London Hearts!


Just now, I went to the “Idol Unit Summer Festival 2010” at C.C. Lemon Hall♪~θ(^0^ )



S/mileage and other idols, it’s like I’m sooo in a dream,


London Hearts, today it came on but I forgot to tell everyone(┳◇┳)



I’m sorry↓



Now!Right now!London Hearts is on. The athletic meet!


Those who can see it, watch kay? (^_-)


The picture is from the London Hearts athletic meet. I’m sweating(・_・;)――――‥。



I’ll put up my impressions of Idol Unit Summer Festival 2010 later (o^∀^o)


2010/8/31 21:40



Recording is overrrrrr♪



I really sang a lot♪~θ(^0^ )


ah~it was fun(≧∇≦)


Of course my main job is great~(lol)





Morning Musume。 solo fall concert setlist……




It’s hard…I wonder if I got the strength for rehearsal(lol)


But, I want to meet all the fan at the concert quick (●^▽^●)/”


So, I’ll do my best with rehearsal↑↑


From now~、I’m on my way in a rush ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛



I’m looking forward to it sooo much~~~so good (@゜▽゜@)



Ah, today, for the recording… I sat for just one song, and I tried singing.
They told me it’s the first time someone’s sung sitting down(lol)


The director said,
“Sitting and singing, if can sing well like that it’d be amazing”
Going with the flow we just tried it(lol)





“Stand or sitting, didn’t change anything”
He told me‥‥‥(lol)



So after that, I stood and sung♪


Standing or sitting, Sayumi’s singing skill doesn’t change it se-ems!


Well, if I roll around with it, maybe I could sing skillfully o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o


2010/8/31 17:47

ε=ε= ┏( ・_ ・)┛I rushed


Since I slept in, I’ve been very noisyyyy ( ̄∀ ̄)



Fu‥‥‥Now I have to calm down and head twoards work…


hurrying, conversely, ends up making the actions less effective right? (゜∇゜)


feeling like I need to rush, my body can’t keep up!
That’s what it’s like?


I felt like my feelings and my body aren’t working together.


And, I’m sweating…it seems (^_^;)



Well, I got plenty done in time for work so, I’m grateful~V(^-^)V



Well if I didn’t do enough in time I woulda woken up my mom though (≧∇≦)(lol)


If you had seen yesterday’s blogs, somehow or another I think you know it but,
we have singing work♪♪♪♪





Our main job, it’s been awhile, ww


2010/8/31 15:31

Eh…2 o'clock…



Good Morning!


Or I should say, good afternoon!





Sayumi couldn’t sleep yesterday, and was up till early morning so,
She ended up sleeping 2 o’clockkkkk (゜∀゜;ノ)ノ



I ended up doing that!



Being up until morning, I intended to practice singing lots too but…I could only do it a bit↓



And so while writing the blog I’m singing too (lol)



Haa~but, 、I don’t know how long I slept so, not knowing when I knocked out, I ended up sleeping on my face (>_<)



My face is


My face is


My face is



Swo Swo Swollenmin (┳◇┳)


No waーy.



Well today, at least there isn’t any photoshoots!


Or I should say, the picture is from yesterday’s Gokigenyou~♪


Everyone, Gokigenyou (How do you do?)~♪♪


Sheesh, it’s already the middle of the afternoon but… to a fun day V(^-^)V


2010/8/31 14:41

I'll Cure Tone-Deafness!



Today we shot two Gokigenyou‘sV(^-^)V



This outfit is from the second one (^_-)♪


I’m wore a casquette(≧∇≦)



You know right now‥‥


Sayumi, is practicing singing really loud……………。



I wonder if I’m bothering the neighborhood?


Loudy at this time of night…


And with my tone-deafness…(;_;)







“I’ll cure tone-deafness”


I told myself. Believing that, I’ll do my best continuing to practice☆♪♪♪



I HAVE to remember this song too☆



Somehow you know, this song,
Sayumi expects the next part to go in one way,
then it tricks her and goes a different way…





I wonder if I can face this song I’m not hitting it off with.. Tonight it seems like I’m going to have a long long discussion with it(lol)



Well Sayumi just has to match it’s view though huh (lol)


Musically, Morning Musume。 all of us are together♪


It’s no good if one person alone is on a different step, right?♪♪♪♪



Well, am I always on a different step? (lol)



Feeling like I need to match this view is a big deal though huh?


