Okinawa Arrival!

Today is (≧∇≦)


The three Rokkie members (≧∇≦)


Kamei Eririn。


Tanakacchi (lol)


Sayumi-chan ♪


We’ve come to Okinawa V(^-^)V


V! (^_^)v


Right now, we’ve got a connecting flight to Ishigakijima ♪~θ(^0^ )


Before our first flight, I drank a green tea latte with an empty stomach, and on the plane the latte kept sloshing around, I got sooooooo sick to my stomach (;_;)


The air was so cold too, I felt so bad I thought I was gonna cry (∋_∈)


But, I ate some oinarisan so I feel better now (lol)


Empty stomach no more


I’m really pumped now↑


Good health is such a wonderful thing


This round, my health was terrible, but I countered, and now I’ve got energy to spare \(^ー^)/


Well, once we’ve arrived in Ishigakijima I’ll blog again ♪


Everyone, drinking a latte on an empty stomach is bad.
If you don’t want to share the same pain I had, when you really want to drink a latte, be sure to eat some oinarisan o——kay (^_-) (lol)



2010/9/28 09:51


Good morning☆


Today I dreamed my tooth fell out (;∇;)/~~


That was really scary (∋_∈)


And the tooth that fell out was really big 。。。


It was still Sayumi’s tooth, but it didn’t
seem like it since it was so big 。。。


That kind of dream (>_<)


was realllllyyy scary (;_;)


It felt scary,


and it’s so early right now,


it’s cold outside,


the temperature is so low,


my body is cold,


I’m miserable 彡(-_-;)彡


But, I’ll be in good spirits today (^_-)


I’m off ♪



2010/9/28 07:11


Just got out of the bath now and I’m feeling quite happy ♪~θ^0^ )


So ummm,
yesterday, I had my leg cramps


Still hurts right there (>_<)


No matter how much I massage it, it still hurts
yes, looks like even I have my limits↓
With yesterday’s live performance, today’s Hello!Channel thing,

and the dance lesson, I was really moving a lot,
and now, Sayumi’s body is feeling quite tired… (∋_∈)


Right now I’m getting a massage V(^-^)V


*cheerful* o(^o^)o♪♪♪♪


Taking all that tiredness out is so nice-nice-nice (*^o^*)


And tomorrow, I gotta get up super early, so I think
I’ll just sleep right here right now (≧∇≦)


Truly is heaven \(^ー^)/


It’s paradise! Only two or three more minutes to Sayumi’s future!


So, I’m off to heaven☆




Everyone, you guys will have some wonderful dreams right?


Well, seeing these three pics of a very cute Sayumi will
certainly be paradise for you right (≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)(≧∇≦)?


Right. Thank you (lol)


So, see you tomorrow ☆



2010/9/28 01:12


Today’s dance lesson is finished ———


Jun 「Kamei-saaaan。 Please teach me the dance」


Eri  「No problem」


Sayu (Oh wow! Such a wonderful scene!)
(Oh wow! I’m so deeply moved!)
(I should take a picture!)


Jun & Eri’s exchange was truly the ideal sempai-kohai relationship
that’s what I was thinking↑↑↑↑


Just once, Sempai Sayumi wants to talk with JunJun
and show her ———


……a weird face (lol)


O~i (┳◇┳) (lol)



2010/9/28 00:23

Too precious!!!!!!!! Change of clothes scene!

This is Kamei Eri’s change of clothes scene after her dance lesson……………..




I turn towards the curtain


Said curtain is now ripped off…………..


*Heart pounds* (´∀`)


Kyaa~i o(^∇o)(o^∇)o
Kyaho~i (≧▼≦)♪♪♪♪


The whole time Eririn was changing clothes,
Sayumi’s cell phone camera was recording everything,
and there are some pics here and there
that can’t be used
(well, I can’t show them to you guys)…


when I say here and there,


it’s a LOT of speaking \(^ー^)/


Mwahaha 。。。( ̄∀ ̄)


So these three are the pics I can use (lol)


This was Eririn’s shocking photos (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)



2010/9/28 00:06


*Sayu’s writing haikus in the 5-7-5 form.
Translations will not follow that format*


Full-on eating
a onigiri


I’m interested to know
what’s inside
I’ll go ask!


