
2012-09-30 10:03:53


◆ Gakisan, of all the generations of Morning Musume。 members, who do you want to see the most?


My gen mates ^ ^


◆ Gakisan has said earlier that Togepi is one of your favorite Pokemon but, have you even played the Pokemon games before?



Nope ^ ^



◆ I’ve gotten engaged!! Gakisan I want to get a “Congratulations” from you (≧∇≦)



Congratulations ^ ^
Be happy kay



◆ Please tell us Gakisan’s make up method♪
What make up do you use first?



Moisturizer ^ ^♪



◆ Gakisan is super cute so,
I think you tend to look younger than you are but
what’s the most wrong people have ever been??(lol)
And, are you happy to be seen as younger?
Or are you happy when people say you look more mature??




I got that I look like I’m in my teens a lot…
Lately I’ve been worried about it ^ ^
How can I look more mature T_T



◆ Gakisan your short and long hair styles are both adorable but, Gakisan what hair style do you like most??



Right now I reallーy want to make it long ^ ^



◆ Sorry for the weird question・・・


Right now I have a seniors I ike but,


Here’s the question,
if someone younger than you confessed
would that be bad?



Ehー, it’s not bad is it?
I feel like it has nothing to do with age ^ ^



◆ Risa-chan are you a mail type?LINE type?
Or are you a phone type?


Pleーase tell us (●^o^●)



MmーI wonder whichー^ ^
I mail a lot don’t I? (-^艸^-)



◆ Right now I’m worrying about what color to dye my hair but, Gakisan next time you color your hair what color would you want to dye it??(^^)



Any color is fine right?
I’m worrying too ^ ^




◆ Well, the comments aren’t nothing when it comes to numbers so it’s okay if you can’t answer.


Getting a good grasp of song rhythm? what do you do for that?



I listen careful and listen looots!^ ^







Posted by 100% Orange Juice


2012-09-29 11:00:09


◆ Have you used the iPhone case the 9th gen made for Gakisan on Hello!Pro Time? Or is it decoration?



It’s decoration ^ ^



◆ Gakisan what is your dream married life like?


A warm family full of smiles ^ ^



◆ What phase of hte moon do you like?



The full moon



◆ I have short hair but, in the morning when I blowdry it it’s bad so now I’m growing it out!
Gakisan isn’t blowdrying your hair in the morning bad?


Sometimessー! It gets kinda messyー huh ^ ^
Wet it down, that’ll do it


◆ When you send fanletters, about how long does it take to go to Gakisan??



How long huh? I’m not sure but,
I’ll make sure to get it ^ ^
Thanks huh^ ^


◆ Good Work doing 40Hour TV.
I watched the two daysー.


For that, the “HappyーKamu (tl: bite) come~” choreography,
did Gakisan come up with it?
It was really adorable (≧∇≦)



Yup ^ ^
I thought it up myself (-^艸^-)



◆ Gakisan, when you hear “China” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?


LinLin JunJun dokidoki



◆ When you think you’re tired, what do you do to relax?



I talk to someone and laugh ^ ^



◆ Gakisan what is your favorite ice cream?


Pear flavor GariGari-kun ^ ^



◆ Do you have desires to get married?


I’m the same age as Gakisan, and am a Mama of 1. And February we’re expecting the birth of our second child!
As a girl of the same age, 23…♪
From here by all means please have a wonderful love♪




I do want to dokidoki


You’re a Mama huh! Wonderful note
It’s not impossible ^ ^ you know



◆ Gakisan are you energetic?



Mmhmmm ^ ^










Posted by Well. Hmmー


2012-09-28 17:04:06


◆ Gakisan when you wake up in the morning and are still sleepy what do you do?



Wake up! I tell myself to ^ ^



◆ Gakisan what alcoholic drink have you drank the most?


Oolong tea high ball (-^艸^-)



◆ There’s this person one year older that I like but, we hang out together even though they aren’t a senior of my club. What could I do or how could I talk to them~?



First off, go with a greetings,
how bout try saying “Good Morning~^ ^”?(^^)



◆ What is your shoe size?



It’s 22.5yon


◆ Gakisan’s hair is SaraSara silky but… what do you do to maintain your hair?(*・д・*)



With hair, dying it can damage it huh
I’ve also go times it’s messy too too!!^^;
You have to do treatments to keep it upnote



◆ Now I’ve got this meal party that’s kind of like a marriage interview with an introduction by the people who have helped me out but, if Gakisan was in this situation what kind of stuff would you be worried about?



