Usapi V(^-^)V




Good work on the concert☆☆


The concert was hooOOot↑


Or rather, the concert was really fuuunnnnnn↑(≧∇≦)


Of course, being at a concert is the best, right? \(^ー^)/


I love it♪


I sweat alot, it was so hot but, somehow that’s refreshing, you know? (^_-)


This picture is with Junjun.
Junjun is giving Sayumi an Usa-chan Peace ―――V(^-^)V



ah-Just now, I ate my dinner so super fast, my stomach… or more so, my chest hurt (lol)


I stuffed so much food into my stomach, it feels like it’s hit my chest and stopped there!




But it was so good so, there’s no problem!(b^ー°)


A feastー☆


2010/8/1 21:43



The first show is overrrr!



It’s a commotion(>_<)


After this we have a meeting soon too!




Need to dry off the sweat, fix my make-up, eat some fruit, change my clothes, and check on things…






There’s a lot of things I have to do immediately (ρ_;)


Immediately, what should I start with?



Immediately, I’ll eat some fruit,



In spite of being unsure,


It’s food―――――――――――! you know?(lol)



The sweat will dry up naturally…



UWah!Busy Sayumin☆
Being busy isn’t bad.
Heave-ho off we go.


2010/8/1 17:37

At Last↑↑↑↑


I’ve finally gotten my lunch――――――――!!!!!


At 1:05, I ate with Kamei Eri-chan(≧∇≦)♪


Thank goodness we got to eat together♪



The menu was,


Soba or Udon


But, wanting to eat both Sayumi, ate both (o^∀^o)


After that, a salad and Inari-zushi!(b^ー°)


It was delicious☆


At last, my stomach’s satisfied.


Just now, I starting lying down.


Munch, Sleep, Munch, Sleep, that’s Sayumi. I might turn into a cow.







Let’s enjoy the concert――――♪


2010/8/1 13:55



Fhew~Rehearsal’s Finisheeeddd↑


I’m hungry~~y(o>ω 

Getting set to eat lunch, Kamei Eri was sitting next to me,
“Wait till 1:30. We’ll eat together,” she told me(@゜▽゜@)




That’s another 50 minutes!( ̄^ ̄)


I-I’m hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry o( ̄ ^  ̄ o)




Hurry up, finish putting on your mascara (;-_-+


I-I’m hungry hungry hungry hungry. Right now Sayumi is just waiting for an hour stating it over and over to Eri!


Though it would be best to eat together with Eri at 1~


Well, whenever Sayumi has lunch, who m-ight she end up eating with??


2010/8/1 12:48

Since This Morning—♪


Good MornING…(‘-‘*)



☆From today it’s August☆☆


Let’s have fun a sparkling summer, kay?~!(b^ー°)※※※※



By the way Sayumi, today had eaten Squid sashimi(≧∇≦)


I love squid(*^o^*)


I’m a squid eating girl! that’s how I feel♪


After, I at another half of a mango!!


It was so ripe!


Uu~u Mango!The best!



Since this morning I’ve been pumped up!(Up!)


All right, let’s go—-!


2010/8/1 09:20



Starting today it’s August!


Summer’s peak (≧∇≦)



While continuing to keep hydrated to keep away Summer fatigue…


Let’s fully enjoy our summer o(`▽´)o♪♪♪♪


So that for everyone it can be a wonderful summer we won’t forget…



Sayumi, will have a fun summer, she’s not gonna lose to everyone else~↑


For now, tomorrow☆
we have a concert♪♪♪♪


Everyone who is coming!Let’s fully enjoy this hot summer with a hot show together, okay?(≧∇≦)



People who can’t come,
People who don’t feel like coming,


Enjoy tomorrow’s wonderful day too~.





2010/8/1 01:45

Michishige Sayumi


Today I had gotten this from Hello!Pro Egg’s Kikkawa-chan and Kitahara-Chan,
“A Book of People Born on 7/13”


The contents gathered include,
personality, predictions,
it’s got fun contents(≧∇≦)


Inside this book, is fun stuff!!





A “Celebrities born on 7/13” page☆



Really really really look!(b^ー°)


Wow. WAI.
“Michishige Sayumi” is writtennnnnaaahhO(≧∇≦)o



Too cool too cool.


Seeing that I’m happy↑


Sayumi’s face is famous too( ̄∀ ̄)



…Just joking。


I still got a long way to go (^_-)


But I was very very happy!!


Thank you.


For whatever reason, everyone, thank you.





More. And more.
Whatever it may be. Lots.
I’ll do my best \(^ー^)/


Michishige Sayumi will do her best as Michishige Sayumi!


2010/8/1 00:52



It’s Wada Ayaka-chan who I mentioned on the blog earlier has her birthday today♪


She’s blogging on Gree―――――(≧∇≦)


Ayacho’s Blog
With great force, please check it out!


You’ll probably get addicted to it!



Ah. “It may be true, just cause I go to Ayacho’s” story.


For every 1 Access Ayacho has, Sayumi has 10!!!





Please take care of me cho cho☆



Right now, Sayumi is looking at Ayacho’s blog from her computer.


As always it’s interesting ε=(>ε<*)


Being an Ayacho fan must be fun everyday―huh―――



Sayumi will definitely go to a S/mileage Only Tour too↑


Morning Musume。 managers who look at this blog,
Please help set up the schedule so I can go 八(´∀`*)(lol)


2010/8/1 00:33



The day changed
it’s 8/1…



Today is ahhhhhH↑↑↑↑


Smileage’s DA-WA-, Wada Ayaka-chan’s Birthday♪


Ayacho, congracho.



Sayumi is an Ayacho fan(lol)←Seriously (LOLLOL)WW



I can’t separate her and cuteness☆
I can’t grasp well her cuteness☆



Having your Birthday fall on a concert day, lucky.
I’m jealous(o^∀^o)


She’ll get to have such a wonderful day!


I really like her!


I’m watching over you!(lol)


Happy Bi-Ayacho♪


2010/8/1 00:15

Not Expected—–( ≧∇≦)


Today, while I was in the dressing room, one of the manager’s called out,
“Michishige, they’re calling you,”
they told me,
eh, who’s calling Sayumi?Could Sayumi have done something bad?


with that thought, when I came out of the dressing room it was scary scary…


but who was waiting for me there…




It’s Hello!Pro Egg’s,


Kikkawa Yuu-chan and,
Kitahara Sayaka-chan!!!!!


The two of them gave me a birthday present, “A Book of People Born on 7/13″(≧∇≦)


Why? Both of them gave the same thing(lol)


Sayumi was all over,
“Eh, what’s this?A joke?For real?Which one??”
I kept saying it(lol)



I was suspicious for quite a while but, they weren’t joking, it seems they really bought them as a present for Sayumi♪


This present felt unexpectedly sneaky(lol)





Kitahara for some reason mentioned,
“I read it earlier♪”


You shouldn’t use something you are giving to someone as a present——-( ~っ~)/(lol)



But still thanks.


I was really really really happy (o^∀^o)


They are cute so without thinking, I wanted to hug the two of them(*^o^*)


On the side,


“By the way, my birthday is 5/1″←Kikka-chan


“My birthday is 11/29″←Kitahara-chan


they told me~


Sly, eh?( ̄∀ ̄)


2010/8/1 00:03