Reason It's Hot.


Today, I went with Kamei Eri-chan,




to eat ramen\(^ー^)/



It’s hot↑


So baaa~d☆


It’s delicious(lol)



Eri said a couple days ago,



“I want to eat ramen,”


She kept saying it, she really wanted ramen (lol)



She really wanted it so much, we were all pumped up for it♪♪♪


I don’t remember us saying anything else other than it’s delicious (lol)



Right now it’s silly, but at the time we were having so much fun(≧∇≦)


2010/8/26 19:22

Yesterday's My Outfit Check




it’s jeans & a T-shirt☆



This T-shirt was,


given to me for my birthday this year by Takahashi Ai-chan~(≧∇≦)



That morning, when I was talking with Ai-chan,
She saw the T-shirt,
she pointed at it, seeming so happy, Sayumi was also happy O(≧∇≦)o



Ai-chan has a good fashion sense that’s why(^_-)


This T-shirt also isn’t just somekind of T-shirt,
the shape is A-line? is that what it’s called??
Well, it seems to have the shape of a tower, it’s stylish!(b^ー°)



More shho, the design is kyuteー!


It’s a strawberry short cake!!





I’m hungry (lol)


2010/8/26 16:27



Dance Lesson finished very easily~


What’s this? \(^ー^)/



Sayumi and everyone, were perfectly prepared!!





Our dance lesson over, its a shot with sweat dripping Mitsui Aika-chan♪



It’s hooot huh?♪♪



From here we’ll be going somewhere that’ll get hotter↑


With who, and where are you goin~g?(o^∀^o)


2010/8/26 14:22

3D Ambassadors


This is a picture from yesterday it is.


It’s Sayumi and the other members appointed as 3D ambassadors☆


It’s a picture from the press conference~!(b^ー°)


These 3D ambassador sash matches the colors of Sayumi’s outfit exactly (≧∇≦)






So, Morning Musume。 are 3D Ambassadors but, but among us Sayumi is the number 1 3D Ambassador you know?☆ヽ(▽⌒*)(笑)



3D Ambassador Morning Musume。 from here on please treat us well too 八(´∀`*)



At any rate, today’s hot huh.


Yesterday the press conference was outside but it was hot (;´д`)



More so it’s still going, today’s hoo-t too!


Everyone, becareful of heatstroke!


It being hot is bad but, I won’t forget to get fired up …(*^o^*)





At the dance lesson, I’m going to go dance around fired up☆


2010/8/26 11:51

I'll Do My Best↑





I checked the dance lesson,



I also ate a meal,



Now, to the dance lesson→ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛






I’ll do my best☆



…to remember what Junjun was doing in my dream (lol)


2010/8/26 11:35



Good morning☆



Last night, while I was sleeping I couldn’t stop hiccuping…



I really had a hard time sleepinggggg (∋_∈)



Though I was sleep, the hiccups would wake me up, it was the worst (┳◇┳)



After that, Junjun appeared in my dreams (^_-)



3 minutes ago I remembered what it was about but, now!
I forgot(T_T)



ehh~h(;_;)seriously it’s frustrating…




You, what were you doing in Sayumi’s dream!?(lol)



Well, today we have dance lessons so, since the morning I’ll be watching the video, it’s check time☆


2010/8/26 10:20

A Contest!!




Let’s have a staring contest♪















Just now, you blinked your eye didn’t you?




Sayumi wins!(lol)


2010/8/26 01:28

Outfit Check


Broadcasted today,
the “Ikegami Akira’s Learning News”
outfit was this☆★★☆



Normally I don’t really wear long skirts but,
I decided to try challenging myself!(b^ー°)



How… how is it?



It’s a bit random but…
It feels like I became a mama (lol)☆



Outfit wise, it’s not like what I usually wear, it’s also new clothes to wear too so, I’m really happy o(^-^)o



Sayumi isn’t really greedy but…


Of course, cute clothes makes me excited ((o(^-^)o))♪♪♪♪



Sayumi, being able to wear skirts, is glad she’s a girl♪



More so, she’s glad she’s a cute girl (lol)♪


2010/8/25 23:51

Lots of Bags


Today, on the way home, I had so many bags, I wonder if I could pick it up with my hands (lol)




They gave me all the outfits I worse from the fashionable stage play \(^ー^)/





After that, we got presents from all the fans so, I carried it home (≧∇≦)


Everyone, thanks.



Thanks to you, my arms are red♪(lol)



I ended up using 4 paper bags (^_-)☆






It was fine bringing it home but, sorting it is gonna be difficult (-.-;)



It’s a happy kind of distress (*^o^*)




Little by little I’ve gotten letters from everyone too and I’ll read them, kay?♪



Ah, that’s right. Today something made me happy.


At the event, when we sang songs, the front row people stood instinctively but,
the people in back had a hard time seeing so they stood too.



Well, your kind thoughtfulness made me happy.


Everyone coming together in compromise..that’s…


It’s such a small thing but, it warmed my heart.





2010/8/25 23:22

Aika Beauty Parlor


“hmm~mm!I can’t decide on a hair style!”



………………That is, Kamei Eri’s outcry (lol)




and right there――――



Junior Mitsui Aika♪



“Shall I do it for you?”


Eri without delay,



Aika did it for her,



“there~look it looks good☆”


Immediate Kamei-san was in a good mood…




……………Thank goodness, huh? (゜∇゜)(゜∇゜)(゜∇゜)


2010/8/25 22:21