Aika blog "10days"

Since the first show, the concert tour has been one big hit after another,
but now we’re taking a little break (^o^)/
You guys are all probably tired too,
thanks for all the energy you’ve put into your legs (*^^*)
And again, thank you very much ♪

Just the other day, I went on a date with Junjun,
something we haven’t done in a while (^з)-☆
We went to a Korean place to have lunch
Junjun ordered spicy stuff again and she pretty much cleaned off the plate herself (^^ゞ
It was the most delicious thing ever! (≧▽≦*)/
And then… Junjun treated me to the meal (>_<)☆ Ahh I'm so embarrassed (~_~;)汗)) *汗 = sweat Thanks (^∀^)>☆☆

aika blog

After that we went shopping, and Junjun bought a lot of stuff ♪♪
After going shopping with her,
I’ve realized that our tastes in clothes are quite different (^^)(LOL)
She pretty much only bought track pants (^^*)
After a lot of shopping we went to a yogurt place to grab some frozen ice cream and donuts..
after that we went back to shopping again!!!!
The next time I go shopping ♪ I’m gonna go to a picture club
It was such a fun filled day ~(^o^)/☆★
The weather was also great the moment I stepped outside and continued when we were shopping
It was just what I needed (*^3^)

aika blog

Coming up this weekend is another concert, I’m pretty pumped up about it (^^)v

aika blog

You probably already know right?!!
Kusumi-san will also be participating in the bus tour this November (^^)v
Looks like it’s gonna be fun doesn’t it? (^з)-☆
As for Kusumi-san, this will be her last bus tour and FC tour…
so I hope it’ll be a bus tour thats super fun and forever embedded into everyone’s minds ~~☆☆

Posted in Mitsui Aika Blog.


  1. Thanks for your translations of her blog! This one is the cutest one! I wanna go on a date with Jun Jun too <3

  2. Aw, that’s very cute! I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s nice to see that both of them are hanging out together. JunAika is so rare, so this is quite a treat. ♥

  3. Pingback: デトしました. | ToonZtudio™ :: Deep in my small world.

  4. Great translations! Love Aika more and more everyday! XD And I love that she brightened her hair in the Puri-Kura. :P

    JunJun and Aika, man that’s awesome! =D The frozen yogurt looks like it came from Yogiberry.

    Thanks again. Aika Awesome Power!

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