks with my mom,
we had black tea but,
I finished eating the snacks before the water warmed up so,
I drank the black tea on it’s own (lol)”(ノ><)ノ


Black tea has a hotto(relaxing) taste.
‥‥‥Probably cause it’s hotto(hot) black tea?(lol)




Even though I warmed up from the hot tea I waited to drink(>_<)(lol)


so with that it’s plus/minus zero.


I can’t help it. I’ll take a warm bath to warm me up (*^o^*)


2011/3/4 00:51

Happy things


Today was, the “Realetude” improv play.


At Aoyama amphitheater♪


The second show was, with Niigaki Risa-chan but,
In the first performance, we were together with Mitsui Aika-chan too (≧∇≦)


It was fun ◎^∇^◎


For the first show, we also got help from Matsuo Bannai-san!


He’s an extreme fine person.


All the time, on Sanma-san radio, they talk about Bannai-san so I wanted to meet him.


So, today, meeting him, I was extremely happy o(^-^)o


Moreover, he’s so amazingly nice, he did things to help us do things easier,
and after we finished when we went to properly greet him,
he told us,
“It was perfect huh~~~”
it made me so extremely happy o(^▽^)o


I want to meet with him again ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Having new work is exciting dokidoki but,
Like this I get to learn from various people too,
and I want to still challenge myself at all kind of things, that’s what I thought (*^o^*)


2011/3/4 00:25



Today was Girl’s Day♪



Did you do anythin!?


Did you sing Girl’s Day songs?
Humming is fine so, let’s sing~\(^ー^)/


Today on stage, the staff who came to see us said it!


“On Girl’s Day, it’s good to eat peaches. Peach juice is fine too,”


they taught me!


The limit was, in 1 hour!



Long ago for Girl’s Day, we’d decorate our house with Girl’s Day dolls (≧∇≦)


Our’s had, 7 levels♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪


2011/3/4 00:14