

Today, rehearsal ended early so,
I went to eat with Kamei Eri-chan as I promised (≧∇≦)



Eri, Seriously……………




you’re Soooooooo









I mean it in a good way\(^ー^)/



I let out a sudden groan,
“ah~Eri, this time let’s dub it like this!”
I’d say things like that…



She’d was totally clueless (┳◇┳)(lol)



♪Well, it was fun so that made it the best♪



I laughed sooo much!!!


Just being separated from her now is lonely (ρ_;)



Are we a couple or what?(lol)!



Or well, Eri, I’m really… into her!
“Sayu’s outfits are boring with all the one pieces,”
She’d tell me things like that (lol)
↑More over, she tried copying Yamaguchi dialect.←More over her Yamaguchi dialect is horrible.


More over, while we were eating,
“Eri, lately, you’ve been buying too much so this time, let’s not go shopping!”
inspite saying this,
When we were leaving the restaurant,
Let’s go look at clothes!she kept saying things like that, she felt full up for shopping…



Oh well, the whole thing was fun O(≧∇≦)o




Right now with a full stomach, patankyu *flop squish* (lol) squi~sh。


2010/8/5 00:26



It’s Kamei Eri-chan who ate Osenbei rice crackers during today’s rehearsal break (≧∇≦)



Seems she ate too much and her tongue started to hurt!


What a way to eat(>_<)(lol)



the back of Kamei-san who I can’t easily be managed by myself…



has a bad case of bed head(lol)



It’s her hair too naturally. Kamei-san couldn’t be easily managed~



I feel like Sayumi that this Eri likes a lot, can be easily managed by her though…(lol)


2010/8/4 23:59



At dinner show rehearsals…I took a picture of the 6th gen members♪♪♪♪♪



Today’s rehersal also went very favorably(≧∇≦)



I thought, the 6th gen members aren’t calming down at all↑(*^o^*)



During break time, the three of us ate candy, that kind of stuff alone makes it happy times!



After that, seeing two of us singing and, being able to sing together with the others,
that kind of stuff made me really happy O(≧∇≦)o






Rehearsals being fun are rare(lol)


2010/8/4 20:59


(DECO = forehead)


My face is so itchy, I can’t stand it, so I put my bangs up(;_;)



Sayumi, reaaally, has a funny face(┳◇┳)(lol)
I scratched so much, it got swollen,
I scratched so much, I’ve gotten scrapes p(´⌒`q)


This morning, I decided to be kind to others but, I need to be kind to myself too (>_<) Though I'm itchy, I'll scratch gently...


though now, it’s a bit late to think like that↓
Oh well, my face has gotten bad already(lol)(lol)



oh no, seriously―――
Today, all the staff together here for rehearsal…
Sorry for this unattractive Sayumi(;_;)Normally she’s a bit cuter(lol)




After that, I was sneezing so much I wounded my nose too!(lol)
Somehow even though it’s come to this, I’m smiling, you know?
I’m smiling cause,
it seems like wounds of my heart are shallow so I can be relax―――――――…♪




chychychychy itchy.chy chy. i…tch……………hold on, hold on.


2010/8/4 14:42





From here, we have rehearsal for the 6th gen member’s dinner show (≧∇≦)


Today Kayumin seems to have come to play a bit too (;_;)


And as a new guest, she’s brought along Michishige Kushamin-chan……
(Kushami = sneeze)


Waaai. We’ve got lots of friends\(^ー^)/
How friendly♪♪♪♪




That’s not it―――――(>_<)


mmmm.Itchy. ack, sneezing. ack…
But occassionally I feel better. ack.


Today’s busy too o(`▽´)o(lol)↑↑↑↑



Let’s do our best with rehearsal (*^o^*)


2010/8/4 13:38

Lost Stuff!!




Yesterday, something happened while I was on my way to work!


had in her hands the necessary surveys and data files for work,
she was carrying a lot.



Then, a strong wind blew!





Sayumi, not losing to the wind, carelessly kept walking forward!
(strong, huh? ( ̄∀ ̄)↑)


Then, behind me, an older woman called out,
“You’re dropping things! You’re dropping things! You’re dropping things! You’re dropping things!”
over and over.


