Watch Kay?☆


Coming up!!!!
On FujiTV,



People who can see it… please help me out(^人^)


Sorry for updating at the last minute m(_ _)m


I’ll apologize with this cute Sayumi from the Frienemy time o(`▽´)o


treat this one well (lol)


2010/10/12 01:27

Capable Junior (lol)


It’s a picture with Mitsui Aika-chan~nnn~♪



You are reall——y effective with your quick wit(≧∇≦)


Without thinking I end up depending on you (>_<)


Sorry, even though I’m your senior m(_ _)m


Yesterday when I fell down at the live, you helped me get up,
and today too, when my laces got all tangled, the first one to notice it quickly was Aika-tan(´∀`)


Even excluding this, when choreography is being done and we’re moving left and right on sage during a song at the live show,
basically, at rehearsals, we’ll go back and forth on which before, deciding which movement to go with but,
during the performances, occasionally, Sayumi, ends up making a mistake…
Ah. I’m sorry…


But, Aika, even though Sayumi ends up doing it a different way than we decided on at rehearsals,
the moment she senses it, she’ll cut through to make sure no one runs into each other (*^□^*)




Seriously, she’s a junior who did these things (lol)



I wonder if Sayumi-senior’s traning was good♪♪♪♪


Ah. I’m sorr-y…(lol)


2010/10/12 01:10



Returning home, right away I took a bath, and now, I’m getting a massage (*^o^*)


My mom called in a massage person for me…


Cause my body was pretty worn out (;_;)


pressing on me, it hurt but,
feeling that pain, felt really goodddd ヽ(´▽`)/



The fairly good feeling comes back★


Human’s are mysterious.


Human’s bodies get worn out, and then human hands make them feel better that’s why!!


Of course, in regards to everything, it’s people supporting people V(^-^)V


Supporting each other is wonderful☆
We aren’t alone, that’s wonderful (≧∇≦)


No one is alone that’s why!
Everyone is wonderful!



Even if it’s just a massage that felt great♪~θ(^0^ )


It’s a prize♪♪♪


2010/10/12 00:24

Cute Girl


Today’s live done, it’s dinner…(≧∇≦)



The caterers made bentou boxes for us♪


Sayumi holding the bentou was wandering around, Junjun,
was going around seemingly with everyone’s favorite! soy milk dressing, that made me really jealous—、
“Lucky, Share some with Sayumi too~.”
I said,
“That’s fine,”
she readily shared with me lots V(^-^)V
Thanks, Junko o(`▽´)o


Then, with soy milk dressing, I ate!!
This was once again superb☆
Super delicious.



Junjun gladly sharing dressing,
I told her,
“Junjun you’re cute,”
“Only at times like this huh!”
she said back to me(lol)



She knows it well!(lol)



Wh~at、just kidding kidding\(^ー^)/


Junjun is cute.


For example, even when you’re not giving dressing you’re cute (*^o^*)



The maximum cute Sayumi to recognizes it so, there’s no doubt about it!(lol)


2010/10/11 22:57

Spirits Are High


Nakano Sun Plaza, for two days, yesterday and today☆


The dressing room had these members together—–…



From the left, Kamei Eri! Tanaka Reina! Mitsui Aika! Michishige Sayumi!


These four♪♪♪♪


These four, well it was fun yo (≧∇≦)


We’re often noisy, and often in high spirts you know?!


When we took these pictures, we were really high spirted (lol)↑



Eri suddenly was messing around with Reina’s hair, she made this hair do so everyone was playing with Reina’s hair a bit V(^-^)V


As Reina usually does, she says stuff like,
“Don’t touch!”
in Hakata dialect though(lol)
This time only, since Reina was in high spirits too, she let us freely do it ( ̄∀ ̄)



The result, this did this weird loop↑
Donut hair (lol)



Sayumi’s cap was also a popular thing―though――!


Surbibal, that kind of impression?(≧∇≦)


This is, Morning Musume。’s concert goosd that’s why o(`▽´)o
it’s cool right!
it can be strong!




2010/10/11 22:06



The Morning Musume。 Lives at the Nakano Sun Plaza are overrr.


Everyone who came. Thank you (*^o^*)


Sayumi you know.
her left leg which she sprained falling down yesterday, really hurt from rehearsal (>_<) Just from that I was already all kinds of uneasy...really fully uneasy...


But, these feelings don’t come on stage! I decided that when I went on stage.


But then, there was a confined happening, where Sayumi’s boot laces got tangled…
in the middle of a song I recover, I ended up being an unbelievable interruption (>_<)


Sheesh I really am the worst!
I really hate when I’m like this!


I thought; I was embarassed, frustrated, amazingly couldn’t help myself, I was irritated (;_;)



But you know.
When I was brushing my sleeves,
The members, everyone’s expressions gave me support♪
They encouraged me♪
The staff followed too♪
Even though I was such a bother, they supported me, I felt like running away…
And most of all…
from the concert hall, “Sayumin Call”……………(;_;)


Everyone, thank you.


I really am sorry.


Causing troubles and worries,
getting lots of kindness from everyone,
Sayumi not having any thing in return, not being quick enough but,


Sayumi thought.



Now, I want to stand on stage!


I want to do a live!



That’s right. I thought it.
Sayumi’s also inattentive, she ended up being like this, she’s really sorry m(_ _)m


My sprain heal fast too!!(o^∀^o)



Sayumi is like this but,
Everyone, and Lives, I love them (≧∇≦)



From here one too, please treat me well!!!!


well, somehow this ended up being a formal blog update 八(´∀`*)(lol)


Here Here—–(lol)huhhuー↑


2010/10/11 21:33

Between Live Shows♪


First live show is overrr♪



Thank you thank you V(^-^)V



It was very fun♪~θ(^0^ )



Next up is the second show but, we’re taking comments so there’s a lot of commotion going on(ρ_;)



Hurry, Hurry ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


Right now it kinda feels like we’re full full though—–(;_;)


When were on stage, these feelings, we’re doing it so we don’t take it with us(≧∇≦)


steadily calm!!


Like that, let’s have fun♪





Nakano Sun Plazaaaa↑


I hope Morning Musume。’s concert can be a wonderful concert (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


2010/10/11 17:22



Rehearsals are over☆



Today’s also concerts in Nakano Sun Plaza (≧∇≦)



Now, I eat lunch steadily V(^-^)V



I ate snacks too, feelings satisfied, preparation time is steadily approaching(´∀`)


I need to do my best!!!!”(ノ><)ノ


Everyone who can come.
Let’s have fun together.



Everyone at home.
Be at ease(lol)


2010/10/11 13:56



I got my make-up on (≧∇≦)


I did my make-up while eating peanuts…(lol)


After, of course↑
This morning it’s yogurt♪♪♪♪


This morning—- or rather, lately, it’s always yogurt☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


yogurt, is so deliciousー(〇>_<) I'm seriously into it(οдО;) wao w(°O°)w



And this morning, my body hurts, so my mom gave me a massage. My back and my lower back and my shoulders b(・∇・●)


Mom, thanks♪


I’m off!!!!!


2010/10/11 08:36'




Well, just having woken up and fresh, I’m still half asleep natural girl but…


Commence Make-up (・o・)ノ♪



There’s 1 song going while putting on make up!


Toire no Kamisama


↑This song, do you know it? it moves me to tears(;_;)


2010/10/11 07:45