Good Friend-Sisters


Today, I added furikake to my dinner bentou \(^ー^)/




It was yummy (o^~^o)♪


The side was hamburger steak but, Sayumi just ate a little hamburger steak,
the main dish was Noritama furikake!


The side smashed by the Noritama hit (´∀`)



That said, today, when I got home, I found out while Sayumi had gone to Kobe, big sis-chan has come over to hang out,
and she left behind a note!


It’s been awhile since I got a letter from sis-chan☆


It had these cutie drawings on it too☆(*^_ ’)


Long time ago, she’d give me like 10 sheets of A4 sized paper filled too(lol)


All of it, written while she was in class (lol)



..Yah, aren’t we good friend-sisters♪


2011/1/24 23:53



Good Work Everyone☆☆☆


Recording finished―――――――――(≧∇≦)


Today was
recording for “1-8”.



It’s been awhile since I’ve done TV recording so,
since yesterday…
no, since befor that, I had been nervous(┳◇┳)



It was very fun O(≧∇≦)o


I laughed a super lot ヽ(´▽`)/
when I was laughing, I had forgotten about my toothache (lol)



“1-8″、 On air,
OA:2/9(Weds) 21:00~22:48
“1-8 SP Gathering of the Wrath of the 16 Male/Female Entertainers! Bursting Unreasonably in Front of Hamada, 2 Hour SP!”


That’s what it’s called!!
You have to watch, you’ll burst(lol)


2011/1/24 21:48



Returning to Tokyo
I ate a fried chicken bentou (lol)
then, it was an outfit fitting and now getting make up♪♪♪♪♪(*^o^*)



It’s for a TV recording, it’s been awhile‥


My nervousness might be at the MAX.


I’ll do my bestー!


2011/1/24 17:51

I’m Home


We’ve returned to Tokyo from Kobe (^з^)-☆Chu!!☆☆☆☆


The picture is a two shot with Berryz Koubou’s☆Sugaya Risako-chan (^_^)v


Two in a rowww (^з^)-☆Chu!!



This time at the Hello!, when we were doing the A Pattern,
Risako-chan and Sayumi, the two of us sang together as Zoku・Biyuuden♪


At every Hello!,
being able to sing with Risako-chan makes me happy O(≧∇≦)o


Even though Risako-chan is still a first year high school student,
she’s full of dignity!
It’s really amazing!
overwhelming (」゜□゜)」



Risako-chan used the earrings I gave her as souveniors I got her from France, seeing that made me happyyyy↑↑↑↑↑


Speaking about this and that, about a half a year ago, Risako bought a souvenior from Hawaii for Sayumi but,
she still hadn’t given it to me yet…(lol)
Today, Risako-chan said,
“Michishige-san! I found your souvenior from Hawaii!”



………………She had losssstttt it??!(lol)



Ah so that’s how it is…I had thought(^_^;)



“But I didn’t bring it, I might have lost it again…”
she said stuff like that (lol)


“Well when you find it, you can give it to me after that kay?”
I said(≧∇≦)



I wonder when that’ll be (lol)


Rather, I wonder if I’ll really get it (lol)(lol)


While hoping I’ll get the souvenior one day...
I’m off to work o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o


2011/1/24 11:33



Good Morning(^-^*)/



I’m hungry



In the morning Sayumi usually wants to eat onigiri or sweets…


Now, I feel like I sooo really want to eat the gummies on the clothes I’m wearing now♪♪


These clothes, when I want to eat the gummies on them, I wish that I could find a way to eat each and everyone of them―!



But then, soon after that, it’d be like I were undressed huh (゜∀゜;ノ)ノlol♪


2011/1/24 08:35



I went to take a bath \(^ー^)/





Today you know,
during the concert, I had this thought!!


From the stage’s cheering seats,
you can re-ally see all the audience.


The first floor, second floor, third floor, and the fourth floor…
Clearly!You’re watching them all.


You know!
I had thought.




Such good people!!!!!!!!