It’s chile oil
Take a look
It’s good。


Thanks but
the color looks
quite disgusting♪


※Actually, it really looked delicious o(`▽´)o



2010/9/27 23:49

Our own world


Today, we had one-day Hello!Channel photoshoot,
and I took a two-shot with JunJun (^_^)v


The whole time during the photoshoot, JunJun was dancing
to 「Appare Kaiten Zushi!」 Morning Musume’s collaboration with
the sushi chain (lol)


Just as I thought, JunJun’s way of dancing really
makes me laugh, I was totally cracking up!


JunJun was totally unaffected by me (o^∀^o)


For realz ↑↑↑↑


So I made a weird face and started dancing around,
And as soon as I made the weird face,
JunJun started laughing (゜∀゜;ノ)ノ


Our own world!


Maybe the dancing kinda put a damper on it (lol)


I think just the two of us think it’s funny, so I probably
I won’t put it up on the blog (・◇・)?



2010/9/27 23:31


I’m at home, and a hungry Sayumi (≧∇≦)


just ate some some sweets that Kamei Eri-chan-man gave me ★



I’m saturated with Snyder’s White Chocolate,
it’s a new kind of sweet


You guys know about this?
It’s super x 100 delicious (o^∀^o)!!!!!!!

In the afternoon, Sayumi ate a different flavored sweet
(I was saturated with a different chocolate, not the
Snyder’s white one), but


the white chocolate is amazing (*^o^*)


The non-white chocolate was kinda “bi-bi-bi” for me,
but the white chocolate was “bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi” o(`▽´)o


After that, Eri told me there’s caramel flavored ones! (b^ー°)


Since this is a really delicious popular sweet, you
guys should really try it~ ヽ(´▽`)/


You’ll get a “bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi” feeling ☆


Gochisousama deshita (≧ε≦)



2010/9/27 23:18

It's Non-fiction


Kamei Eri after the dance lesson


Eri  「It’s not here…It’s not here…It’s not here….」


Sayu 「What’s not here?」


Eri  「Huuuuuuh? It’s really not here….」


Sayu 「WHAT’s not? (Maybe…)」


Eri  「Not here…not here…not here…」


Sayu 「WHAT’S NOT HERE!? (Could it be…)」


Eri  「My lyrics card!」


Sayu 「You’ve got it in your hand! (Thought so!)」


Eri  「You’re riiiiiiiiiiight! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!」


Sayu 「………..(I’m the one that should be screaming)………」



Just thought I’d send out some non-fiction (lol)



2010/9/27 22:33

Sense of Accomplishment


‘Sup guys. Invis has got a lot on his plate right now so I’ll
be taking over for a while. Yoroshiku V(^-^)V



My dance lesson is finished OtsukareSummer♪♪♪


Since it’s a new choreography,
it was really intense (゜∇゜)(゜∇゜)(゜∇゜)


Really di-di-di-difficult ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


Today each member had a dance instructor assigned to her,
and Sayumi’s was really sweet (*^o^*)


「See? You can do it!」


is how she flattered me (≧∇≦)


She really got me pumped up and then, all of the sudden,
my enthusiasm started to come out, and Sayumi’s pitch
took on a much better quality (lol)


The whole day today, I really tried my best ———- ♪


Even though I was super nervous,
I tried really hard to concentrate,
and now I have this feeling of accomplishment (´∀`)


Ahaha (*^□*)


The pic is, me and LinLinMan after our dance lesson ☆


LinLin’s got this “uhyo~” face (lol)


I’m hungryyy。。。


Guess I’ll go eat some snacks Eri game me (≧∇≦ )



2010/9/27 22:19