Song Paradise~


Today is recording for “Uta no Rakuen (Song Paradise)” (^o^)/




The lyrics and choreography I rushed to remember yesterday was for this☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


It was so hard (〇>_<)


But some how now, we finished the first one~


Sayumi, with Aichan and Aika, the three of us doing a Candies’ songyuu~


And now, the second one☆(^_^)v


There’s no time―――――――――――――!(^_^;)



Next one is hard too (;_;)


Do your bestー. Sayumi!!!!


However the next one… is also mentally…difficult (lol)


It’s unreasonaーble(lol)(lol)


2010/11/11 18:21

Curry Lunch♪


For lunch, I went, to eat curry rice with Mom (≧∇≦)


Well… it was yummy (o^~^o)♪


I got pretty full――――――♪♪♪♪


I was happy there was a lot of seasonal vegetables in it.


I also wanted to eat cake but,
With work time approaching I had to tearfully give up on it (┳◇┳)


Somehow Sayumi today already ate too much for the day…



I’ll have to be care-ful tonight (lol)


I wonder if I can becareful… (lol)



I’m off to work!!!!
I’ll try my best with the song and choreography I memorized yesterday~(*^_ ’)


2010/11/11 12:47



Good Morning☆★


For today’s breakfast,
I ate mochi \(^ー^)/


Mochi with lots of bean in it!!!


But, Sayumi might like the standard mochi without beans moreー(^o^)/ I thought about it…


And after I ate bread too!


Pan with raisins and nuts and stuff in it!


But, Sayumi might like the pan without raisins and nuts and stuff moreー\(^ー^)/ I thought about it…



Well on their own the bean mochi and the raisin nut bread are perfectly delicious to eat so it’s no problem thoughhh!



Doing this, one by one, the talks kinda gotten meaningless huhー?


mmhmm. Sayumi thinks so too↑


But you know. You were getting close to the time when you want to talk about meaningless stuff, Sayumi~♪


2010/11/11 11:57



Ah Tanaka Reina-cha―――――n♪♪♪♪


Reina, Happy Birthday(*^▽^)/♪♪♪♪


Reina today is 21ー!
At last she’s caught up with Sayumi ( ̄∀ ̄)!



Reina and Sayumi, out of all of HaroPuro we’re the sole one’s that are the same year(*^o^*)


6th gen members same generation too (^_-)


Privately we’re not amazing friends though(lol)、 our personalities and interests are polar opposites, the two of us are…(lol)


But our compatibility at work is perfect♪o(^▽^)o


After that, Sayumi was arbitrarily thinking about it, Reina and Sayumi, in regards to our work and our feelings about it are alike maybe―‥well…‥Whatevers though( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


“6th gen is the strongest★”
She’s said, it makes me really happy,
even though she’s like a loner, being like that Reina is a friend I care for, and occassionally she’s really sweet(´∀`)


Reina… have a fun birthday kay(*^□^*)


When we do our best on our own things let’s do our best
and when we can do our best together let’s do it together!!


In the new year too, I hope Reina has a happy year in a Reina way――――o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o


6th Gen!! From here on, relaxed… but careful of all kinds of stuff←
Let’s go do our be~st~~(≧▼≦)


2010/11/11 00:02

Ahead of Time♪


With nothing to do, I went to take a bath early♪♪♪♪♪



Nothing to do…………?







I’m forgetting something……………





Songs… I need to memorize (┳◇┳)



It’s not something I particularly forgot subconciously…………
I just conciously forgot (lol)


…Escaping reality!?


Like that?(≧∇≦)



Somehow today, I’ve been steadily lazing around that’s why♪


that is, not just today I’m just often lazing around though(^o^)/(lol)



Well~、I’ll be memorizing the 2 songs and choreography I need to by tomorrow―――♪♪♪♪♪
I’m going my best (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)♪♪♪♪



Taking an early bath I feel like I have extra composure inside (●^ー^●)


I wonder if I should plan to take an early bath tomorrow on too~☆(^m^)


Yay yay V(^-^)V


2010/11/10 22:30



From the bus tour…


A two shot with Mitsui Aika-tan☆(^_^)v


Aika, also participated in The Tanaka Reina-chan Presents Bus Tour so this is her second bus tour☆


My bus tour senior huh(^_-)


This Aika said,
“The Michishige Sayumi Present Bus Tour, had so much stuff happening, it was fun,”
that’s what she told me \(^ー^)/


I was happy to hear it.