With our songs, seems like lots of fun, I was impressed seeing them dancing and singing together!
It made me very happy (≧∇≦)


Well all you amazing people, really thank you! I had thought!!


To be honest, for Sayumi, there’s lots that she’s anxious about, and scared of, things she has to think about, or are a pain to do(lol),
but, I thought, in order to see everyone again, I need to do my best.


Rather, I want to do my best for that very reason!



Really, more than everyone probably thinks, all the fans power, gives us strength.


Basically, normally Sayumi is strong but,
Sometimes she feels lonely too(lol)←It’s funny(lol) well everyone who understands that being there, it’s amazingly precious!
I thought, Thanks.
Really, thank you.



Just that!
Somehow today, I was thinking that while I was on stage!(lol)


Concerts are great huh♪ So fun~♪
Not just concerts, I hope to get more and more chances to meet the fans……(´▽`)♪


2011/1/24 00:05

The First




new member’s funny face (lol)




Completely into it, it’s the best (≧∇≦)


Well, it’s pretty, funny… riiiigggghht(lol)



Especially the rightmost one, (lol) Suzuki Kanon-chan! Nickname, Zukki!!



The left most, Eripon, Ikuta Eri-na-chan herself,
“My, my funny face is cuter than normal,”
she had said.
Eripon, you’re usually cute too~♪(≧∇≦)


Ah, as a side note, for Sayumi,
The inward foot stance that the center, Sayashi Riho-chan has? I should say,
even that stance, has be infatuated.
It’s reall the kind of cute that makes you want to hug her.



All the 9th gen members really have charm♪
And are really cute (*´∀`*)



It’s a heart gripping festival♪


2011/1/23 23:35



The first shot is,
with Morning Musume。 Leader, Takahashi Aichan♪


The second shot is,
with Morning Musume。 Sub-leader, Niigaki Risa-chan♪



Leader, Sub-leader,
The reassuring seniors who pulls Morning Musume。 through(o>ω 


I wonder if Sayumi will also get that kind of power―――‥?(∋_∈)


I’ll do my best to get that kind of power (-ω-)



And, today, since the Hello!Concert is over, it’s also byebye to this mini skirt police outfit (;_;)


In the mini skirt police outfit, everyone was so cute (//∀//)


Petite Cosplay? like, it made me happy (*^o^*)


Of course Cosplay is fu――――n♪(*/ω\*)♪


2011/1/23 22:54

Recommended Natto


Today’s dinner.



Red chile oil natto!!!!!!!!!



You know about it?


This, was super super super super yummy (≧∇≦)


This meals has really advanced o(`▽´)o↑


Seriously I recommend it☆☆


If you happen to see it at a super market or convenience store or anyplace like that, I really want you to buy it☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


It was yummy, and completely satisfying~


Gochisousama Deshita (o^∀^o)♪


Eating it is just happiness♪lol
It’s more happiness than just eating something delicious (´∀`)


2011/1/23 22:26



Good job everyone☆!


The Hello!Concert in Kobe is over(≧∇≦)


And, with this at the same time, this years New Year’s Hello!Concert, are all completed ( ̄∀ ̄)☆
Waー. How miraculous…


For what seemed like a long time, it went by in a flash(*^o^*)
It was quite enjoyable―!


In units,
Singing solos,
and of course singing as with Morning Musume。♪♪♪♪


For this Hello!Concert,
Morning Musume。 5 member performances were a precious period☆ヽ(▽⌒*)



At the Hello!Concert,
We get motivatation from a lot of the other groups too…ヽ(´▽`)/



I hope this gets transferred into Morning Musume。’s Spring tour‥‥‥‥(*´∀`*)



Morning Musume。, with new members joining, will do our best as the 9 of us☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


Cooperating, suppporting, and enduring!^ー^)人(^ー^


Not forgetting that we’ll try hard (-人-)


All of you great people who carried us through the Hello!Concert
From my heart… Thank you so much!


2011/1/23 21:16