Shut-in Graduation


I changed, and I ready (≧∇≦)




Off I go☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


Sayumi’s off to eat with her much loved(and probably loves Sayumi back too heh) girl (・ω・)



Well Well☆
Who might that be!?



It’s the first time going out today but,




CoCoCoCold (;^_^


Well it’s that but it’s cold in the house too 彡(-_-;)彡


Sayumi, didn’t know about the rain so, her legs were rather exposed, crud(。・ω・。)


Fail (゜U。)


2010/10/9 17:48

Commence Action!


I straightened my hair V(^-^)V



All righttt.


I need to prepare o(^-^)o


I wonder if i should change clothes (≧∇≦)


While saying things like that I’m still lounging about (lol)


While going sluggishly, my blog might be my happiest time spentヽ(´▽`)/





I’m being too sluggish, my body hurts (>_<)


For what―!(lol)


2010/10/9 16:52



I half body bathed for 10minutes and I got tired of it(lol)


Now, I’m writing my adjustments and my surveys,
and, in the livingroom watching TV o(^-^)o


Lately, I’ve been watching, Startle the entertainer show☆


I’m cracking up a lot (^w^)


………thinking at that, it’s surprisingly moving too (;_;)


People are funny.


There initial reactions are funny ε=(>ε<*)


Humans of course, their natural attitude has the most feelings to it!


Sayumi who’s saying this stuff, is always calculating(lol)(lol)


2010/10/9 16:06

Topicless Update


I’m sorry m(_ _)m




I have free time(lol)


free time is, like this~↑saying~↑ saying things like that♪~θ(^0^ )


Everyone, are you busy?With study?Work?Play?Date?



Today, right now, is being a shut-in(≧∇≦)



What to do~


I had free time so should I take a bath I wonder☆


It’s afternoon so it’d be a half body bath (-“-;)


What should I do-


mm-I wonder if doing that matches my mood (lol)



For now, I’ll try going into the living room.


Maybe I’ll find something to do!


…Ah!I have to make adjustments ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛(lol)


scribblescribblescribble φ(.. ;)


2010/10/9 15:12

Isn't it bad?


Today, since this morning, basically I’ve been like this (lol)



I’ve been face up in my bed,
with my computer on my stomach,


Doing nothing but computer stuff!!!!


Messing with my computer or,
messing with my iphone or,
eating yogurt,
I’m doing nothing but dull stuff(lol)


For real, my stomachs gotten hot from the computers heat.


Boiling, boiling~(o>ω 

2010/10/9 14:06



So you know!!!!


Actually, I have something I had forgotten to introduce (;_;)


On sale 9/29, Hello!Pro’s cute—-no, so cute juniors,
S/mileage, their
Onaji Jikyuu de Hataraku Tomodachi no Bijin Mama
(My Friends Beautiful Mama Works for the Same Pay)” ♪♪♪♪


It’s a rock song but,
The speech in the middle and things like that, of course it’s cute—-so cute yo(*^□^*)


Choreography being powerful too, it feels like energetic S/mileage! o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o


By all means, people who haven’t heard it yet, or people who have heard it too…please listen to it lots~!(≧▼≦)



Sayumi…………This time she recieved another signed CD too (o>ω 



Thank you(-ω-)


S/mileage seems to have smiles everyday of the year↑


Sayumi, from here on as well, will support S/mileage(//∀//)




That said,
Today following S/mileage’s example, let’s go smiling lots too~(・∀・)ノ


2010/10/9 13:26



Good Morning☆♪



First picture of the morning!!!!


Looks sleepy…(lol)


Well, it’s cause I’m sleepy (ρд-)zZZ loll♪



Yesterday, in the middle of the night, it got coldー{{(>_<;)}}


Rushing, I put on long sleeves and socks, and slept(・_・)..


It’s winter huhー?


This year, we didn’t really have a fall, really right?


Sayumi overwhelmingly likes winter so, even just a bit of it has me excited.


This year I wonder if it’ll snow in Tokyo…=^・ω・^=




2010/10/9 11:17



I took a bath (*^o^*)



In the bath,
I took my Bath OK DVD deck with me,


I watched the first half of the pulled clips from the live in Kagawa prefecture last week♪


as usual it was fun ◎^∇^◎


Tomorrow, I’ll keep watch~ing♪♪♪



Sayumi is gonna watch Aimaina! from now~.


Well, I’m starting o(`▽´)o


When Aimaina! finishes, it’s read timeee o(^-^)o




ah~. Tonight somehow it is full of all kinds of things I want to do too ヽ(´▽`)/


Sleeping is such a waste yo, right-? (-人-)


But I have to so that it doesn’t have an effect on tomorrow-(´∀`)


In Japan and places that aren’t in a different time,
people who looking at the blog in real time too,
those of us who are staying up moderately late (*^□^*)


Well ☆o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o☆


Oyasayumin (≧▼≦)


Bad☆ Yamada’s “Kirin” book is so fun, I got all excitedー!


Good nightー.


2010/10/9 01:44

Sayumi right now is…


Coming up,


People who can see it, please watch, kay?!


Sayumi was so excited with her iPhone,
she’s going to take a bath, calming down a bit, you know?(・o・)ノ



I want to read Yamada’s book too…




Just now, I read 5 pages↑
At any rate, I ended up thinking, reading is a bit too good (;_;)


When turning the pages,
I feel excited about the book,
and the painful feeling when I end up finishing the book,
it’s conflicting………‥



There’s lots I want to do☆
Happy thingssss♪~θ(^0^ )


Well, I’m going to take a bath↑↑


2010/10/9 01:06



This is just me yesterday but…


It’s a picture I scribbled on earlier as a test~.



It’s a test picture but,
well it took some effort so,


I’ll share it with everyone too (o^∀^o)



Right now I’m eating some drinkable yogurt o(`▽´)o



Mm? Even though it’s drinkable yogurt, How am I eating it-!!!


“That’s weird!” I thought??


Sayumi you know, she can eat drinkable yogurt (≧∇≦)


You are thinking how?
That’s because…


she’s divine you know.





Just kidding kidding.


I froze the drinkable yogurt in the freezer☆
then I ate it with a spoon.



The result, is you’re eating it??


Even drinkable yogurt,
doing thing this way,
are not limited to drinking, they can be eaten!
It’s a wide spectrum food stuff~





Lately, I’ve really liked things with yogurt!


It even seems to be good against nasal inflammation.←Mom’s says.


With that, lately the Michishige family’s freezer, is full of yogurt hehe


2010/10/9 00:46