Rakuten Eagles

Kyaa ♪


Oh man ☆


Whenever they get a hit
and score, I’m so happy my body aches O(≧∇≦)o


It’s like, everyone focusing on
cheering for 1 thing is so wonderful ☆


When you take everyone’s voices
and put them all together
you get loud cheering


It’s incredibly powerful support!!


And of course, I’m also
in that big group of people cheering! o(`▽´)o


get fired up!


Tokyo Dome ☆

Home run~!

Right now, all of Morning Musume


is at Tokyo Dome


“Rakuten Eagles vs Lotte Marines”


watching that match!


And also, we’re really close to the net!!


Oh man!


It was super super intense (≧∇≦)


It’s like the ball is flying right at me ~♪~θ(^0^ )
Looks like it?


Anyway, watching live baseball really gets me excited ↑




Good luck!


I’m rooting for you ♪♪



Hot green tea?

After the Himitsu no kenmin SHOW recording ended
I went outside and




Cooold {{(>_<;)}}


so I went to buy a hot drink ♪


On yesterday’s blog
and I wrote I was in the green tea group, so of course!


I bought hot green tea! ☆


…well not exactly


Hot roasted green tea! ☆


Even though I’m in the green tea group
I picked roasted green tea (lol)


I guess I really am not that picky at all when it comes to drinks


And when I wrote yesterday that
I’ll drink anything!
But when there was an alternative to green tea, and I picked the other thing
With you guys believing that I was in the green tea group,
I can understand your surprise (lol)


In conclusion!
I’m not in the green tea group after all
Whatever I’m drinking, it’s more like whatever mood I’m feeling for the day
and it just happens that most of the time, I’m feeling in a green tea mood


Which means
I have to revise my green tea group announcement from yesterday (lol)


My apologies m(_ _)m

Himitsu no kenmin SHOW

Right now
I just finished my recording
for “Himitsu no kenmin SHOW” ♪♪♪


We had some really unusual items from Hokkaido
but they were delicious (^_^)v


And that item is~!!


I very much want to say it,
but I want even more for you guys
to be shocked when you see it on TV


So please ☆ watch the show (^_-)♪


By the way, for my hair accessory, I went with flowers ♪


Cute huh, the flowers ♪


…attached to Sayumi! (lol)


Himitsu no kenmin SHOW
Air date
May 27th

What should I do ~ ♪

Right now I’m doing a recording for the show
“Himitsu no kenmin SHOW” ♪


Since I’m from Yamaguchi prefecture,
I’ll do my best to represent the Yamaguchi people!!


Right now I’m trying to figure out
what to do for my hair and accessories…


since I wanna be really cute (*^o^*) (lol)




Michishige Sayumi appears in 『FLASH』 on sale today☆


And on the 26th, Michishige Sayumi’s solo photobook 『La』 goes on sale!


As there were lots more pictures taken for the photobook, i thought i’d show you a little bit of what’s in store


Ah, I wore this swimsuit in the
『FLASH』 magazine pictures, so be sure to check it out!(b^ー°)


Anyways, I’ll do my best again today!




Aa, I’m advertising again(lol)
Well, better stop here♪


Gotta do my best!




Good morning♪


First off♪♪♪♪


Gotta wet my hair(lol)


That’s right.
For this pic, I tied up my hair
to wash my face so,
it’s hard to tell but
my bedhead today is amaaaazing again!


The length of Sayumi’s hair is down to my chest but
in addition to it being long, there’s also a lot of it too(^O^)


That’s why drying it is such a pain, and I’m always carelessly going to bed, so every morning it’s a mess(-.-;)


If I were to try my best to dry it at night
it wouldn’t become such a problem in the morning but…


No matter what, I always seem to take the easy way out(lol)


I should think about my future self a little more before I act eh~(^_^)v


Today is kinda a really relaxed day,
I’m feeling very much at ease (*^o^*)


Well, it’s not like I’m always fluttering about all busy but.. (lol)



I’ve got some work I’m nervous about,
I’ve got a lot to think
and yet today I can’t think about anything!!


I’m all out (lol)


Well, there’s my blog,
I’m using all my brain power for this blog (≧∇≦)


Blogging is so fun though~ ♪


I love writing!
I love uploading cute pics!
I love reading comments!


Everything related to blogging is so fun and enjoyable!


Since I’m taking it easy today, tomorrow I’ll get back to focusing
on things one at a time and giving it my all ↑


And I’ll continue to further fall in love with this blog (*^o^*)


Ahh I love it (≧∇≦)

3 musumes on site

Starting from the left
Mitsui Aika-chan ☆
Takahashi Ai-chan ☆
Linlin ☆


I heard they were studying really hard during the guide dog training!


You can really feel their strong attitude towards it,
it just makes your chest tighten up (*^o^*)


Depressed Aika?

Manager-san has already sent me a picture!↑↑


Mitsui Aika-chan♪


Manager-san said,
“It seems if there’s no dogs, Aika will be depressed.” (笑)


That’s because Aika reaaaaally loves dogs(≧∇≦)


We even looked around the pet shop together♪~θ(^0^ )


At that time, Sayumi
wanted a toy poodle no matter what.
So I went with Aika-chan to see one―♪


But even now, after about a year I still don’t have a dog!


But I want to have the experience
of taking care of a dog at least once in my lifetime.
I’ve already decided on a name, and even how I’m going to call it(^_^)v


My preparations are perfect(≧∇≦)


All that’s left, is to wait for the fateful encounter between that dog an I!!!


Kyaaa(≧∇≦)I can’t wait!!


That aside,
Will this depressed Aika-san
get to meet with a dog after this??


Sounds interesting eh?


It’d be nice if Aika could meet a dog so she’d cheer up(*^o^*)