

There’s loooooooots of red-bean sandwichse like this↑↑↑↑↑↑\(^ー^)/


red-bean sandwiches are…


Nagoya’s famous snack☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


Aichi native, 9th gen member Suzuki Kanon brought them and I put it up on the blog,
and the red-bean sandwich company people sent this much~(Really there is more)!
They sent it to meヽ(´▽`)/
I’m really happy♪
Today between rehearsals, I was munching them down again♪♪♪
Between rehearsals they a frequent eatable size,
It’s delicious, I’m extremely grateful m(_ _)m


I love red-bean sandwiches (*´∀`*)




Thank you (-人-)


It’s a grand cropppp(lol)(≧∇≦)


2011/3/1 23:55



at “Ikegami Akira-kun ni Oshietai 10 no Nyu-su (10 News items I want to tell Ikegami Akira-kun)”


☆Wada Ayaka-chan☆
☆Fukuda Kanon-chan☆
were with me (^_^)v


They were adorable ヽ(´▽`)/


From Ayacho, I got a Wada Ayaka photobook that was signed♪


Thank you (*´∀`*)


S/mileage is always energetic so, somehow watching them really puts a smile on my face \(^ー^)/



Kanon-chan is Cinderella reborn.


She insists, no matter how much people around her say otherwise♪


Somehow lately, she really feels like Cinderella reborn!


Her brainwashing is amazing (@゜▽゜@)


Sayumi, like S/mileage, wants to spend the days with a smile!


Smile, Smile♪(m’□’m)♪


2011/3/1 21:52



Rehearsal is over!!!!!!!!



I’m really trying my best V(^-^)V



My hair, this is what it’s like if you look at it from the side (Second shot)




Now, while watching Otameshika!,
it’s dinner time♪♪♪♪♪♪


I at all kinds of stuff as a meal but,
Of course, current Sayumi has eringi mushrooms as her MVP \(^ー^)/



Sayumi loves Eringi~




Of course, SayuEri, we’re stepping up (*/ω\*)


2011/3/1 21:25

Today’s outfit check



for “Ikegami Akira-kun ni Oshietai 10 no Nyu-su”


A one piece♪Milk


that it wasヽ(´▽`)/



Getting to wear my favorite Milk, I’m very happy (*´∀`*)


My hair too, the make up artist really put some work into it for me (-人-)


Well well, from here it’s Morning Musume。 Spring tour rehearsal! There’s a little time before we start rehearsals but! let’s do our best (`∀´)♪♪♪♪♪♪♪


The roads are jamed so it’s afternoon nap time maybe(-.-)zzZ


Oyasaymi-n (lol)



Or rather, Sayumi… will stand up!
Just putting my foot down! that kind of feeling (lol)


…………… It doesn’t seem like it’s her 9th year in Morning Musume。 huhー(lol)


Do you best, Sayumi (o>ω 

2011/3/1 17:23

10 News items I want to tell Ikegami Akira-kun


Recording is over!
Yaーy V(^-^)V



Today recording was for “Ikegami Akira-kun ni Oshietai 10 no Nyu-su (tl: see title)”(≧∇≦)


It had really turned into studying!


Usually, I learn things I didn’t know,
or things I didn’t have interest in, become easy to understand, and get interesting (*^_ ’)


Well I feel like as humans we’ve really gotten great, I feel that more than I did before filming (_´Д`)ノ~~


Or I should say, so that everyone can also become great as humans, please watch it on air!


On air☆


Please do me this favor (人´∀`)


2011/3/1 17:13



We’re taking a break♪♪♪♪♪



I’ll keep on doing my best (≧∇≦)♪



It’s a recording that’s turned into study.


Even for stupid-ish Sayumi, it’s easy to get (-.-)!!


For the second half I’ll be getting smartーer too\(^ー^)/


2011/3/1 14:25

From here☆


I’m off to a recording (≧∇≦)


I ate a bentou and Baumkuchen, I’m full of energy (_´Д`)ノ~~


I’ll do my best♪♪~θ(^0^ )~♪


2011/3/1 11:43



Good Morning !!!!!







When I woke up I felt like I had only slept for like an hour ”(ノ><)ノ☆


And I had already slept for like 6, it was shocking (lol)
Today I’ll do my best☆☆☆


Lately I’ve liked…..☆


Eringi mushrooms!


That’s so bad. They are so yummy———–★(´∀`)


2011/3/1 10:38

ヽ(´▽`) /


I took a bath~~~
The picture is from before the bath though…★


When I sing songs in the bath they sound good!


This is a misconception, the great part is all over right ヽ(´▽`)/ lol


That being that, the C.C. Lemon I had coming out of the bath was yummy♪


Even though I brushed my teeth before taking a bath, I have to brush them again ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


I snapped up my toothbrush after getting out of the bath so, it didn’t seem that good… Are you for real!? They did that on TV \(^ー^)/



From here let’s be careful ヽ(´▽`)/




2011/3/1 01:51

Communication Book


In the dressing room.


Listening in on the 9th gen’s conversation………。(I wasn’t particularly eavesdropping☆ lol)


“A communication book huh~…”




A communication book!?Σ(|||▽|||)



That’s quite nostalgic!!Σ(|||▽|||)


Or I should say, 6 year elementary student Suzuki Kanon-chan showed me her communication book (≧∇≦)


With her skill immitating bugs, Suzuki Kanon is always funny but,
The charactesr she wrote down in her communication book, they were so nice☆
Unexpected――( ̄∀ ̄)lol☆



The drawings she had of dogs in the margins of the notebook were cute♪


And, elementary student’s now a days are amazing!


They have lessons on “International” and stuff ”(ノ><)ノ




Do you study politics and sutff?(?_?) I wondered,


International is, it’s like lessons on English!


English was something I did as a middle schooler on so, I admired how amazing they are (-.-)♪


Well asking about all kinds of differences between back when I learned it, it was nostalgic and refreshing♪


2011/3/1 01:13