Egg cake


I just had some of Sendai’s famous “Hagi no tsuki” ♪♪♪


It was egg flavored!!


Ahhh, it was like I had an egg cake!
Have you heard of it?
Egg cake
It’s something babies and little girls eat!
It’s egg flavored kinda like a biscuit, but also like a round sweet!
I love those~
Whenever my grandpa is at the drug store or something
he always buys a lot for me ↑


Because I mean, they don’t sell them at the convenience stores right? (>_<)


I wonder where they are..
I want some..


Yesterday, I thought I satisfied my pote-sara craving
but today, I’ve been hit with a new egg cake craving ”(ノ><)ノ


I guess people just keep on evolving (≧∇≦)

In a rush

Today’s bunny sayu ♪♪


I can’t wait for the 2nd show! \(^ー^)/


By the way, for that previous concert
I really was off key ~ (;_;)


As to where, that’s a secret


because if I told you, the people at the next show
would focus really hard to try and hear it (lol)


and if that happens, I’ll be so nervous
I’ll super super off key ♪♪


I got to be careful about the key…
I hope to have a fun 2nd show
along with the rest of you guys ↑(≧∇≦)





So happy ~

Our first concert in Sendai just finished ♪


Thanks to all you guys who came out ↑(^O^)


Thanks to the guys as always
but to the girls, we were really able to hear your voices,
I was so happy ☆☆(≧∇≦)


To the kids!
You were so cute ~ (*^o^*)
Oh man ☆
I so wanted to hug you guys ~
Hugggggg ~
I wanted to reach out for your hands ~


And our eyes met up perfectly too!
and we got to say bye bye ♪


I’m so glad that we have so many different fans
of all genders and ages!!


I really am \(^ー^)/




Today's lunch ♪

In my bowl is
is something called
Yamagata styled imoni ~~~ !!


It was soo delicious →!
The konnyaku was just as soft as we have at home
so I was really excited \(^ー^)/


the chicken skin was super crunchy
yet the inside was so soft
I love that flavor ~~~! (^O^)


It was such a happy time ☆


Well then, I’m off to make up now to make myself look cute
so when I look in the mirror,
I can have another happy time (lol)





Gaki-san mama

Today, after going into the dressing room
Sendai’s famous snack “Hagi no tsuki” were there!
Waaiii o(^-^)o
And of course ☆ I went crazy right away (^_^)v
and it looks like Gaki-san was happy about the hagi no tsuki too ~ ♪


by the way, it looks like Gaki-san’s mom
reads this blog too…
Yesterday she saw my “Souvenir list” post
and told Gaki-san to “Buy me some sasakama~” ↑
Gaki-san explained that her mom
“Can learn about what Risa is up to by reading Sayumin’s blog~”
“It’s very convenient because I can learn a lot of different things~”
is what she said (lol)


I was pretty grateful as well (^_-)
I’m glad I’m able to be helpful (≧∇≦)


Gaki-san mama~
Are you reading this??
Your daughter is being a very energetic sister-in-law
to me again today! (lol)




Sendai's souvenir list ~ ♪

Sendai’s souvenir list ☆


Yesterday, I asked everyone “which ones are good?”
and got a ton of answers, thanks you guys (≧∇≦)


I can only check from my cellphone
so I couldn’t see all of them though (;_;)


there were so many ideas! (b^ー°)
but there were so many, I can’t decide now (=゜-゜)(=。_。)
to fix that
I just went with the original 2 that I decided on!


That was the beef tongue and La France’s Zaou cheese (o^∀^o)


I guess my “firm decision” didn’t really get changed
too much after all (^_^)v
but all of your opinions
really had me going back and forth!
you guys are really good at persuasion o(`▽´)o



Thank you guys so much for your valuable input!!

Nice ~

Good morning (^-^*)/


I always say stuff like
“I might not be able to sleep” right before I sleep (>_<)


but when it comes to sleep time, I fall asleep easily… (lol)


so funny o(`▽´)o
so happy o(^-^)o



The weather is great in Sendai
in addition to that
my mood is also great
in addition to that
everyone is feeling good too


everything is going great ☆


Let’s have a good day again today ヽ(´▽`)/

Souvenir list

I say oyasayumin but yet I’m still updating ~ ♪


I just do things on a whim… (>_<)


So hey, check this out ☆
is my
“Sendai souvenir list”!!


Yesterday was our concert at Sendai
and we couldn’t go out to buy gifts
so the staff guys gave us a list to use \(^ー^)/


I was so glad. Thank you guys!


Since yesterday, I’ve been putting circles
next to whatever I wanted
and these were the items on the list


Beef tongue
Hagi no tsuki
Zunda mochi
Zaou cheese (8 flavors)


Well ☆
Out of these, which ones do you think I picked!?


I’m already pretty solid on my decision!!


As of now, I plan to circle 2 items ↑(^_-)


But if there’s anything you guys recommend, or something
I should take off (lol) please tell me ♪


I’m depending on your comments
Even though I’m firm on my decision
I may change, I may not, who knows (^_-)♪♪


So ~ guys!
manipulate me! (lol)


Today was our concert in Aomori’s Hachinohe ♪


Yesterday was our concert in Sendai ♪♪


we’ll be going from Hachinohe→Sendai via bus
it’ll take about 4 hours ☆


I was trying not to sleep
or else I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight
but aside from the pote-sara and curry rice
it was pretty much all sleep time (-.-)zzZ




I might not be able to sleep tonight! (>_<)


I’ll close my eyes for a bit ↑


Back in the day, my dad taught me this ☆


When you close your eyes, half of your body sleeps!
So if you were to calculate it
it means, if you close your eyes for 2 seconds,
you slept for 1 second!


I took a picture to show this kind of sleep
I closed my eyes for 30 seconds
which means, I had slept for 15 seconds!


Although it takes a lot of work to sleep cutely (lol)


Right now
I’ll be more relaxed and close my eyes and hopefully fall back asleep ♪


Oyasayumin ♪

Yoshizawa-san on tv!

I just got out of the bath→☆


Today, during the concert
my face was
itching the entire time
but after vigorously washing it in the shower,
I feel all refreshed now! (b^ー°)


after getting out of the bath
Yoshizawa Hitomi-san showed up on tv ↑


Yoshizawa-san’s hair looked like pudding
but the inside didn’t come out (lol)


Anyway, Yoshizawa-san was very my-paced as usual
and very cool, it really lifted me up ↑↑


Anyway, back to watching her ☆


I wonder if Yoshizawa-san will comment (lol)