UFO Catcher


This is from today, when sis-chan and I went to the game center.



This UFO Catcher had Bunny-chan’s that were cute and I wanted so, I thought I should challenge myself but,


Big sis-chan said
“It’s clear you can get them”
about it so,
Without even trying once I abandoned it…(>_<)


Sayumi and sis-chan both like UFO Catcher but we aren’t good at it you know? ”(ノ><)ノ


I’m jealous of those who are good at it o(`▽´)o


Occasionally you have accurate judgement, good job(^-^*)/



So, Sayumi’s back, somehow or another does it seem lonely?(lol)


2010/7/20 22:33

Today, Third Time




This morning and afternoon Sayumi had a blog entry “Forgotten Things…”.


The topic of the blog was the story about how I forgot things at home twice and had to go back twice(^O^)


And, third times a charm, I finally left my house♪~θ(^0^ )






Now, what is it?!


It’s, Sayumi’s☆Pens!!!


Today, I used them when sis-chan and I went karaoke…


And I forgot them at Karaokeeeee!
More over I forgot two of them…



UwaH. I was thoroughly deceived(≧ヘ≦)


It wasn’t third times a charm.
Of course,
It was what happens twice will happen thrice…
Be careful about forgetting things (;_;)


Since it happening twice leads to it happening thrice as a rule,
Let’s prevent it from happening twice, and limit it to once↑


Everyone else too.
So that it seriously doesn’t happening at least twice, everyone please be careful, kay?(>_<)


2010/7/20 22:00

Outfit Check


Today’s outfit☆


Was like thi-s♪♪


It’s a MercuryDuo.


It was really cute(*^o^*)


When I wear cute clothes I get pumped up you know?(≧∇≦)


cause Sayumi’s a girl♪


Today’s World Amazement News was,
of course a lot of fun but it was also,
a reflection point?… not so much that as it was raising my awareness V(^-^)V



I’ll do my best even more(≧∇≦)


Pleeeeaaaasssse let me do my best♪~θ(^0^ )


2010/7/20 21:40

Unseen Portion


So for World Amazement News, I had this small hat on my head that was way different than my head’s size(≧∇≦)


They had to give me a foundation so that they could pin that hat to my head♪


It was Sayumi’s favorite braids☆ヽ(▽⌒*)


As expected the braids are cute(*^_ ’)


This part that you couldn’t see with the hat is also cute―――――o(`▽´)o


Parts you can’t see that are cute are the most fashionable, huh♪~θ(^0^ )


If you talk about it that’s is the coolest but…


Sayumi right now incidentally wants to talk about anything with everyone(*^o^*)


Especially when it comes to Sayumi’s cute parts, at any cost I’ll show it even if it provides no explanation↑


So that’s why I take pictures of my cute self and show them♪


Well then, if I didn’t do it like that, it’d be a wasted treasure ~(lol)♪♪♪


2010/7/20 21:31

World Amazement News


I’m home, recording’s finished♪


“World Amazement News”


Was what it was for(≧∇≦)


I did two recordings(^_^)v


I’m so happy!


The shows title doesn’t betray you, there really is amazing stuff \(^ー^)/



Sayumi’s Cuteness is also something everyone in the world should be amazed with(lol)




8/18 is the scheduled airdate so, please watch it☆


2010/7/20 20:54



Some time ago, I said byebye to big sis-chan~~~


quite, quite long ago!!


Michishige Sayumi returned home V(^-^)V


Well, we didn’t end up going anywhere in particular but…(-.-;)


Being able to meet up with sis-chan, I got a morale boost☆


But sis-chan…


she slipped,
is what she ended up saying…



After this and tomorrow as well, I’ll doooooo my best with work↑↑↑↑


2010/7/20 16:31



☆The Purikura I took with sis-chan☆


This Bunny-chan frame for the purikura,
Sis-chan took initiative and picked it,
Sis-chan took initiative to do Usa-chan Peace,
Sis-chan took initiative to say “I’m cute”(lol)



As sisters, we are a lot alike♪~θ(^0^ )~~~~



If Sis-chan where to appear on TV, she might be the same kind of unpopular character as Sayumi(lol)


or, even worse than Sayumi!!??(lol)



-Recently turned
21 years old
-Probably forgot

But, in sis-chan’s case she’d be lovable everywhere!↑↑ Based on little sister Sayumi, they wouldn’t be able to leave her alone too(*^o^*)



Or I should day, in regards to this and that, Sayumi is also considerable quite fairly blessed, right?(;_;)


Somehow, somehow somehow somehow, Everyone thank you!


2010/7/20 15:54



After big sis-chan and I took purikura at the game center, we went to karaoke~~\(^ー^)/



Idol Festival♪♪♪♪♪♪


So Fun!


Our rhythm was off but we’re sisters, considerate sisters(≧∇≦)


At karaoke we also ate food.


Osoba and Curry☆


The curry was deeelicious(⌒~⌒)


The Osoba too.


If I had to pick one…




I don’t think I could decide( ̄∀ ̄)


They were both delicious――――!


Joy ☆ヽ(▽⌒*)



We have to go soon already(´ω`)Arararararararirureroーlet’s do it w(°O°)w


I’m gonna miss this(・∇・●)


The time left I have with sis-chan,
I’m going to enjoy it!


2010/7/20 15:37

Idol Talk( ≧∇≦)


Today my going out partner is―――――♪


The one I couldn’t help but want to see, my desired big sis-chan(^_^)v


I had arranged to meet with sis-chan infront of a shop☆


From sis-chan
“I’m already in front of the store~”
I got her mail,
I hurried over to the store, and sis-chan…



wasn’t there.


not there.




The plan I talked about didn’t happen.


Why aren’t you here?!
Where did you go?!
Sayumi’s sis!?



Immediately I called her,
“Ah- Sayu-chan I see you, left!left!”


She said, and I looked left, and I could see sis-chan realll――――――――y small in the distance…



Eh…not at all, you’re not in front of the store!
And Sayumi rushed over here like that(」゜□゜)」


We passed each other, my mouth hung open(°□°;)


Of course, that’s Sayumi’s big sis-chan.


First we entered the cafe, and the two of us ate bagel sandwiches☆


On the table, Idol DVD’s spread out to lend \(^ー^)/


Sis-chan and Sayumi are the same, we both really like cute idol girls(*´∀`*)


We talked up a storm about idols, being sisters we were really into it ^ー^)人(^ー^


We equally lend each other DVD’s we’ve bought while we haven’t seen each other!


Today is amazing!
I borrowed four DVDs and 2 CDs from sis-chan o(^-^)o


I’m so happy~♪



I have something to look forward to O(≧∇≦)o


Well―after resting a bit more, where will we go? (o^∀^o)


2010/7/20 13:59

Forgotten Things…


My Outfit today, has this kanji, chou chou chou ii kanji♪


Early, when I left my house the first time and I was riding the elevator,
I was riding together with the other residents, and the moment we reached the 1st floor,
I realized I forgot something, and ended up riding it back up to my house,
one of the residents was holding the open button,
“Go ahead”
but, Sayumi just stayed there unmoving,
“I’m fine”
they didn’t really get it, me(;_;)


For now it’s fine?
I picked up what I forgot, and once again took the elevator to the first floor…
there I noticed I forgot something else, and had to go back( ̄○ ̄;)
Just leaving my house, took way too much time(゜∇゜)
Instead of not really being able to leave the house, its more like I got to sweat a lot(゜∀゜;ノ)ノ


They say what happens twice will happen thrice so, I’m scared I might have forgotten something still but…


For now, third times a charm, I finally left my house noo——oow(lol)


2010/7/20 12:34