Keeping Myself Awake

2013-05-01 14:17:45


Good Morningドキドキドキドキドキドキ



Today, I really slept but~[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



But, I’m still sleepy…





Keeping myself awake…






with afro[みんな:04][みんな:05][みんな:06]








Dance☆man Sayu, please support he~rドキドキ



Sayumi, when starting off with the afro.





That’s what I was like but, (lol)




As we were doing it I had fun and got all high energyー!ニコニコラブラブ




Today too, I’ll do my best with high energy~ビックリマーク


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Yummy&Yummy Looking

2013-05-01 01:03:34


For the 6th Gen Event,


the staff who always help us out


had expressly come to watch[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04]






I was really happyアップアップアップ



They gave usチョコレートケーキ a Fujiya cake[みんな:18]




It’s one whole one, Kyahho~i[みんな:05][みんな:06]





It was yummyー[みんな:07]



speaking of Yummy!ーーーキラキラ



The earring I had on today[みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]



It looked veーry yummy[みんな:11]キャンディー



The colors, they look like Alice’s Cheshire cat, theyr’e oneo f my favorites[みんな:19]








So cute huhドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ



The earrings[みんな:12]



me wearing them…[みんな:13][みんな:14]











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6th Gen, the Legendary Strongest…

2013-04-30 22:14:32


The 6th Gen event is overrr[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04]




Woo, it was really very funーーー[みんな:05]



I still wanted to talk more…


If there were more time it’d have been greatーーーーあせる



I felt like talkign with Reina is really funドキドキ



Even though the two of us are opposites[みんな:06][みんな:07][みんな:08]


It’s marvelous huh…!



At the event, as a suprise,


Our gen-mate 6th Gen members


Fujimoto Miki-san had a VTR message,


and we got a letter from Kamei Eri-chan too[みんな:09]



Yesterday I mailed with Eri as usual too and yet,


Unexpected we got this letterrrr[みんな:10]



Really, thanksドキドキ



This time, there was this Sayumi designed Tshirt[みんな:11]









Doggy (Ankun)→Fujimoto-sanドキドキ



The four of us as 6th gen… we included it to mean that[みんな:12]




『Rokki Saikyou Densetsu Zoku (tl: 6th Gen, The Legendary Strongest continues)』



Fujimoto-san and Eri are done,


and Reina on 5/21 is graduating too but,


forever the 6th gen will continue to be the strongest… that’s what it meansキラキラ



Thank you so much[みんな:13][みんな:14]





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2013-04-30 13:00:10


Good Afternoon[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



Yesterady, after seeing the play, with Harunanー,


we went to eat音譜アップ




We ate nabe hotpot tooードキドキ




It was really yummyチョキ



With Harunan, this was our first time hanging out in private晴れ


Doing purkura too[みんな:04][みんな:05]



It was a fun day[みんな:06][みんな:07]


Today, let’s have another fun day that won’t lose out to yesterday恋の矢恋の矢恋の矢


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Moshimo Kokumin ga Shushou wo Erandara

2013-04-29 20:59:20




The play,
「Moshimo Kokumin ga Shushou wo Erandara (tl: If the nation chose a prime minister)」
I went to see it[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]


I went with Harunanドキドキドキドキ音譜


Takahashi Aichan,


and Ishikawa Rika-san,


I got a picture taken with themーーー[みんな:04]


Getting to hear
“Congratulations on first place!”
directly from Ishikawa-san an Aichan, made me really happy[みんな:08]



And nothers from Hello!Pro,


S/mileage’s Fukuda Kanon-chan,
Wada Ayaka-chan,


juice=juice’s Miyamoto Karin-chan, Uemura Akari-chan were in it too!!



Ayaka-chan’s pantsuit look was wonderfulキラキラ


Kanon-chan’s acting is really good[みんな:09] Amazing[みんな:10][みんな:11]


The two of them from juice=juice, have a very sharp airs to them you know[みんな:05][みんな:06][みんな:07]



I couldn’t take picture with S/mileage and juice=juiceあせるあせるあせる


Well if I have the chance againドキドキ



Evーeryone was really cute,



Politic talk is a bit difficult but,



There were lotsof places to laugh too,



And, it was impressive !!



Aichan’s crying performance…



of course was awesomeアップアップアップアップ







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2013-04-29 13:50:37
Theme:Morning Musume。


Good Afternoonー


The other day, when I was in Sendai, I bought souveniorsおうし座Beef tongueおうし座



I grilled it~ドキドキ







It was[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



And, did I put this up?


The salad Sayumi made the other day[みんな:04]



Sayumi’s deluxe salad[みんな:05]



It’s just adequate though(lol)



Thin striped cabbage, cucumbers, and grilled wieners


dressed with mayonnaise



Just spread above the lettuce[みんな:06]



Well, and above that too more mayonnaise[みんな:07]


It’s a salad but,


it’s calorie heavenドキドキ



Really, when I put chikuwa in it too, it was more deliciousドキドキドキドキドキドキビックリマーク



And, with cherry tomatos too it would be a good showビックリマーク



Let’s take in all the vegetablesビックリマークビックリマークビックリマーク



while being good, it’s Assari Shokora NOWアップ




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2013-04-29 10:42:32
Theme:Morning Musume。


Good Morning[みんな:01]




At the live dressing room



often coming to the seat next to Sayumi



Satou Maーchan[みんな:02]



This Maーchan



is Maーchan who has days where she hates the camera[みんな:03]



And so,


the four rapid shot,


was a self-shot,


and during that run,


I got Satou[みんな:04][みんな:05][みんな:06]



A great smile(lol)




in the run Satou took,


inside is RihoRiho too音譜


RihoRiho midway through noticed and gave a smirk[みんな:07]



Everyones cuteドキドキ


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2013-04-28 22:37:33


Morning Musume。’s Tanaka Reina-chan’s pure vocal,


formation bandビックリマーク





They appear in this Morning Musume。 concert too but,


Before these LoVendoЯ member,
I got to take a picture together[みんな:01]


From the left,


Guitar 魚住有希(Uozu Miyuki)-chanドキドキ


Sayumi betwene then, and next ot her,


Guitar 宮澤茉凛(Miyazawa Marin)-chanドキドキ


With Reina as twin vocal 岡田万里奈(Okada Marina)-chanドキドキ



That’s them[みんな:02]



Everyone is really mature, and feel sexy too but,


All the members,


are younger than Sayumiービックリマーク恋の矢



Everyone’s reallーy mature,
and guitar & singing is really very good,


But when they’re MC, they’re pretty funnyー音譜



I feel so fascinated by them when they’re there[みんな:03]



Reina singing as LoVendoЯ,


Feels a bit different from Reina in Morning Musume。 too[みんな:04][みんな:05]


Reina’s Morning Musume。 graduation is already not even in a month huh….
It’s kinda mysterious[みんな:06]



But well[みんな:07][みんな:08][みんな:09]
First!!!! The day after tomorrow


look forward to the two 6th Gen eventーーーーーードキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ






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