No matter what Sayumi’s voice has to be come out at the same part as everyone else


How selfish my voice is being!(lol)




2010/8/30 23:42



1 pic tbu




Oh oh oh oh?~~~



Just now, I was checking over the blogs I did yesterday on my computer…



Sayumi forgot to put up the two shot pictures with Junjun from 24hr TV!??



I’m sorry~(>_<)



Even though I had it taken, I really missed on this one!


Thank goodness I checked.


Well, yetserday, I was nervous with Lon-Hearts so I couldn’t calm down, that’s why(lol)



That said, this Junjun, her expression somehow looks a bit like Kumada Youkou doesn’t she?



Is it my imagination?♪~θ(^0^ )



I’m glad I put it up V(^-^)V


WIth anything, one last check is important huh!


well, since i didn’t check it yesterday whe nI was at home, it’s a bit late huh?(lol)


Sorry ”(ノ><)ノ


oh well, that’s ok☆


As long as in the end, everyone gets to properly see the two shot of JunSayu↑↑



Just right!←that’s so old…( ̄∀ ̄)


2010/8/30 23:16




Not Takahashi Ai-chan yo~n (lol)



Just now, I was watching Haruna Ai-chan’s live broadcast documentary!←somehow that doesn’t have the right order in japanese…(゜∀゜;ノ)ノ


Well, The nuance gets the idea across just fine, yup.


Anyway, Haruna Ai-san, staying on course, congratulations. You did a good job.



24hr TV’s run with Haruna-san,
It’s the only kind of TV that Sayumi watches often herself,
so it seems easy to say good job but…


But, I really feel it in my heart (;_;)



Even though you’re troubled,
No matter the harshness,
feeling you can’t give up, you can reach your goal! that’s what it taught me.



Haruna-san gets to appear on a lot of TV shows but,
She always comes in contact with me kindly, going “Sayumi-cha~n” (≧∇≦)


Somehow right now, I want to meet with Haruna-san the most right now( ̄∀ ̄)(lol)



From Haruna-san that kind of annoyance is fine (lol)


Sayumi well somehow somehow some~how、、、


do her best too↑♪♪♪


2010/8/30 22:34

The Cute Girls Smile



Today, right before coming home from the good photoshoot,
I took this picture with Mitsui Aika-chan yo-n♪


Aika, being the case that her main feature is her Mitsui-smile, has a cute smile!



Really, look much,


It’s got me~( ̄∀ ̄)


That’s how she get’s when you see her☆



Sayumi’s especially favorite one is,


during dance lessons, when we’re physically worn out,
and our eyes meet in the middle of a song,
Aika’s smile then!


It’s unrivaled it is(*^o^*)


Out of physical energy, it’s tough but, instantly Sayumi’s drawn into that smile too(^O^) that’s what it’s like!


Well Sayumi’s smile, dare I say it, doesn’t have the refreshing healing of Aika’s smile,
It’s a sweaty mess of a smile I think ッ(゜∀゜;ノ)ノ





Even during a song, I have to have the strength to keep a cute smile↑




2010/8/30 21:31

Road Home♪♪♪



I got to do filming for
Gokigenyou” V(^-^)V



It was fun o(^-^)o


Kosakai Kazuki-san is too,
and everyone else who was there,
and the staff,
It was very funny, and everyone was kind to me,
Happy!Happy!!They’ve made me as happy as I can be m(_ _)m



Sayumi also, wants to return something to everyone who’s given her this kind of kindness so,
for days on end, she wants to do her best☆☆☆


I really truly though that today↑


Now, I’m on the road home but,


There’s a Yakiniku shop!


Another one!!


Not fair!!!


ahh~Meat……I want to eat meat!



But, I’m worried…about the meat on my face!
(lol)←I can’t really laugh about that huh?


2010/8/30 20:28




I ate lunch↑



☆Spinach and pork with grated yams


That’s what that is(^_-)♪



The grated yams are partly to attract your attention (*^o^*)



Sayumi’s judgement wasn’t wrong!!!!


That’s right!It was delicious stuff☆ヽ(▽⌒*)



I talked alot with my make up artist and stylist↑


The☆Girls Talk!


That stuff♪\(☆o☆)/


ah~it was fun ◎^∇^◎



I’m full, talked a lot, and now—-!


I’m sleepy‥‥‥‥‥‥‥


What?, I can’t be saying things like that( ̄∀ ̄) continuing on, I’ll do my best V(^-^)V



Today’s recommended pun.


Eating Tororo, Make your eyes go tororo~n.
(Eating grated yams, makes you eyes drowsy)


2010/8/30 17:10