Status of The Dressing Room's Desk♪


For Sendai, now we’re at the Sendai Concert Hall…..♪


And soon we have rehearsal (*^o^*)


Today, there’s lots of food in the dressing room!


The image, from above.


Crackers and Zaou Cheese!
When you say Sendai! you can’t miss out on Zaou cheese right(≧∇≦)
Tasty (≧∇≦)♪
We had vanilla and cherry flavored!
Of course classic vanilla is popular with Morning Musume。


And, in the basket was kikufuku and good fortune whip cream there is☆
And two kinds of green tea powder~


And, in the red bag, Shingen Mochi!
When Aika went to Yamanashi it seems the staff got it, and she bought some for everyone!(b^ー°)


…………eh what?


Sayumi went to Yamanashi too!
Staff brought me Shingen Mochi too yo!


Mm?What what?


Sayumi? You didn’t bring any?


…………………I ended up eating mine all on my own.....(lol)



Sowwwwy p(´⌒`q)


Or rather, Aika, Thanks (>_<)


And in the box at the very bottom, souveniors from Junjun・Linlin~
A Chibimaruko-chan Chocoroll cake★


From the name it sounds yummy!\(^ー^)/


I’m happy that somehow today the dressing room desk is so cluttered~♪



I’m bouncing off to rehearsals♪ Sayumin♪


2010/11/13 13:02



GoOd MoRninGggー



Aーno goodー
I can’t stop sneezinggg (∋_∈)


Sneezes on Parade~~\(^ー^)/
I don’t need this this morning, I’m busy..o(`▽´)o



Now we’re on the move to Sendai!!!!
Cow~ Tongue!
wait for me kay~~~~(lol)


2010/11/13 08:50

Deep Check


I just came out of the bath★


Tomorrow you know,
is the live in Sendai——-!!!!♪(o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)♪


The last time we had a live, it’s been, more than 3 weeks since then(>_<)


This might be the fist time it’s been like this・badー(>_<)


Choreography…..Lyrics……I’m worried if I can remember it…


Oor I should say, in the bath I watched the video Manager-san had taken of the live in Fukuoka (*^o^*)


At first I was singing and waving my hands along while in the bath but,
gradually I warmed up and before I knew it I was doing nothing but staring at it………


Morning Musume。 are cute…I was constantly thinking that (lol)


Hey~that’s enough! I thought, left the bath and was checking on things while cooling off!!


That’s okay (●^ー^●)






At any rate tomorrow, it’s been a long time since we’ve had lives so, I’m looking forward to it (≧∇≦)♪


Now from 25:40~26:10 is “Aimaina!” by all means please watch it kay?!(b^ー°)


I wonder if Sendai is colder than Tokyo??


Well well, Everyone. Get all warmed up and then please get some sleep kay (*^o^*)




2010/11/13 01:24



Same as FRIDAY, on sale today is,
(The 3,6th gen member photobook☆Kamei Eri Graduation Memorial HelloHello!)


That’s it!!!!


Right when the 6th gen members joined Morning Musume。,
We launched a sale fora photobook “HelloHello!” which we shot in Okinawa but…


It’s been about 8 years since then……


Once again we went to Okinawa, the same place, and did a photoshoot \(^ー^)/


Comparing the pictures from back then with their cooresponding pages might be interesting!?


The outfits feel like they match from back then too, there’s a lot of reproduction photos there are♪


That’s rightー
♪The 6th gen’s last trip…..♪


feeling like that, enjoyably looking at it is hard (≧∇≦)


The interviews are 6th gen ish, the strongest(lol) they are★



By all all means, please look at it.


6th gen members, the strongest 6th gen members, please look at us.



The pics I took as an Offshot, I’ll have to put them on the blog on another day kay?ー(*^_ ’)


There’s lotsー(_´Д`)ノ~~


Anticipate & be prepared for it kay (;^_^A


2010/11/13 00:13



The “FRIDAY” on sale today has Morning Musume。 on it (≧∇≦)





Or I should say!
The cover has Takahashi Aichan!
That’s Ri~ght!
Morning Musume。 Leader, Aichan!


On the inside pages, Sayumi remembers having taken, she knows that all of Morning Musume。 is put inside but…
Aichan is on the cover!!!



I just found out today \(^ー^)/(lol)



Why hasn’t anyone told me you guysー?(lol)



I’ll do my best so that all of Morning Musume。 can be on the cover (o>ω 

“FRIDAY”‘s Morning Musume。, you can see we are a level more mature than normal(//∀//)


By all means please check it out (*/ω\*)
mmmm (●´mn`)


2010/11/12 23:17

Today's My Outfit Check


It’s today’s Outfit for the “DERO” recording——-♪


It’s milk fed brand!!


Sayumi on TV with a pants style is rare (´∀`)


It’s a surprising good feeling! That said, I ended up talking with the stylist about increasing the use of pants from here on too (*^□^*)



I need to be determined too but, new challenges are important, whatever they are (≧∇≦)



…..I say that, Sayumi’s always taking the pictures of herself, everytime from the same angle…….(lol)


(The second pic, for reference)


I’m so determined,
I’ll challenge myself by trying from completely new angles~(lol)


2010/11/12 21:59



Just now, we finished recording for the show, “DERO” \(^ー^)/


It was very fun o(`▽´)o


It’s a perfect thrill!


A wanted excitement for Sayumi (lol)??


It was really fun (o>ω 

All the performers were just kind people, seeing their kindness was moving (;_;)


DERO…. By all means, please watch it☆★☆★



Earlier, while in transport, I slept with my neck bent, so my clothes got stained by my foundation, it was sad… shock v(≧□≦)v



When I get home, it’ll be washed immediately!!





2010/11/12 20:51

Between Meal Snack





Sayumi’s buddies.
They were yummy (*^o^*)


The Dessert chocolate was also very yummy (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


I was eating fast but, I wasn’t moving anywhere, so I got to eat until I was satisfied (●^ー^●)


Gochisousama DESHITA (^m^)


Now, I’m in transport~


I’m full, I’m sleep—y—–(-.-)zzZ



Sayumi, sinking m(_ _)m




2010/11/12 15:02



Today, we’re shooting for the godos for next year’s Morning Musume。 Fan Club Event, “Morning Lab 2”~(*^o^*)


We took a lot of pictures—!


We wore two outfits too, both were amazingly adorable, I’m happy tehehe (´∀`)



From now there’s a little time before the next job so,
a little late lunch?
A little early dinner?
…、a between meal snack!(lol)
I’m going to eat (*^□^*)



I’m storing up for it o(`▽´)o


2010/11/12 14:34



Good Morning☆★☆


Today, this morning I really ate a good amount too...♪


Happiness (*^o^*)



Two sandwiches, rice porridge (eaten with chile oil)(´∀`)


Rice porridge, long ago I didn’t like it but, I’ve grown to like it♪(*^□^*)♪♪



But! If you mean the chile oil I eat with it…………
that was delicious (o^~^o)!


Besides the accompanying…………yah that’s right. The smell (∋_∈)


My mouth stinkssss o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o(lol)
Bad ★(≧▼≦)★


I drank some Breath Care but, will it be effective?


Now I’m getting make up put on so, I’ll hold my breath enough that they won’t faint ( ̄∀ ̄)


2010/11/12 11:20