Sayumi said,
“When it was Reina’s one you were considerate about it too right (lol)”
and immediately、
“That’s not it, that’s not it,”
she replied, it was cute (lol)ヽ(´▽`)/


With Aika, I had gone to Karaoke to practice songs for the bus tour live, had fun,
And just before the actual show, she was teaching me choreography, I’m in her debt (*´∀`*)


It felt like we hit it off☆^ー^)人(^ー^


↑What’ll Sayumi do if she’s the only one who thought that…?(-人-)(lol)


But with Aika,
Next time it won’t be for practice, we’ll go out like normal, to karaoke for fun, and eat and stuff, I promised★(*^_ ’)


I’m looking forward to i――t!


2010/11/10 21:05

Grapes and White Peach Softserve


On the second day of the bus tour we went to a yineyard as well――――♪


Grape Huntiiiing♪
Grape Huntiiiing♪♪♪♪





They were delicious they were★(^~^)



It felt like they were fuuullll of juice!
It was like were drinking juice(≧∇≦)


And, in the we got this (^_-)


White peach softserve ice cream☆


It’s not grape softserve? I thought but、I could tell in my mouth I could f^_^;



White peace softserve is,
suuuper yummy \(^ー^)/


it was kinda like yogurt (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


To be able to eat that kind of stuff from the earth, is happiness. Goshisousama Deshitaaa (●^ー^●)


2010/11/10 20:10

Shut-in Day




Today, I was in my hour al——lll this time (lol)


Al——-lll this time on the bed (lol)


Making blogs, playing with my SayuPhone, going out to the living room to pick the Gobouage my mom made for me… or coming back to the bed to take a short nap,
and after that, there’s two songs I need to memorize by tomorrow so I’m refining my memorization but…
gradually it became night time,
And tomorrow is drawing close so,
Right now!!!!!from now、feeling a little rushed, I started memorizing–(┳◇┳)



I wonder if it’ll be okay. I wonder if I can memorize it.
I have to memorize the choreography with it too…
I don’t want to move from my bed (;_;)


If so then now!
Perhaps I’ll dance on the bed?
Substitute the stage for my bed(≧∇≦)


……………I’ll seriously do my best and practice ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


2010/11/10 19:46

Look Back Beauty?♪


The bus tour second day, starting outfit’s hairdo&hair accessories↑



They’re so adorable♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪



With goddess like braids,
moreover, a big ribbon right in the middle☆


More than just a flashy flashy ribbon,
it’s a graceful ribbon,
it’s wintery, and super cute,
it made me happy ヽ(´▽`)/


Even seeing it from the side~
Even seeing it from the back~




Ah、of course even looking back it’s cute?(lol)


2010/11/10 17:38

Yamanashi Travel Log~


We stayed at the hotel for three days so we could see Mt. Fuji every every day, it was really pretty ヽ(´▽`)/


Sayumi’s three days in Yamanashi!、
My spirits were as high as Mt. Fuji↑↑\(^ー^)/



This bentou is‥‥
what I ate before the live on the first day of the bus tour☆


The bentou was wonderful, I was happy with it―――(≧∇≦)


For Sayumi, she got to eat a very good fried shrimp she doesn’t normally get to eat so she was happy (o>ω 

The shrimp-chan was crispy (@゜▽゜@)


After that, the other side dishes were good, and after the live too, it was super super super fun, it was a totally satisfying first day of the bus tour (-ω-)


Sukichan Sukichan Sayumi Sukichan (//∀//)←


That was fun (*/ω\*)


The strength of the support from all the fans at the moment was surprising (●´mn`)


2010/11/10 16:33