No way, I wasn’t thinking it was related to me, I kept walking briskly,
The older woman, ran up to Sayumi, even though she was older she came to me(;_;)


“You dropped things over there!”


When I looked at where the older woman was pointing to―…


In the trees and trees and trees and trees were Sayumi’s important survey papersssss!


I had done something so unreliable(>_<)


I’m seriously seriously grateful.
Older woman, thank you so much (;_;)


I’m so happy there are lots of kind people in this world o(^-^)o


But, I need to really be more careful about dropping things! I decided that in my heart ☆(>_<)


And, if, the situations were reversed, Sayumi would also properly inform the older woman about the problem! That’s how I thought of it!!


Let’s pass on kindness o(^-^)oo(^-^)oo(^-^)o that’s how I think it is↑


So that the kindness the older woman had given Sayumi yesterday doesn’t go to waste…
Sayumi thought she needs to be considerate to those around her as well. \(^ー^)/



With that reason,
Today, having consideration for others, to the best of my abilities, I want to do what I can to be kind to others (*^o^*)


Let’s be enthusiastic~♪♪↑


2010/8/4 10:06

Playing with Bear-san☆


Continuing on—…


Introducing another cellphone strap☆




Takahashi Ai-chan gave it to me.



It’s so cute!


Though it’s a polar bear-chan, it’s supported me without getting too dirty, I’m grateful.
Sayumi’s treatment of it has been clean I guess♪ohoho(*^o^*)



The second shot…
I’m pinching the kuma-chan.
Kuma-chan handsta~and (^_^)v




The third shot…


be ar sa n




left alone!!!!


2010/8/4 01:27

Kayumin Byebye


Today, right now…
ON THE bed,、idling about all wiggly♪



Ahh,、this time is somehow so good ☆(⌒~⌒)



Today my face and body has been itchy Kayumi since this morning…
It’s gotten a lot better \(^ー^)/


Everyone I’m sorry for causing so much concern (;_;)
My mother had bought me eyedrops and when I used it, my eye itch mostly disappeared,
Michishige Kayumi, farewell o(^-^)o


Once again, it’s Michishige Sayumi.
Again, please treat me well from here on 八(´∀`*)



The second shot is,
A strap that I attached to my cellphone☆
It’s Hello Kitty’s ribbon!(b^ー°)


Hello Kitty’s ribbon looks good in pink,
Sayumi was engrossed in it—
I just wasn’t getting it-yai o(`▽´)o!!!!
Oh well,
Regardless of being engrossed, regardless of if pink matches,
Sayumi is Sayumi,
and in the end, she’s cute♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪(lol)


2010/8/4 01:08

Hometown Friend


Sayumi’s friend from when she was in her hometown of Yamaguchi, from first year of middle school; her super important, super loved, super popular friend,


Sayumi tried to call this friend after a long time☆


Somehow it’s amazing, wanting to talk so suddenly.


It’s cause this person was there, the current Sayumi is here now, you know? (^_-)


she won’t answer the phone. v(≧□≦)v



After 10 minutes, I got a return phone call!
The moment Sayumi answered the phone,


“I had free time before but, now I don’t. Byebye,”


That’s all I could say, then I hung up(lol)


Sayumi and her friends, always have that kind of relationship(lol)


This time Sayumi had it one-sided but, there are times it’s the otherway around,


Somehow it’s been like that all this time since our first year of middle school ^ー^)人(^ー^


I’m thankful for my friends from back then (-人-)


I’ll cherish them♪←If that’s the case、we gotta stop the one-sided stuff(lol)


2010/8/4 00:44

No Make-up☆


I had taken this during rehearsal today (^_^)v It’s with Kamei Eri-chan↑↑↑↑



Sayumi and everyone, was all so make-up less!(lol)



Even though there are kinds of no make-up,
kinds you can show and
kinds you can’t show.


Today’s no make-up is—–



close to the kind of no make-up your can’t show!!!!(lol)




Well then, why’d you show it you ask??



It was a test to see if everyone could stand Sayumi and everyone’s no make-up look(lol)♪♪♪♪♪♪♪(^_-)



Keep your eye on the no make-up beauties o(`▽´)o


2010/8/4 00:18