On site bentou

It’s finally lunch time ♪


This thing is huge..


My hand is kinda numb from the cold,
so the pic is kinda blurry


But focus on my eyes


My cuteness hasn’t blurred (lol)










For today~

I’m on site right now!!


I’m in a hurry, so here’s my outfit ♪


It’s quite lovely ♪


I wanted some spring clothes…


But today, it’s kinda cold in this outfit


Gotta get pumped up


My strength is already draining away


Gotta get pumped up


But it’s gonna be fun


It’s a good thing


I’m off!


ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛

Red eyes

My make up is done ☆


Today, my eyes are red again too…


I didn’t even get an eyelash stuck in there


At this rate, I’m going to seriously turn into a bunny ( ̄∀ ̄)


But today, I’ll be on location as a human from morning til night
so I hope the redness goes away (T_T)


Today, I’m on set for the TV show Bijo Gaku!


I’m heading over there now, so I’ll sleep in the meantime


so hopefully when I wake up, my bunny face will be gone

My senses…

Good morning (^o^)/


I’m sleepy (-.-)zzZ


It’s super early in the morning today


I got up around 4 am


so my consciousness right now is kinda fuzzy


※ I wrote down the phonetics for fuzzy because the kanji is hard to read
I am just trying to be helpful
Even when I’m feeling a bit fuzzy, I can still be helpful


Well I wrote that potato kenpi tastes like regular potato
but actually the kenpi is like sweet potato isn’t it!


I was looking at the potato kenpi packaging
and noticed that it is sweet potato flavored (;∇;)/~~


I completely trusted my tongue for the tasting there
and that’s how I got the regular potato flavor!! (lol)


I guess I’m a pretty faithful believer in myself (lol)


Maybe I should start doubting myself a bit more (^o^)/


Well, except when it comes to cuteness (lol)

Reporting the results

Here is how “not eating any more sweets” turned out!!!


I ate some potato kenpi!!!!!


But potato kenpi for the most part
tastes just like regular potato doesn’t it?


So that means
It doesn’t fall under the “sweets” category
…it’s basically vegetable!??


Well I mean, basically it’s good for the body
Yay (^_^)v


Although, at the convenience stores, they put it in the sweets corner
so maybe it is a sweet after all…


Hmm it’s getting complicated now…


Anyways, for today’s announcement where I said I wouldn’t eat any sweets
I guess some people may see it as a success
and others may see it as failure! (lol)


So the next time I’m by myself again,
please let me shout out on my blog!


Because it always reassures me
that when I make an announcement that I won’t do something
The guilt from all of you guys keeps me from doing it ↑


You guys have such power!


But if I were to ever break that promise,
please let me make it up by uploading a super cuter-than-normal pic of me ya? (^_-)♪


I mean, you want to see that right? (lol)

Banashi (horsemeat)

For tonight’s dinner, we had banashi


My mom put together a ginger, onion and cucumber
dressing that we ate it together with (^o^)/



It was so good (umai) ♪


Because you know since it’s horse (uma)… (lol)



Ah my puns aren’t that good…


I can’t help it though, I’m not a horse


I’m just a human after all




The differences in words

So today, I went and cleaned up my room!!


Speaking of cleaning (katazukeru)
In Tokyo
people say “katasu” don’t they


When I first came over from Yamaguchi prefecture to Tokyo
My classmates were like
“Clean this up” (katashi)
I remember that being so shocking ”(ノ><)ノ


Tokyo people
shorten “katazukeru” to “katasu”~
I was like, wow what a fix up on that word~
I should’ve expected from city people!! (lol)


“So I cleaned up my room!!”
there, trying to talk like Tokyo person (lol)


Also, I like how Tokyo people
say “alright” (heiki)


In Yamaguchi prefecture, everyone uses
“okay” (daijoubu)
But everyone in Tokyo uses
“alright” (heiki)


That’s so cool (o^∀^o)


So I’m gonna try and use “heiki” every now and then (lol)


So every time I use “heiki”, I’m trying to act like a Tokyo person (lol)

Yay (^_^)v

There’s no real reason for this peace sign


It’s just a habit when I take pictures


There’s no real reason for my cuteness either


It’s just my destiny to be always cute like this (lol)



Cherry blossom

Right now, I am at work!!!!


Something so difficult can be so easily…


And something so easy can be so difficult..


Well it just kinda makes me nervous (lol)


But if I think about it, I’ll be fine


that’s what I tell myself (lol)


I’m trying to get organized about this ♪


Anyway, Tokyo has good weather today ~


My mom was in high spirits when she said she was going out for a walk ♪


The cherry blossoms are in full bloom (≧∇≦)


Have you guys all gone to see them yet?


Before I joined Morning Musume
There was a park near my house back in Yamaguchi prefecture
where every year my grandpa and grandma and my family would go together ~ ♪♪
we’d bring bentous and sweets, it was such fun (*^o^*)


But now I can’t go with them, so it’s kinda lonely…


This wasn’t from this spring, but there was a mail from my grandpa
“Yamaguchi’s cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
It was so fun when we used to go watch them together.
It doesn’t have the same impact anymore when it’s just me and your grandma”
That’s kinda sad but kinda funny
I’ll safeguard all of my mails from my grandpa (^∀^)ノ


I wanna go see the cherry blossoms~!!


Well I suppose I can go see them any time


How you ask?




I can just look in the mirror
and there a cute Sayumi there with the beauty of a flower (≧∇≦)


It’s like cherry blossom viewing all year long ♪ (lol)