
2014-06-29 09:46:12










Good morning:)





I happened to meet this cute kid here♡


The kid is half Japanese and Kiwi(New Zealanders are called Kiwi♪)♡♡
A real cutieっ♡꒰●´3`꒱~♪



This kids nickname is Keke♡ hehe
Cute♡ hehe


I think New Zealand is really a good environment for kids♪♪



The ground they have park equipment on is soft, with sawdust spread about, safe, the air is clean, and there are lots of animals around (*´-ω-)♪


Keke likes sheep, when seeing sheep,
Keke will say “Sheepy sheepy(・∀・)♡”♡


Using both Japanese and English♡
Being able to comprehend and speak both from childhood, I’m jealous…(。・_・。)♡

















And then, in New Zealand, I got to feel the birth of a new small life.


Host Mama’s friend’s baby♡♡
Really small, with no teeth; nose, ears, hands, legs, all so small, so cute♪


This picture was when the baby was 2 days old!


It was the first time seeing a baby 2 days after birth♡
Unbelievably I got to see one where I’m studying abroad (。・_・。)!♡



I got to be really good friends with the kids Mama-san too, she had to handle her childbirth for an amazingly long time. About 2 days I think.
I still can’t even imagine the pain and severity (/_<。)


The joy of giving birth to baby and at the same time, the Mama being safe, I’m glad.





I wanna play with that kid soon too ♡








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2014-06-22 12:24:06








Going out with Aichan for the first time in awhileーーー♡








It was very fun♡♡
Aichan gave me these heart piercings (^_-)♡









(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-06-22 11:50:11












While I went to Hawaii, my school friends did this waiting for me (T_T)♡


They were counting till my return.
It makes me happy you know (。í _ ì。)♪ lol


This 「Aika」 my friends wrote too♡
It’s cute huh(*^^*)♪♪






While I went to Hawaii, I used nothing but Japanese so, Everyone gave me their support with phone calls and mail so I could keep up with my (๑´•.̫ • `๑)♪






Thank youuu♡(*´-ω-)










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Wedding party:)

2014-06-22 10:33:31










Aichan and Abe-san’s handmade name badge and message cards ♡


[tl note: Message says: “To Aika, really thank you so much for coming all the way to Hawaii this time!!! From here one please continue to support us]


Such a cute badge♪ It’s amazing huh♡♡
It’s so cute I wanted to order some‼︎♡





Abe-san naturally being host (lol)
he was funny♡(*´-ω-)



The wedding cake full of yellow plumeria is cute too♡
The 2 of them cutting the cake♡







And, there was a Buffet so…♡


Like this♡ hehehe


But, it’s just vegetables, fruits, and meat♡









Everyone, maybe you noticed⁇


Aika, 5 to 1 she’s gotten chubbier…lol



Or rather since I’ve gotten chubbier ♡ hehehe
I’ve got properly thin out by the time I come back♡



Happy Wedding Ai & Koji






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2014-06-22 10:26:17













When you speak of wedding ceremonies, there’s always a bouquet toss!!!!!!






















I ended up catching it (T_T)。
I’m kinda sorry about it (T_T)。 lol
Even though Aika catching it means something good happening soon (。í _ ì。)




But, getting the bouquet from Aichan…♡
she appreciated it…(。í _ ì。) lol


Thank you so much♡Aichan♡











(Ameblo Original URL)

Been 1 Month (/_<。)

2014-06-21 14:19:13










It’s been a month (つД`)ノ
Even though I kept saying I gotta write, gotta write, before I knew it 1 month had pasted, I’m sowwy (T_T)




Is everyone okay?^ ^
Aika attended Aichan’s wedding ceremony on June 2ndーーーー♡
That’s right! I went to Hawaii ♡(。>ω<。)
I got to see my beーーーloved Aichan’s wedding ceremony in my beーーーlove Hawaii and well (T_T)!
It was delightful.









