I have to…


Good Morning!!!!!


Last night, I was working on things I had to do so I couldn’t blog ”(ノ><)ノ


Ah-things I have to do, surprisingly,
You’d think I’d have less now right? on the contrary,
more things, there’s more I have to do…
It’s rapidly increasing ーo(`▽´)o
that’s what it is…



On the list of things I have to do, is getting some sleep so, I need to get sleepー!


I want to be something who’s fine without sleep!!!!(>_<) That or, I want there to be more time to do things―――(>_<)


But you have time to think leisurely too…


What what?
Why can’t I balance well ”(ノ><)ノ "I don't have time what do I do?~~" "I have free time~what do I do?~~" like that↑↑ If I didn't think like that, I'd be able to balance life better! so frustrating (>Σ<)



ah~~I’m so bad at managing my time~~~(ノ△T)



Today, I’m going to do as much as I can, so I can use my time better and so I can make the day fun too!!!!


Everyone else too(^_-)↑↑
Let’s have fun~♪


2010/7/26 10:43

Toppin Dinner


The dinner I ate―――♪





Let me explain/
“Toppin” is…
A word used in Sayumi’s home, the Yamaguchi prefecture.
It means, quite fast! or hurried!, that kind of feelingー\(^ー^)/


People also say “Burutoppin” as well. Sayumi only uses “toppin” though o(`▽´)o


Well, when you’re in the mood to, use it everyone!!


~Explanation Over~
Well. Dinner.
I had eaten it “toppin” so,、I forgot to take a picture, this picture is it half eaten…
My apologies m(_ _)m


Dinner was salad and pickled vegetables and Mamamamacaroni and finally pork bowl!


Some things are better left unsaid!(lol)


I’m counting on youー。


Well, I’m on my way back to Tokyo.
I’d be good if I could get back home “Toppin” though―――――(≧∇≦)


2010/7/25 20:50



The concert is overpi☆overpi☆pippippi―――♪



The picture are of after and before the show o(^-^)o



This show I got to do twin braid beam which I haven’t done in awhile(≧∇≦)♪♪♪♪


ah- Concerts are fun(o^∀^o)


Everyone who came, thank you.


Sayumi, will do her best from now on too―――↑↑o(`▽´)o


well, earlier today, I needed to do something…
But, it’s something I needed to think out in my head…


While I soak in the aftereffects of the concert, I’ll try my bestー\(^ー^)/



For now,
I’ll eat dinner!!ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


2010/7/25 20:35

Super VictoRynLin!


Since yesterday, for these two days in Kobe, Linlin has been in the neighboRinLin seat for putting on make-up.


Today Linlin is going with a ponytail,


“Well done huh? Surely Ai-chan or someone must have done it for her, right?”


I had thought to myself.


To that point, after the first show ended, while we were fixing up our make-up, Linlin next to me was trying her hardest to fix her ponytail by herself~


Sayumi was SurpRi(sed)nlin …


“Linlin!You did that yourself!That’s amazing. You’re good at it.”


When I said that to Linlin,


“HAHAHA. Super Victory \(^ー^)/,”


that was it.



I see, I see. A super victory? Good job, good job.







What’s that?(lol)


There’s nothign super about that victoryー(^o^)/



Well when it’s Linlin’s speech, I’ll let it pass(lol)



While taking notice of Linlin’s Super VictoRynlin Ponytail…


I’ll go my best enduRinlin for the second show too☆


2010/7/25 17:16

Soumen Memories


Just now I ate Soumen~.


How nostalgic☆


When I was in elementary school, during the summer it seems like I had Soumen for lunch everyday(^_-)



In my first year of elementary school, I didn’t have my front teeth so, I wouldn’t chew it and I’d choke on it, almost kill myself, ya know?…





Having eaten this soumen, I’ll do my best with the next performance!


2010/7/25 16:49

Pride Gathering


The first concert today is over――♪


I was fun (^_^)v


That is, it’s a big gathering for Sayumi’s pride☆Open for business~~~( ̄∀ ̄)



With the first show over, the dance instructor who I’m always indebted to said…


“Wait a sec!Michishige……………











you did good”




Ehh? You gave me praise―――――!




Even though Sayumi usually doesn’t get praise from the dance instructor…(tear)(lol)




I was so happy―so happy O(≧∇≦)o











was happy↑


Getting praise after such a long time!
Lately、I really haven’t getting much praise…


Well, it’s not like I do things for praise, of course I do it for fun but…


Even then, in spite of that, of couse


I was happy (≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)


2010/7/25 16:20

Pupupu ε=(> ε





while you’re at it,


fill up♪♪


Today’s meal is,
Salad and hamburg fried marlin bowl(≧∇≦)
+Wakame soup.



Ooー!I’m so full(゜∇゜)(゜∇゜)



After the meal, I ate the summer standard, watermelon♪


The performance is at 2~(^_^)v


I’ll do my best.
Please treat us well m(_ _)m


2010/7/25 13:00



We’re rehearsing―――♪


For this Hello!Concert, each performance, has different songs,
there’s a lot on this rehearsal menu(lol)


Today’s hot too but,
I’ll do my best~~(‘o‘)ノ




↑I wrote that while we were in rehearsal☆


Right now rehearsal’s over(≧∇≦)


I’m putting on make-up(o^∀^o)


Sayumi-chan, get cute o(^-^)o


Wait, aren’t I already cute?(lol)(≧∇≦)


Yup, it’s the same routine.


2010/7/25 12:21

Determination Declaration


Good Morning!


while I was making a blog, I had falleen asleep(∋_∈)




What I was working on, I’ll blog here↓↓↓↓(Try to think it’s last night, k?♪)




I’ve finally been able to put a lot of thing in order~~!


…I have this feeling~~(゜∇゜)


Sayumi has decided↑


she’ll do her best↑↑↑↑



Worrying, lamenting,
Tomorrow will come, and times of anxiety will come,
But doing my best, I can get through it everytime!





It’s what I decided. To announce that I’ll keep doing my best( ̄∀ ̄)


This kind of determination declaration!In the Kobe night.



Tomorrow’s got a concert too♪ let’s enjoy going to it~


Well then. I’ll be getting some sleep while watching some of 26 hours of TV (≧∇≦)


I’m recording it so, I’ll take a better look at it when I get home(≧∇≦)




That’s it!
Uu…After that Oyasayumin♪ If I had just added that it woulda been perfect(lol)


Well then. In order to match the declaration I made yesterday, I’ll have fun doing my best!



By the way for the pictures, the first is from this morning, the second from last night☆


2010/7/25 07:30





We just arrived at the hotel, I can relax~~(^_^)v




Actually, I can’t…(;∇;)/~~



The various documents put out are,
surveys I was working on for tomorrow morning (・_・;)




though I’m in quite a rush(°□°;)



My neck’s been swaying endlesslyー(┳◇┳)



Right now!
Right now!




Somehow I finished the surveys(≧∇≦)





I can finally take a breather☆



I’m not starting anything else,
There’s stuff in my head I’m not sorting out but, first I need to finish the things that are needed sooner…



For the moment, Sayumi is going to give her concentration a rest♪


Maybe I’ll go take a bath(・o・)ノ



But well, while I’m not sorting things out my body has to be somewhere…uh, what? why? I seem a bit reserved,
that’s kinda not a good feeling at all(;_;)



Right now Sayumi is really anxious…



If I go to take a bath, I’ll start sorting things out yu yu…


I’ll do my best yu yu.


(yu: hot water/bath)
2010/7/24 23:42