Watermelon Sorbet


We’re on the move,


I want want want to eat ice cream!


Saying it on a whim,


My manager-san bought me ice cream(≧∇≦)


I’m happy O(≧∇≦)o


Thank you ( ̄∀ ̄)


It’s watermelon sorbet!



It’s very delicious(o^~^o)!!


I was moved!


We got my make-up artist and stylist the same one too but,


Just then!
With the three bought for us, they ran out of ice sorbet(^∀^)ノ



So, manager-san got a different one (lol)


Faa~it was delicious☆☆♪♪



What’s up next has Sayumi feeling quite nervous but, she’ll relax as much as possible and do her best(*^o^*)♪


2010/9/1 16:48

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.


  1. Auu~ I pray that’s not the case. I don’t mind the pictures being added later on or a gap of several days as I greatly respect the translators and their free time(+ we could always check the pics on her actual blog), but a complete halt would pierce my heart as checking up on the bunny has become part of my daily life ;_;. Still, the TLer(s?) have a life of their own and have been putting a lot of effort into making Sayu’s blog accessible for everyone that doesn’t speak Japanese. A delay/skip in pictures/posts is nothing in light of what they’ve put forth.

  2. awww… that would be kinda sad if the translations stop. esp since hellosgfans stopped translating sayu’s and koharu’s blogs.

    my days would feel so much less whimsical.

  3. Hello Nantoka~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Σ(´□`;)

    We got worried! Can we have the images back too, it’s hard to line up the posts without them

  4. Sorry, Invis xD. It’s not that people doubt you…just that everyone has already experienced the ‘dropping’ of her blog before and is afraid of it happening again. For many it’s the only continuous connection/stream of info with/from the MM group.

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