
2013-04-14 12:50:48


Today is concerts音譜音譜



Now, we’ve finished with vocals and stretchingーーーーー



Some free time NOW[みんな:01]





did you realize itはてなマーク



Sayumi’s been wearing this hoodie since yesterday,



It’s Reina’s produced hoodie[みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04]



It’s Super~cute~huh[みんな:05][みんな:06]



Before it wasa finished, when I was shown the design sketches from Reina,


“When it’s done, toーーーtally give me one kayビックリマーク


I requested[みんな:07]



For the hoodーーーキラキラ









are attached[みんな:09]






Or horns?[みんな:10]





(Ameblo Original URL)


2013-04-14 11:13:13


~Ganryuujima happening~



It seems that Ganryuujima was the place where Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojirou had their duelキラキラ


There there’s a drawing of duel between the two[みんな:01]




We tried to imitate it too[みんな:02]



We auditioned who’d take the right role~[みんな:03]



Sayumi→Miyamoto Musashi
Harunan→Sasaki Kojirou




Next is the opposite[みんな:05]




How is itはてなマーク



Of the two of us,


Harunan’s jumping power was amazing so,



the second shot is better huh[みんな:06]



that’s how it was but…



would everyone have the same opinion too?~!?



Well, we usually don’t jump and stuff but,
that day we were really high spirited[みんな:07]



For today’s concerts too, in high spirits, we’ll do our best長音記号2長音記号2アップ



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Good Girls♪

2013-04-13 22:25:17
Theme:Morning Musume。


Good Work Everyoーne[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



Today you know,


For the concert’s evening show, from he middle I had braids but,



At the end of the concert those braids had come off,



Well, it ended up being a messy what they’d call a poor-person’s perm[みんな:04] and…



seeing Sayumi like that,



Morning’s number 1 skilled praiser Iikubo Harunan wentーーー[みんな:05][みんな:06][みんな:07]





you look like a mermaidドキドキドキドキドキドキ


can I take a picture?ドキドキ



She said[みんな:08]



You crack me up, Harunaーn!



Even Ishida Ayumi-chan too,



“You’re a beautyー!”



she said to me~キラキラ






Just such good girls[みんな:09][みんな:10][みんな:11][みんな:12]lol






Harunan who prased Sayumi’s poor-person perm saying it looked like a mermaidドキドキ, her hairdo…









Her forehead fully exposeeed with an odangoooo[みんな:13][みんな:14][みんな:15][みんな:16]


Without making, with this kind of cuteness[みんな:17]




The reason she’s showing a 『6』 figur with her hand is,


The size of her forehead seems that it’s 6.5cm that’s why~[みんな:18]



That Harunan to have measured, so funnyーーー[みんな:19][みんな:20]



Sayumi, I wonder how many cm her’s isーーー[みんな:21]


If there’s a chance to measure it, I’ll report the resultsーーードキドキ





My bangs might have grownーーー[みんな:22]




(Ameblo Original URL)


2013-04-13 20:06:47
Theme:Morning Musume。


Good Eveningーーー[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



Today is, concerts at Aichi prefecture’s Gamagoori city音譜音譜音譜



Speaking of Aichi prefecture[みんな:04]


This one’s comes from Aichi prefecture[みんな:05]



Suzuki Kanon-cha~nn[みんな:06][みんな:07]



Today, more than usual it felt like a Suzuki Smile Explosion[みんな:08] you knowラブラブ



I said it during the last MC too but,


Suzuki, her expression while performing songs and her behavior is really sweetドキドキドキドキ


Without thinking, she smiles to that extent…[みんな:15]



Snacks from Suzuki’s family[みんな:09][みんな:10]







Reina and I, the two of us,


with the chocolate cake and,


the mille feuille,


we split it with each other and ate itラブラブアップ



It was very, yummy[みんな:11]




Again today, at the concerts, I got to have a fun time, it was a delight[みんな:12][みんな:13]


Every~one, to each and everyone of you, thanks[みんな:14]




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Good Morning♪

2013-04-13 08:34:16


Good Morning[みんな:01][みんな:02]


Today, we’re going to Aichi prefectureーラブラブ



Aー…Today, I thought I wonder if it’s warm,


and then I dressed warmly,


and it was pretty chilly長音記号2しょぼん




I’m not losing to the chill,


thoughout the day either,



That face, scaryーーーーー(lol)



Well then, later[みんな:03]


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Oda-chan Blog

2013-04-12 18:52:46
Theme:Morning Musume。


Morning Musume。’s 11th Gen Member Oda Sakura-chan,


on the 10th Gen Member’s blog (Tenkigumi Blog),



it seems she gets to blog ドキドキドキドキ



I look forward to Oda-chan blogging[みんな:01]


Oda-chan, congratsー[みんな:02]



For the current Morning Musume。 there’s,


Tanaka Reina-chan’s blog and,


Sayumi’s blog (Doing it on both Ameblo and Gree音譜) and,



9th Gen Members Blog (Qki Blog) and,


10th Gen Members and Oda Sakura-chan blog (Tenkigumi Blog)[みんな:03][みんな:04]



On the blogs we can report our own feelings and work and stuff, and put up pictures, it’s an amazing thing huh[みんな:05][みんな:06]



From here on please continue to support us tooチョキ





(Ameblo Original URL)


2013-04-12 14:38:34


When sightseeing in Yamaguchi prefecture, we went to Ganryuujima!!


We rode a boat heading to Ganryuujima音譜



We arrived at Ganryuujima~アップアップアップ



Arriving at Ganryuujima, here’s the first picture I took[みんな:01]


Harunan in front of some white building…



This is,



in Ganryuujima…



it’s a lavatory[みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04]



Showing Harunan this picture


“I, I look like I’m going to the lavatory huh…[みんな:05],”


she said,



for sureeee~ビックリマークビックリマークビックリマーク



In actuality she wasn’t at all (lol)


I took all kinds of other pictures too~[みんな:06][みんな:07][みんな:08]




A picture of Harunan taking a picture↓




Good Girl Harunan wafting in the breeze[みんな:09][みんな:10]


We were only there for 10 minutes but,


it was really fun[みんな:11][みんな:12]


(Ameblo Original URL)

Ice Cream♥

2013-04-12 14:03:53


The ice cream shop from Yamaguchi prefecture and close to Ichibaソフトクリーム




I ate some with Harunan~ラブラブラブラブラブラブ



The Harunan buying ice cream from start to end~↓↓↓


The last one,


a “Coolーーーーdビックリマークビックリマークビックリマーク






Ice cream in the cold,


For some reason it’s yummy[みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]




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Tou no Ue no Rapunzel

2013-04-11 18:57:55


Lately, I’ve been totally into and watched countless times, this DVD[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



☆Tou no Ue no Rapunzel (tl: Rapunzel of the Top of the Tower, AKA Tangled)☆



It’s funny~アップアップアップ



Rapunzel is so cuteeeドキドキ



How she talked is cute, and cause of that,


her singing voice is so pretty[みんな:04][みんな:05]



It warms my heart~ドキドキ



This tale, the story became like a musical, right in the middle of talking they kept bursting into song[みんな:06]



Even watching it so many times, I really never tire of it[みんな:07][みんな:08]



With Big sis-chan too we play around doing imitations of Rapunzels songs[みんな:12](We don’t sound like her at all though…)


Reallyー I’m totally into Rapunzel~[みんな:09][みんな:10][みんな:11]



Imitating the post from Rapunzel on the DVD packageドキドキ






Facing the opposite way[みんな:13][みんな:14][みんな:15]


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