
I just got back home
And I very much want to just lie down and collapse
but I have something I got to take care of at home… (°□°;)


Aahhh, I’m at my limit again (゜∇゜) (lol)


I wish I could push down this feeling (;∇;)/~~!!!!!


I don’t want to start working…


and I’ve binged on some sweets again (;_;)


Sayumi-chaaaan |( ̄3 ̄)|


What are you doing (lol)
I feel terrible


How is your stomach after eating so much?


Well, I’m feeling quite disgusted with myself (=_=Ⅲ



Anyway, I guess I’ll get started


Alright~ time to put some energy in ☆


Mitsui Aika-chan aka Mittsi is giving me a shoulder rub ♪



I didn’t force her to though


She did it out of kindness


I have such a good kouhai (*^o^*)



They really got along great


Here’s a pic of
Mitsui Aika-chan
and Hagiwara Mai-chan
chatting away



This is such a peeping photo (lol)




We’re done~


As expected after being up super early,
being super cold,
eating a lot,
talking a lot
I’m dead tired ”(ノ><)ノ


But it was really fun ◎^∇^◎


I’ll probably pass out hard today, it’s been a while for that


Tokyuu (limited express train)
Junkyuu (semi-express train)
Batankyu-! (clunk)

On location

Today I’m on location for the show “Bijo Gaku”
with these 4 here ♪


From Morning Musume
Mitsui Aika-chan and
Michishige Sayumi


From C-ute
Yajima Maimi-chan and
Hagiwara Mai-chan



We’re having so much fun on set! ☆♪


There’s still more locations to go


It’s super early in the morning, but everyone is full of energy!


Hagiwara Mai-chan is still a junior high schooler!


She is super energetic! Fresh! Seriously!


Youth is invincible…


That’s what I really think (lol)


20 year old Michishige Sayumi, I’ll do my best


I’m always watching you guys as you try your hardest


Peeking like this (lol)







Outfit and hairdo

☆ Here’s me as a Hakkei Island Sea Paradise breeder ☆


And my hair
is like a goddess? an angel?
well it’s some kind of mysterious style ♪


I’m supposed to be a breeder
but I have a bloomed flower on my head (≧∇≦)


Braids are just so cute!


Braids with a flower are too cute!
And adding me with that hairstyle, beyond cute!


Outside, the cherry blossoms are blooming
For me, my cuteness is blooming
For you guys, your irritation from me is blooming (lol)





I’m on location today at Hakkei Island Sea Paradise ♪


Everything just finished right now~


and I’m on the move to the next location!!


You can see so many types of fish at the Sea Paradise
it’s quite exciting isn’t it ♪~θ(^0^ )


Lately I’ve been really fascinated by fish and sea creatures
“That’s interesting, I want to learn more!” is what I thought
so for me, I’m at the perfect location (≧∇≦)

I mean, for fish,
there are fish out there that change genders




Isn’t that crazy (`∇´ゞ


The power of nature is amazing


Humans would need a surgery for that..


Nature is so mysterious..
I guess fish are pretty complex things after all
It’s so interesting


I mean, back in the day, I used to love aquariums and had so much fun going to them
I wanted to be a fish breeder (^O^)


I wanna work at Sea Paradise!