Yasuda Yogurt!?


Our business meeting finished, a picture with Ai-chan (^_^)v


Our drinks from the business meeting!
Sayumi’s is ice tea★
Ai-chan’s is yogurt drink★


Aichan said,
“This is Yasuda Yogurt!”
and so I asked,
“Do you know why that is?”
and she goes,
“Cause it’s delicious”


……………like that (lol)



She gave me a sip!


It was delicious!


There seems to be no doubt it’s Yasuda Yogurt.


2010/9/9 19:28



This is Kamei Eri-rin from yesterday’s rehearsal!


Pressed at writing things Kamei-san(lol)



Do your bestー!\(^ー^)/



…Well, Oi oi.


The second shot, your expression is too flirty, you(lol)


Be docile and do your writing (lol)



Well, we finished recording♪~θ(^0^ )



From here are business meetings★
With leader Takahashi Ai-chan~↑


Until the meeting I seemed to have some time so, where should I go with Ai-chan~? I was talking about it but,


Now I ran out of time(lol)


As it is now, I’m off to the business meeting (^o^)/


2010/9/9 17:38



Rehearsals are finished~♪


The picture is Morning Musume。 6th gen members!!


When rehearsals ended I took it (^_^)v


Cooperation afterwardsー(lol)(^o^)/


Now, we’re gettingfitted for our concert wardrobe o(^-^)o




Cute (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


Please look forward to it (●^ー^●)


Just, it shows our stomachs so… Sayumi just a little…(a little is fine right?(;_;)) needs to use get thinner ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛



From now, we’re recording♪
It’s just a little bit but,
Never the less, recording is one job I get nervous in, isn’t it?


Off I go♪~θ(^0^ )


2010/9/9 16:13

I had forgotten(;_;)





Just now, I was looking at the comments and I noticed it!


Today started the broadcasts of Gokigenyou(;_;)


I wasn’t able to announce it, how frustrating(>3<)


I’m sorry…


Thank you people who watched it(≧∇≦)


People who missed it…


Don’t miss it!eh!Idiot!



Well I’m half joking…





Tomorrow’s Gokigenyou, and next week monday’s Gekigenyou too, I’m appearing so,
people who missed it, of course people who saw it today, everyone by all means★Please watch it, kay?♪~θ(^0^ )


The pictures are Sayumi from today’s broadcast of Gokigenyou(≧∇≦)


A uniform-chic outfit, it raised my spirits↑↑


I like this kind o stuff o(^-^)o


Gokigen♪In high spirits♪♪


2010/9/9 14:43

The Existence of Mirrors



We ate lunch♪~θ(^0^ )


Somehow it looks like they made a picnic set(・o・)ノ


Waai. It’s giving me strength★


We’re continuing with rehearsals(^_^)v


Today’s choreography is very hard(>_<)


I’m following though it’s frantic(◎o◎)
I’m doing it while intermittently watching the other members in the mirrors…


Even though I’m thinking aren’t mirrors suppose to be for looking at your own face (lol)


Sayumi’s idea, has been undermined!


2010/9/9 13:40



Good Morning(・o・)ノ



Today we have rehearsals starting in the morning too――――――(◎o◎)


Last night, while watching the rehearsal video checking on things and
watching everyone dance,
“This is the chereography we had to remember for this day right?…”
Morning Musume。 dance skills are amazing↑ that’s what I thoughttttt





Sayumi is………


totally not good-ppi though ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


…I’ll・Do・My・Best (≧∇≦)


Today is 9/9… First-aid Day (KyuuKyuu = 99 as well as first aid) huh(^_-)
But, so that you won’t need first-aid,
take the time today to be careful of injury, k?♪~θ(^0^ )
I’m entrusting everyone to it~~(^_^)v


2010/9/9 10:39



I went to take a bathh~


Now I need to review our rehersal (・o・)ノ


Tomorrow’s rehearsal is,
the rehearsal for the songs we’ll be doing on opening day♪


If I forget something I can’t be refined that’s whyyyyy p(´⌒`q)
with that thought, I’ll doing my best↑↑


Well I’ll say earlier, I looked at Yuuka-rin (S/mileage’s Maeda Yuuka-chan),
she had written about Sayumi―――――――!
1-8 Sayumi, she called her cute―――――――――――!
So baddd, even though Yuuka-rin is cute too ヽ(´▽`)/
Sayumi, called cute by cute Yuuka-rin…Aah, already I could eat with this for at least 3 days (*´∀`*)
Thanks Yuuka-rin(^人^)
Somehow you seem like your doing your best, Sayumi!



That said, Sayumi had slept earlier so, perhaps I might not be able to sleep well but…
People who look at this blog in real time, are you already sleeping~?


2010/9/9 01:18

Oronamin C☆


Good Morn’ (‘-‘*)


Even though I said it, I was watching 1-8 and before I realized it, I had fallen asleep until now(┳◇┳)



aah, Somehow I feel like I’ve filled up on sleep at last↑↑↑↑


Maybe, now I won’t be able to sleep tonightttt (・_・) scary..




The picture!
It’s with Junjun(^_^)v


Oronamin C refreshements(≧∇≦)
I’m grateful~
Rehearsal over, the Oronamin C, Junjun tasting it just once immediately drank it up in a flash ヽ(´▽`)/← Sayumi’s Imagination (lol)
Actually, I didn’t see Junjun drinking it (lol)
But, I heard she drank it just like Sayumi imagined, Junjun!


2010/9/9 00:22



On TBS’s
Michishige Sayumi★gets to make an appearance!\(^ー^)/


I’m informing you but, it ended up being while it’s airing, I’m sorry!!!!


People who can see it, by all means, please see it♪
Sayumi will also be watching it from home now.


Sayumi… at that time, was being a really cutesy gir——l!





…Well, isn’t that always?(lol)



So that’s why you don’t like me(lol)


Even understanding your reason for not liking me,
this cutesy girl













Still, there are people who tell me they like this sayumi too, that’s why♪♪♪♪


2010/9/8 21:14



Rehearsal is Overrrrr(≧∇≦)


Today in spite of all the different things we’ve had to do, we finished a little early!



Or Well, Sayumi, has this one pose(・_・) she has to practice at homeee..



Today, anyway, anyway, was fun↑
In the end, when we were going through the song, I my spirits soared and I started shooting out “kya kya”(*^o^*)



Ah, it wasn’t all just shooting off “kya-kya”.
When it’s serious, I’m serious♪



Sayumi didn’t say kya-kya that much.


The reason why,



we were serious so…………




no, not that,


I didn’t have any kya-kya to spare, that’s why (lol)



I’m seriously doing my be~st★


2010/9/8 20:39