
Here we are after the France concert!!!!
It’s a festival festival~~
A two-shot festivaaaal ~\(^ー^)/


First picture ☆ with Kamei Eri-chan↑
Second picture ☆ with Linlin↑
Third Picture ☆ with Tanaka Reina-chan↑



For the France concert…
I had already blogged about it in France but…


it was just AMAZING!!!!


Honestly I was anxious whether fans would come to the France concert… (;_;)



But, before we came out, they were calling out for momusu,
“momusu! momusu!…”、
I was really really happy (≧∇≦)

When we first stood on the stage, a lot of fans were waiting for us…


I had no idea…


I had heard there were fans of Morning Musume in France but,
I didn’t think there would be that many


I was realllly happy↑


On top of that
They really knew our songs too↑♪


Throwing their hands up in time with high spirits, singing together、JUMPING ♪♪♪


It was super↑ fuuuun O(≧∇≦)o


And then!


They celebrated my birthday…♪


I was so touched!


Sayumi being born、
it wasn’t just celebrated in Japan、people around the world celebrated it with me。
That kind of thing is so special (;_;)


I was happy o(^-^)o


I really felt loved


Because lately I’ve been feeling so hated (LOL)



Thank you

At Last↑↑↑



It’s been so long since I’ve been home –ッ☆b(・∇・●)♪



Today, after arriving in Japan、we had outfit fitting (^O^)


and now I’m home !!!!!!!!



Finalllllly ~~\(^ー^)/


Ahh being at home is so comforting…


The picture I took of myself at my own washbasin is、taken as cute as always huh (^_-)♪ (lol)



The events that happened in France…
shall I once again update about them like a demon! (≧∇≦)



Come along, ok?!



How I'm feeling

I was sweating so much after
our rehearsal for the France concert (^-^;;;


It was the first time my hair moved so much
because I had cut it to just below shoulder length
even though the whole thing moved
it didn’t get in the way though
it only got in the way a little
so it was great (*´∀`*)


I thought ☆


The only bad part though
is I can’t make a pony tail high up =^・ω・^=


As with hairdos…


everything has its positives and negatives
so thats why it’s always hard for me to choose (;´Д`)
I mean no one knows whether it was the right or wrong choice
I don’t know either (;_;)
Although I think that what I’ve done up til now has been correct!


Although you can always look in retrospect
and see you did things wrong
or like people around you point things out
and you regret things after reflecting on it…


From here on I’ll believe in myself and continue to work hard!!!


But now that I have this blog, I can share my feelings with so many people
and get feedback from so many people


I’m so glad I have this


Thanks for always reading




Wait how did this go from hair to this deep stuff… (lol)


Well I guess it’s just that


since I couldn’t blog in France with my own cellphone, it was frustrating
so I just want to share how much I love this blog



I loooove it


Ahaha that’s how I’m feeling (*^o^*)


Here is me before our rehearsal for the France concert ♪♪♪♪


Here, my hair was all messy again ~~~


After this rehearsal though…



I was sweating so much (^-^;
sweat sweat sweat (^-^;


Also, it was pretty bad because I kept slipping on stage
so my manager took some scissors and
cut some grids on the bottom of my boots
and then I didn’t slip as much anymore…


That was what it was like at the beginning of our rehearsal \(^ー^)/


Ahh in this case
it’s not Fujimoto Mikitty
it’s Ando Mikitty (^_-)


Kyahaha ☆ヽ(▽⌒*)
Appareina ~ (・∇・●)
Appareina ~ \(^ー^)/
* Well done + Reina


Ya here is a 2 shot I got with Tanaka Reina-chan before rehearsals ♪♪♪

Fashion check (in France)

Here’s my outfit from our 3rd day in France (≧∇≦)


It was like this


If you have anything to say, please leave a comment



I welcome all comments!
Positive and negative!!!



And… start! \(^ー^)/

Mumble mumble

In France
I was pretty much sleepy all the time from the jet lag…


So like during interviews and stuff
I took naps inbetween…



…like this (lol)


This chair served as my sleeping spot ever day
and worked so hard \(^ー^)/


Ahh that felt so good ♪


Thank you ♪


Merci beaucoup (^_-)♪





Memories of France ☆
~ Food version ~


Starting off with our first day, the day we arrived in France!!!! ♪
We didn’t have work today, so we just went out to eat
I’m so grateful for that schedule (lol) ♪♪♪♪


So at that time, this is what we had ♪~θ(^0^ )




The salmon was delicious, but what you should focus on
is the side vegetables!!!!!!!!!! ♪♪♪♪


These zucchinis (^_^)v were sooooooooo good ~ (o^~^o)


Coming to France made me love zucchinis


Well, I liked them before though ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


Anyway, in the 2nd pic are some chocolates


Thanks to the lady who gave them to us at the airport


They were sooo sweet!


Since I love chocolates, I was so happy ヽ(´▽`)/


In France I had a ton of candies and desserts
but overall it was pretty healthy—–


well now that I’m back, I’m kinda scared to check my weight (lol)


It’s like working overseas but trying to guess how much you put on ( ̄∀ ̄)


and now how long til I can go back to normal ( ̄∀ ̄)( ̄∀ ̄)


G!u!y!s! Ahhh!
I!m! B!a!c!k!!


Michishige Sayumi
has just landed in Japan ~~~~ \(^ー^)/


I!m! h!o!m!e! Ahh!!


So so so
I was planning on blogging right before we left France
but I lost reception and I couldn’t send anything (;_;)


I seriously almost cried (∋_∈)
this was what I wanted to post before leaving France ↓↓↓


France bye bye!!!! (title)


We’ve finished our work in France (≧∇≦)


We’re done with everything now ~~~ (≧∇≦)


Kyaa kyaa kyaaa—!


Thank you so much!!


These 4 days in France have been sooo fun O(≧∇≦)o
I met so many people
It was so touching!
and I just felt so happy over and over again


I’ll never forget any of it (*^o^*)


so guys please don’t forget about me either


France ↑ thank you so much ↑↑


When I get back to Japan
I will continue to work hard and keep these feelings in mind!


Well ~ Now that work is over
and I’ve taken off my make up and freshened up with a shower


I’m about to go on a 12 hour flight (o^∀^o)


I bought some candy at the airport to eat on the flight ~ o(`▽´)o


To all you guys in France
merci (*^o^*)
bye bye (;_;)
I’ll come back again!!!


To all you guys in Japan
Were you guys so lonely without me? (lol)
I’ll be back soon ♪
So please welcome us warmly ♪ヽ(´▽`)/♪


Fwoo oosh


↑↑↑ That ends the post I wanted to blog before leaving France
by the way, the pic is from before I took off ☆☆


So once again…
I’ve arrived in Japaaaaaaaaan \(^ー^)/


I’m so happy!!


Japan Japan Japan
I love you

Risa Deco “Announcement of Episode 5′s winner”

Thank you for all your applications and feedback
for the Niigaki deco’d “ruler”!
And now allow me to announce the winners of the “ruler”!


Pen name
Nameless M san



We expect to ship them out by the middle of July
please look forward to it ☆彡

Solo? 2shot? In the end…?

I was doing my best to take a pic of myself…


but then Takahashi Ai-chan came in too
—– ♪♪♪(^o^)/




Thanks Ai-chan


Banzai for a 2 shot…?






Behind her ~~~~


Is Linlin Man o(`▽´)o


So in the end!!!!!!! A triangle shot (^_^)v