Instant Energy!


The bus tour second day breakfast was this――♪


☆Sokkou Genki (Instant Energy)☆


Instant Energy’s instant power, it’s not going half way!!!!☆ヽ(▽⌒*)



And the second day in Yamanashi, had quite a bit of cold(┳◇┳)


Sayumi had a perfect defense!!!!


Wearing two pairs of tights, having a pocket warmer, and a muffler—-


The muffler was ☆Milk☆ brand (*^_ ’)




Of course winter is cold but、the accessories and stuff for it are cute so I’m happy for it o(^-^)o♪♪♪♪♪♪


2010/11/10 15:10



Fun fun so much fun, a look back at The Sayumi Presents Bus Tour in Yamanashi(≧∇≦)


First shot☆


First, it’s the beginning of the 4shot photoshoot with Sayumi and the others, the 3 of us and the fans!



We scribbled on the blackboard haha


It’s been such a long time since I used chalk, it was strangely exciting.


For Sayumi, she’s said some good things herself ( ̄∀ ̄) I thought but,


About Mt. Fuji I wrote,


“In life there are mountains and love”



The aphorism came out(・∀・)


Thanks (*^□^*)


The 4shot、super fun O(≧∇≦)o
The time just flew by so fast—–!!!!!o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o



Moreover, Sayumi suggested pose, the Eruption Pose was more popular than anything else(lol)


2010/11/10 14:12

Sleep Addiction―――


Good Morn~ing(^_^)v



I slept well today too☆★☆


But, I could still sleep more(≧∇≦)
Why lately? Amazing! No matter how long, I can sleepー(´∀`)


Maybe you’ve gotten a sleep addiction、Sayumi o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o



Everyone tooー☆
When you can sleep, you sleep a lot rightー?☆
Good nightー♪♪♪


In the middle of the afternoon the blog update seems to have come to this topic (lol)( ̄∀ ̄)


Of course, Sayumi plans to wake up…↑


2010/11/10 12:22

Today's My Outfit Check


The top and the skirt are Sayumi’s favorite “Milk” brand♪♪


mm――hmm、 adorable (´∀`)


I quite like this skirt☆
Mom’s told me too, It’s so short but it’s elegant feeling is cute ヽ(´▽`)/



The checker pattern is recklessly cute huh☆


Is that used appropriately???



The checker pattern is royally cute huh☆


Does that way seem more fitting? (^o^)/


The checker pattern is probably, something I’ll like all my life♪♪


2010/11/10 00:56



Coming home, while watching tv with Mom we saw some yummy looking sweets!
Sayumi said,
“That looks yummy!”
and Mom said,
“Ah, just today! this afternoon my friend and I ate thatー”





To have eaten the seasonal sweets that were on the TV today↑↑↑↑


We are now, in Tokyo huh——- once again the feeling is apparent (*^o^*)


‥‥It’s the 8th year since we’ve come to Tokyo though (lol)



Sayumi wants to eat it too―――――――♪


2010/11/10 00:13

Enjoying Life


Work being over, I went to eat with Mom!!!!♪


The pictures are,
Crispy Tofu Salad☆
Sayumi holding it☆
Salt Broiled Mackerel☆
The three shots(≧∇≦)


They were super good☆
Crispy is the best↑


The thickness of the mackerel meat was amazing too ヽ(´▽`)/


The meat was very packed!


In Sayumi’s life she’s eaten some pretty bad mackerel but today’s mackerel was the best she’s had up until now (*´∀`*)


I wonder if any mackerel I have from here in my life time will exceed the mackerel I had today♪
It’s something to look forward to!(≧∇≦)


Today’s mackerel, the deliciousness, and the anticipation that lives on from here(´∀`) I’m grateful to have them (*^□^*)


Gochisousama Deshita(≧▼≦)


2010/11/9 23:02



The thing I said this afternoon that I don’t like is,


Injections (┳◇┳)


An influenza vaccine injection it was…




So scary, the nurse had to hold my arm by force,
and the doctor injected it!



It was just a moment…..


Scared, it was over before I knew it and isn’t really painful at all! I have no memory of any pain V(^-^)V



Maybe cause it was done by a super doctor man!?( ̄∀ ̄)



I’m so relieved, after~、 I had an outfit fitting~
And now、
we did recording for CBC Konya mo Usachan Peace. \(^ー^)/


It was fun!


For Konusapii、 I’m good friends with the staff too so, before recording and between recordings the chatter doesn’t stop!(lol)



Even when we’re not recording we chat a lot o(^-^)o




I’m hungry!


The egg rice porridge in the picture is,
what seems to be something the staff won at a lot drawing at the convenience store (*^o^*)


You gonna eat it? they asked but、
I declined (lol)


2010/11/9 21:53

No Way—–!


I have some time till my next job so, I came home, and lounged around(lol)


The work doesn’t have photoshoots so, I took off my make up, refreshingー( ̄∀ ̄)


I watched the drama “Himitsu (Secret)”!
Well it’s so deep there’s lots of meanings to it…


Shida Mirai-chan is so cute, and acts so well,
I’m fascinated by her.


She’s cool☆



And, from here…


ahh no way.
Every year around this time, there’s this practice I don’t like(;_;)


What do you think it is?


Cheer me on kay…


I’ll do my BEST to hold on and not make a fuss (;_;)(;_;)


2010/11/9 16:51

"B-St. "♪♪


Just now we did data collection and photoshoots for “B-St.” Magazine (≧∇≦)


I got to talk about men’s fashion、kya☆☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


In Sayumi’s case, it’s not just from her imagination, I’m reminded of manga…. so I had lots to say in there (〇>_<)


But, talking with the interview people was really fun♪♪♪♪


We did the interview while looking at “B-St.” magazines☆


It’s on sale 11/24. By all means take a look at it please, kay?!!



The magazine interview was a bit diffrerent though,
The interviewer was into fortune telling? or something, so Sayumi got her fortune told (*^_ ’)


With a Crystal? they understood my fortune but, Sayumi’s was an “Onyx”!!


It’s a totally black crystal. My insides are black, so it seems to fit Sayumi exactly(_´Д`)ノ~~(lol)


For Onyx people…
Next year it’ll be a good year ☆ I was told(o>ω 

We did personality assessments too, as I thought fortune telling is fun~~~~(//∀//)


2010/11/9 15:19

Young Lady Feeling


Make up perfectly set….♪



I’m oooff to work(^_^)v



I’m glad the weather is good o(^-^)o



While I’m going to work there’s one song I got going


Perfume’s “Secret Secret”


It’s such a good song…


The love from Naname……it’s so much like a young lady♪♪♪


Perfume, you’re the best!


2010/11/9 13:39