Puffu Puffu♪


Coming out of the bath, I’m spending time in my room with a song♪


Perfume’s “One Room Disco”♪”VOICE”♪


After that, Ogawa Mana-chan’s “Spin Rock”♪


And well all kinds♪♪♪♪



Perfume, I really like themー(≧∇≦)
I’m really into the choreography for One Room Disco.
One time I was at home immitating it a lot \(^ー^)/


Actually, until now it’s been a secret but…
In the song the 6th gen members sing in the live now, Sayumi’s solo singing in the A melody,
the choreography from that time, the choreography that’s good from that A melody part that I’m told…
references back to the choreography for One Room Disco just a little bit…(lol)



Perfume’s song, as a performance, gets this mechanical voice that feels amazingly good (o^∀^o)


Sayumi also, for Morning Musume。’s song, just for Sayumi’s part, has a mechanical voice treatment to it…


Probably, Perfume’s reason for it is different….(lol)





Sayumi, is in charge of Perfume stuff for Morning Musume。 (≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)



Putting it that way is good huh! I’m pleased with it(lol)



Even if she’s feeling better, Sayumi is going to sleep V(^-^)V




2010/10/11 01:07

Sayumi's Bathing!


I took a bath―――♪


I say that even though it was quite a quick bath!!!!<(´△`;)>


Sayumi(Dry)’s bathing ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


Sayumi is basically in the long bath takers club but…
The massage doctor today banned me from taking a long bath (;_;)
If you can take a shower~ I was told…


But, When I got home, mom had saved the bath for Sayumi!


I went in \(^ー^)/!!


But, I didn’t put my left foot into the hot water yo (^o^)/


With the compress on, I was resting it,
I need to prepare it for tomorrow’s live, right?(≧∇≦)



So that I don’t fall down tomorrow!!!!



Sayumi, I feel like she falls more than most people…
More over when there’s nothing there…



……………Could it be because of a problem with my reflexes…………?


Being hopeless at exercise, being hopeless at singling too, Sayumi’s could be a bunch of hopelessness?(lol)





2010/10/11 00:38

6th Gen Members☆


It’s been awhile but it’s a 3 shot with the 6th gen members☆☆☆☆


6th Gen I love you!!


Today’s live, with the song the 3 of us 6th gen were singing, I thought, I’m glad the 6th gen is somehow amazing(´∀`)


I’m glad for the 3 of us- I thought, and though it was happy, for some reason I got a bit down (∋_∈)


Ah, by the way 6th gen in some cases?, no…it’s clear fact!
Fujimoto Miki-sama is also a 6th gen member(*^□^*)(lol)





She ended up being taken by Shouji-san (lol)
I love Fujimoto Miki-sama too (≧▼≦)
Occasionally?!…More than I say; often?!
Even though she says hurtful things!!
Well they aren’t disagreeable (lol)



With that said, Sayumi, Loves the 6th gen members V(^-^)V


2010/10/10 23:38

☆Kura Sushi☆


I’m sorry I worried everyone (>_<) But everyone who was worrying being here somehow is amazingly reassuring!


The sprain hurts and, it’s not good, it’s a shock though (>_<) If Sayumi was alone, and got really sprained, I think I'd just be frustrated and sad... But, seeing comments from everyone, I'm able to think, "I'll do my best"(≧∇≦)


Of course, once again I’m glad I have this blog here☆
I’m glad everyone’s here for me☆



The picture is…
Today’s lun-ch!
This afternoon I was clammoring about too, and that’s why I couldn’t update my blog ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛
But, while I was clammoring about, I was just eating my meal steadily (lol)




Kura sushi had brought some in for us\(^ー^)/


This is, Muten Musume。(Morning Musume。) Collaboration Sushi!


Slow boiled egg, shrimp, mayo roll, in kalbi sushi!
for the kalbi, there’s beef and pork☆


Sayumi is part of the pork club maybe, of course. Cause it’s cannibalism ( ̄∀ ̄)?(lol)


Sayumi’s comrades, have quite a good taste to the-m(lol)


mmM↑ it’s very delicious it i———–s V(^-^)V


By all means~♪
please try eating at Kura Sushi!!
it’s splendid~\(^ー^)/


2010/10/10 23:11

Sprained Luck


Today, I haven’t been able to do any updates, I’m sorry (>_<)


Before the performance, while taking some raw pictures I was really making a commotion…


And, then came the performance!!!!


