

The two of us wrapped in a towel…

















Teru-teru bouzu




Hawaii is cold? What the…?


What’s up with that!


Nah, I want to know what the real deal is!


We came all the way to Hawaii,
and we’re getting goosebumps (;_;)


I wonder if tomorrow will be sunnier (^_^;)


Teru-teru bouzu


Me and Gaki-san, do we look like
huge teru-teru bouzu?


Hope tomorrow is sunny☆





Playing with Michelle
in front of the mirror♪
So funny!


In front of the mirror,
I just found out that
『Yosh, I’m cute today too』
is now so much more fun (≧∇≦) (lol)
Kids are amazing♪
Their power is unbelievable♪
Sayumi really loves little kids \(^ー^)/


Me and Michelle played hide-and-seek too。


Sayumi would go hide,


and for some reason Michelle would hide too,


and by the time I realized it,
both of us were hiding (lol)


It’s the first time I played
hide-and-seek without a seeker (≧∇≦)(lol)







Girls going for cake


Delicious-looking cupcakes♪♪


Michelle looks like she wants to eat too♪♪♪


Well, let’s eat together then (*^o^*)









































Too cute


I met this little girl here in Hawaii♪




She’s sooo cute!


Smiles like an angel (*´∀`*)


With an awesome way of drinking (o‘∀‘o)






















It's Hawaii but…


Make-up is finished☆


Here is Hawaiian cutie Sayumi ヽ(´▽`)/


Ya~y ^ー^)人(^ー^


Right. Sorries (-人-)


In Hawaii, it’s been raining
and the weather has been sketchy。。


I wonder if Sayumi’s cuteness has
upset the thunder gods (^人 ^)

Okay, sorry again (.. ;)


I’ll stop already (`∀´#)









Time difference


Hawaii is -5 hours difference from Japan!!


It’s a surprisingly simple calculation (≧∇≦)


Back when Sayumi was in class,
I could do that type of math in my head
in a second \(^ー^)/


Simultaneous equations is Sayumi’s
strongest point (*^_ ’)


I’d like to try being a math tutor。


Ya~y V(^-^)V ya~y


Ah so,
here I am in Hawaii and I didn’t
do a Hawaiian style picture, sorry (_´Д`)ノ


Well, it’s nothing to worry about♪
From here on out, it’s gonna be fun♪










Well, we’ve arrived at the hotel~~(^_^)v


I’m about to take a shower♪
No peeking!
Just leave it to your imagination <3


On the airplane ride, I basically slept (-_-)zzz


But! When the food came, I totally felt it coming
and immediately opened my eyes☆(^_-)♪


Oh and, on the plane ride over, I felt my face
getting swollen…(┳◇┳)


Can someone please comfort a swollen Sayumi (;_;)


And don’t comfort me by saying,
“We’ll you’re swollen all the time
so don’t worry about it”












Arrived in Hawaii~~~!


Can use my phone~~~!


Can write on my blog~~~!


Sayumi is cute~~~!


that last one was an American joke♪(lol)


I wonder what time it is in Japan…
I feel the time difference but,
I can’t calculate time difference,
like what time it is in Japan,
and since I write on my blog at any time,
everyone just follow along! (b^ー°)


And anyway,


If I don’t say that,
then I can’t start my trip! (b^ー°)