

Eri all afternoon,
“I want to eat nattou,”
she’s been saying,
with the live over, in transport we were finally able to get her nattou \(^ー^)/(lol)
Thank goodness.


This egg is, used to make your hearts desire come true♪♪♪♪


That said, Eri today, took it out at the concert hall, and to everyone,
“Do you have your coat?”
Even though I said that,
She had forgotten my own luggage(┳◇┳)


More than that, she doesn’t have a little bit, she has a lot of luggage(lol)


Backward to that extent, forgetting that much is amazing!


Well Aichan noticed, so it was okay in the end you know—☆(^_-)



Of course right, Kamei-shan.


Kamei-shan, Kamei-shan, shan, shan, shan…puu、shanpuu..Shampoo!



aah, I need to take a bath!ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


I’m off♪♪♪


2010/11/21 03:19



“Aika can I take a pictureー?”
despite saying it,
it’s a pretty defenseless Mitsui Aika-san…(lol)
(First shot)


“Aika you are too defenselessー” I told her,


So she took an embarassed pose for me (lol)(^_^)v
(Second shot)




Inadvertently, in the mirror I caught them, notice Junjun and Eri too!
Those two too, they didn’t know I was taking so they were defenseless too huh V(^-^)V(lol)


2010/11/21 03:11



With Aichan☆ Kyaー Poses☆




Aichan, for today’s second live show was a forehead-chan ヽ(´▽`)/


So very adorable powawa (*´∀`*)



Having your whole forehead out is amazing…
Your entire face has to be ready, with the utmost beauty (≧∇≦)
Aichan full forehead matches very much, it’s cuteー(´∀`)


It’s so cute I want to get a bronze figure made of itー(*^□^*)


2010/11/21 03:08



I should say you know. I was reading the comments from the blog since I arrived at the hotel but you know!


“During Practice♪”


In that blog entry…


Sayumi wrote,
“Sayumi wants to be a part of Eri, Junjun, and Linlin’s bus tour too,(;_;)
I asked Manager-san if I could but he said it’s not possible(;_;)”
something like that,


Lots of comments,
“Sayumin, you just did a bus tour recently”
there were lots like that but―――――、



Sorry. That’s not it. I meant different!
How Sayumi writes… doesn’t convey things well (>_<)



By I want to join in the bus tour, I mean not along side Eri them,
I mean with the fans!!! I wanted to be with them.



The three of them are doing their best and are looking forward to the tour, I know that,
Sayumi is a Morning Musume。 fan so←
Just simply, she wanted to watch the three of them―\(^ー^)/


Even though she wanted to go even if she had to pay it herself!
But the Manager-san gave me a NG (;_;)


That’s what I meant…



Was that confusing?
Or rather, I’m sorry my explanation was unsatisfactory! I amー!


2010/11/21 02:56



We’ve arrived at the hotel――♪


In transport I didn’t intend to sleep but I ended up sleeping (^_^)v


When Ai-chan grabbed my head I woke up (≧∇≦)(lol)


Aichan, are you half asleep????
She meant to grab a chair on the bus but made a mistake and grabbed Sayumi’s head (lol)(lol)(lol)


came out I got surprised and woke up (◎o◎)


The person who grabbed it, Aichan said “Ha,” too and was surprised!(lol)





It’s totally in though.


2010/11/21 02:37

Beef Bowl!From Big Sis~


Today’s dinner while we’re in transport is a beef bowlllll \(^ー^)/


Beef bowl, lately, I just loooooovvvve them so I’m happy o(^-^)o♪♪♪


When I eat it with tsukemono all the more↑ yummy(o^~^o)



Gochisousama Deshita☆


With good timing, when I finished eating I got a call from big sis-chan (^▽^)


When I picked up the phone,
“Ah hihihihihihi!How are youー? Whacha doing now?”
She was quite high energy( ´ ▽ ` )ノ…(lol)


“Uh, now, I’m in transport but…”
I said, then she went,
“Lucky, are there others around you? Lucky, I haven’t chatted with anyone today. I seriously want to chat,”
Quite the motormouth o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o
Sis-chan, seems to have gotten the I want to chat sickness that Sayumi occasionally gets…(lol)



Sis-chan said,
“Seriously I want to chat you know~when I looked through my cell phone I don’t really have my friends contact information you know~my little sis is fine~ha and so I called Sayu-chan,”
or something like that…(lol)


I said,
“I ate a beef bowl. It was good stuff.”
to her,


“I ate curry at CoCoIchi. It was good stuff.”


she told me, without thinking, I ended up saying, “Lucky” (lol)


I just ate a beef bowl but I want to eat curry to now...(lol)


2010/11/21 00:12

During Practice♪


Live over,
From Monday Kamei Eri, Junjun, and Linlin, the three of them have been practicing songs for their bus tour,
This is Junjun (front) and Eririn (back).



(First shot)


Sneaking Shot



(Second shot)


Ah, Eri noticed!
She glared(`ε´)(lol)


Or I should say, Junjun, is practicing while eating fruit (lol)


(Third shot)
Linlin joinign in too~♪
Well now~(o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)



That’s great huh(●^ー^●)
Sayumi wants to be a part of their 3 person bus tour too(;_;)


I asked Manager-san if I could but, it’s not possible_| ̄|○




2010/11/21 00:03



Usually, Kamei-san doesn’t really wear ribbons and stuff.


Today, before the performance…
She was really stressing about whether to put this small ribbon on or not…(lol)


“It’s cute, if you do it the fans will enjoy it”


I said it over and over but,


“Eh-really?I own’t hurt? It won’t hurt? Would it be okayー?”


she was worrying (lol)


The result, she had it on but, at the stage sleeves,
“Hey?Is it okay?”
She came asking(lol)
“It’s fine. I said it’s cute!”
No matter how much I say it,
“Really?No Lying?”
she said so,
“What, at this point I have to lie!”
when I said that, she finally understood……………(lol)


What opposition against the putting the ribbon on herself-you know?


That was the shy person side that Kamei Eri has~(´∀`)


2010/11/20 22:43



In Shizuoka♪ Morning Musume。 Live♪♪♪♪


Overrr Overrr!
It was super fun (≧∇≦)


Lives are a blast―――――――――――――♪
I’m elated ヽ(´▽`)/
I love everyone (*´∀`*)



There’s lots of different kinds but, of course I love everyone so, everyone I love is here so,
It was mega fun and happiness, I want to be together for more.
Seriously thanks (_´Д`)ノ~~



Today I had my hair straight V(^-^)V


The extensions are slowly getting tangled, I had to break it up ”(ノ><)ノ


I’m trying hard to maintain it☆↑↑


Good Job―♪ It wasー♪♪


2010/11/20 21:40

Make Up Now


We rehearsed for the concert―(≧∇≦)


Now it’s make up♪♪♪


Today’s lunch I ate this stew like stuff and seaweed rice.
It was fun (^_^)v



Well make up is still going~


Try hard, you’ve gotta cover it all (;_;)(lol)


Earlier, I had practiced braids but…
Sayumi’s like horribly bad at it(┳◇┳)


Whadya trying to do? that bad―


I want to be able to make braids I do ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


2010/11/20 14:16