Sayumi…………had too many things happenings (;_;)


From the opening, I fell down…
From there Sayumi, was rushing…
I got lyrics wrong too…
Jeez~ I’m sorry m(_ _)m


But feeling everyone’s support, I recovered↑↑↑↑
Everyone is here so, Sayumi is here! joking aside I thought like that (*^o^*) Everyone, thank you for being there \(^ー^)/



But you know.
When I fell, I ended up spraining my leg, I ended up falling on my butt (∋_∈)


But my butt’s ok though,


Now my leg is steadily getting more painfu―――l(;_;)


When the massage doctor examined it,
unbelievably unbelievably…


a sprain(┳◇┳)


Sheesh! I was super shocked(|||▽|||)


Such bad luck!


bad luck it got sprained…


in short, sprained luck!(lol)



I got a compress, and got it bandaged up.
The bandages are a bit overdone though (lol)


When I get home I need to cool it down a lot, in preparation for tomorrow!



Haa. Shock…
Sayumi’s stupid stupid stupidity.


If I could go back in time, I’d want to go back (;_;)


The live was really run ◎^∇^◎――――♪


I sweat a lot, it was hot, and everyone encouragement and support was amazingly comforting (≧∇≦)




2010/10/10 22:13

Yesterday's My Outfit Check


☆☆Sneakers, Sayumi rarely ends up wearing them☆☆



It’s the close up picture of the sneakers~\(^ー^)/




……………………Jo-n, that cracks me up(lol) I hit a mistake(*^o^*)let’s regroup the mood!







Aren’t they cute?Kyaー!Cute. Really?Cute right?Yupyup♪ Thanks for saying it’s cute↑Isn’t its cuteness surprising?Eh?What? The sneakers are cute too but Sayumin herself is more cute? What what! Doesn’t saying it like that over again makes it awkward?♪ Sayumi’s herself being cuter has been common knowledge for 1 million years already!What about now! There’s no need to give knowledge from around then(^_-)(lol)♪♪♪♪




Haa…The sneakers are cute.


With chocolate and snack keychains on it, it’s really cheers you up(≧∇≦)


The sneakers chocolate design is super cute too↑↑↑↑(´∀`)



The Sneaker is made by “milk”♪♪♪♪


Once again I lo-ve milk(*^□^*)


2010/10/10 13:57



I’m ready☆
My make up is perfect V(^-^)V


Today, it’s Morning Musume。 Concert at Nakano Sun Plaza――(*^_ ’)


*heart beats* I’m energetic ((o(^-^)o))



I’m seriously looking forward to being able to meet everyoneee!



This morning of course was yogurt again♪♪♪♪
Lately I’ve really been into it↑
Today, my drinkable yogurt, I didn’t betray it and freeze it like last time, I drank it as(≧∇≦)


Glugglug. Well Off I go Yo!gurt♪♪♪









2010/10/10 11:11

Mornin' & Sorry


Good Morning☆


Yesterday, for my outfit check, I said, “A close up of the sneakers, I’ll post them up later,” but I couldn’t update, I’m sorry,(>_<)



I really thought about it, Sayumi had slept earlier so, after that she’d totally feel up to posting it but,
In the middle of the night, Manager-san who checks things for me had fallen asleep o(^-^)o



I said I’d post it after so, all the people looking in real time, the people who might have been waiting for it…
I’m really sorry (∋_∈)



A close up picture of the sneakers, I’ll post them today, kay?!!



Today let’s have fun through the day kay? (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


Commence Preparationsss~~(●^ー^●)


2010/10/10 09:03

Today's My Outfit Check


Before I knew it I was sleeping…m(_ _)m


Today’s clothes were like this (^_-)♪



Full body pink♪♪♪♪♪


Lovely feeling (*´∀`*)



The one piece’s design is cute too, right?↑↑


It raises your spirits↑
Ya~y ^ー^)人(^ー^


Rarely, I ended up wearing sneakers too (≧∇≦)


A close-up sneakers, I’ll post them up later.


They’re surprising. (◎o◎)


They’re so cute V(^-^)V


2010/10/10 01:12

I'm Home=


My partner for eating out was……






That’s right. Kame-i Eri-rin(*^_ ’)


Eri had work until evening but after that we met up and the two of went to eat (´∀`)


We don’t go half way when it comes to how we eat (lol)(*^□^*)



Eating things like Bitter Melon Chanpuru, we’re being influenced by the light 6th gen trip we were on in Okinawa o(^∇^o)lol(o^∇^)o


More over, when we finally got full, we got tired, and both of us lied down,
and under the table we were talking to each other (≧▼≦)



It’s an Idol like spectacle!


Or rather, even though we are entertainers right now…It’s like this (lol)(lol)



It was funnnn ◎^∇^◎



I enjoyed it↑↑↑↑


2010/10/9 21:36