Thinking I could commemorate Aichan’s celebration, I took lots of pictures ♡








Aichan was
very pretty and cute, I felt really glad I went (T_T)♡






To see the proper holding of a ceremony, for me it was a first.
Sometime before I entered elementary school I went to my cousin’s wedding ceremony but, I couldn’t really see anything (T_T) lol



The church in Hawaii has a really good atmosphere, and Abe-san and Aichan’s atmosphere together was really wonderful♪♪♪



Naturally I teared up it felt kinda cleansing♪♪♪




To Abe-san and Aichan’s happiness going forward…














(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-05-16 17:35:02

















Right now in New Zealand, the scent of these fruits called feijoas is just delicious♡



There’s a feijoas tree in my host family’s garden so, the other night, I took a flashlight and picked up a loーーーーーt of themー♡♡
And, made 100% feijoas juice!!!





Feijoas has… this kind of kiwi like flavor I thinkー…(。・_・。)
It might or might not be like passion fruit too…what is it~…lol
It looks like an avocado! lol
Cut in half, I just dig out just the kiwi like flesh and eat it(*’v’*)♪
It’s a little sour, yummyEmoji


It seems the smells goes around April, May, Juneー♪♪
Coming to New Zealand during thie period, feijoas are everywhere lol
By all means, please try it (*’v’*)! lol









(Ameblo Original URL)

Hang on!!

2014-05-10 10:38:51

























The week before last I went through test week and,
once again I’ve gone up in class ε=ヾ(*~▽~)ノ!
But, it seems this class has lots of long staying people (lol)
It seems like it gets really hard.



and, it’s been one week since I’ve gotten in this new class♪♪♪
I feel more like I have to stuff♡









I’m finished with today’s homework tooーε=ヾ(*~▽~)ノ lol
It’s difficult but, doing it that way bring out my ambition, it’s fun!!
I did it with that in mind♪




Studying for TOEIC is even more difficult.
Today I feel like I should go buy a TOEIC strategy book♡꒰。•`ェ´•。꒱۶ lol
reading, writing, listening, speaking I decided I’m going to take all of them heh
Reckless huh? lol
But lately I intend to challenge myself so it’s good.(>ε<)ノ
I’ll be doing that until I take it in a month and a half! lol






New Zealand life has been fulfilling!
I’m making lots of friends, and going to all kinds of places♪♪
New Zealand has lots of nature, and there are places to hang around too so it’s fun ε=ヾ(*~▽~)ノ
There aren’t that many plcaes to hang around like that though! lol
But, in those places I can focus on studying so it’s good♪♪
It’s for Aika you know (>ε<)ノ lol



But, lately, I’ve gotten use to things, gone to the movies, gone to the gym, gone to other friend’s houses, I end up going out more so it’s even more fun ♡





I don’t drive so it’s inconvenient though (´・ω・`) lol




Boardgames with my host family’s friends ♡








Yesterday, I studied this. lol
When I want someone to wait I often end up saying 「Wait!」 but, it’s not like a good so, I’ve been told I should say 「Hang on!」 (´・ω・`)ノ
Okay (>ε<)ノ!







Have a nice weekend!!






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Michishige-san ^^

2014-05-02 14:16:58











Of course I heard (>ε<)ノ!!
Michishige-san is graduating from Morning Musume。’14!!




I kinda instantly felt lonely (´・_・`) lol
Me missing them, what do I do…(´・_・`) lol


I miss the members and all the fans too (´・_・`)!






When I woke in the morning I had a message from Michishige-san, what could it beー?(*´-ω-) I was UkiUki excited then when I looked at it, I was surprised by the unexpected report!!




Everyone was probably surprised in the same way too huh.
Announcing it in her hometown of Yamaguchi… it was done with all kinds of feelings put into it huh♪♪
Seeing Michishige-san’s blog, I was reminded of LIVE concert halls.




I felt there was nothing but true love for 「Morning Musume。」 from Michishige-san.
This Michishige-san also really loved being leader of 「Morning Musume。’14」♡
I respect her very much.
It’s too bad I can’t see Leader Michishige-san powered Morning Musume。’14 in really realtime (´・_・`)





And, I really wanted to see the Yamaguchi performance (>ε<)ノ!!





Of course, for Michishige-san’s graduation concert
no matter what I will see ittt(*^^*)!!




Until her graduation day, I wish for her to graduate with a Michishige-san style cute smile filled with fun (*^^*)!!
And that little bit sexy Michishige-san too!(*´艸`) lol






Have a good time with Morning Musume。





I think these are just picture I’ve already put up♪♪
Just pictures of us close( ´艸`)♪







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