A marriage interview?! That’s nerveーwrecking huh!
Ehー? It’s should be okay to be concerned with anything right?
Mmーthat’s right.
Of course it sends a chill up your spine! Right?^ ^


◆ From here it’s changing to the fall season but,
Gakisan what comes to mind for you when you think of fall?



Gri~lled Pota~tos~♪ Grandpa-chan’s



◆ Do you do things like take Purikura pics with Aichan?
If you do, can you put up the Purikuraaaaaーーー



Lately I haven’t done Purikuraaa.
Sorryー!^ ^



◆ What do you do
to get your voice so deep when you sing??



Yell! lol





◆ Why is your adorableness so mysterious, it just keeps growing



Saying that kind of stuff, thank you so much。^ ^











Posted by doing my best with practice


2012-09-27 11:51:05


◆ Gakisan what is your passion?


Chin lines and mouths ^ ^



◆ A question, or rather…discussion!!!


At work other people,
they ask
“Would you like to drink tea or coffee?” but,
it’s just for me…
they ask,
“Would like to drink juice?” (* ̄∇ ̄*)lol


Maybe I seem like a child?(lol)
I’m already 24!!!!
Is it okay for it to be like thisー?




Ahaha! Adorableー. lol
It’s fine, it’s fine
but I can’t give advice…
cause when asked which I also seem like a child (*>人<)
I want to be more mature you knowーT_T



◆ I use an alarm in the morning but
I’m the type that can’t really get up,
Gakisan what do you do?



I’m also not good with mornings but, with alarms and a yell I get up ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ


If it’s a day with fun stuff waiting for you, then it’d be good if you really woke upー. Something like that.^ ^


◆ Uーmm, uーmm…
Gakisan, has your hair
gotten long alreadyー?



Uーmm, uーmm…


I plan to make it long~



◆ If Doraemon was here what tool would you want to come out and for what reason, please tell us!!



Totally the Dokodemo (tl: Anywhere) Door!
cause you’d be able to go where ever you wanted to go with a Shuiーin ^ ^



◆ This summer did you go to a fireworks display?



I couldn’t


I wanted to…



◆ What do you want to eat most right now!





◆ Rather than a question could you UP a picture of you with Momochi tails~



No wayー. lol




◆ A word for the newly joining 11th gen member!!!


Do your best!
I look forward to the day I get to meet you




If you had 1 week of vacation, and were going on a trip.


Gakisan where would you want to go?













Posted by Today I’m somewhat energetic

I’m Answering

2012-09-26 13:30:08





☻ I want to celebrate Gakisan’s birthday but, I seems like I can only go to the Ikuta event huh?(・∀・) lol
I’m not in the fanclub so I can’t ー(T_T) lol




Join up. Fan Club. lol




☻ What one of Gakisan’s favorite carbonated drinks?



Oronamin C



☻ Gakisan
where are you really?



This time it’s the Dietrich play, I’ll be oding it from 10/29 at the Aoyama Theater so, by all means come eh ^ ^ lol
I’ll probably be there.



◆ Gakisan you often write


about your mom on the blog but


don’t you guys ever argue?



We do sometimes!^ ^:
Most of the time I’m the bad one. lol



◆ Gakisan did you get the japanese style outfit you wore at your graduation ceremony after you graduated?



I didn’t get it,
It should be in storage with the companyー



◆ Gakisaーーーーーn o(^▽^)o
Is there a brand of clothes Gakisan wants guys to wear?( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
I want to do so if you do ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ



I think if it matches you it’s fineー^ ^
Wearing the clothes you like is bestー



◆ If you were to get married what kind of person would be good for it?



Someone who if I was with them the two of us could overcome all kinds of barriers! I want to surpass them! I want to marry a person who thinks like that.^ ^
The two of us supporting each other like that dmheart



◆ Gakisan what’s one of the face characters you like?



^ ^ ←This.



◆ I when it comes to Gakisan…




this feeling of love,
how do I convey it I wonder(*^^*)?




You are conveying itー! Thanks you knowww!
Getting these kind of messages from girls
makes me happy (-^艸^-)



◆ Do you eat the strawberries off shortcake first? Or maybe last? Or in the middle?(lol)


In the middleー.(-^艸^-)









Posted by It’s Kinda Warm Huh?


2012-09-25 13:33:49


The play Tumbling finished safelyyy!!






This time, with my first try at the ribbon, I did it even while being dokidoki heart pumpingly anxious like always but, it was a really good experience
























All the fans, you all came down to the theater, truly thank you so much note


Thanks also for the flowers and letters and presents and such



I got this, album made from all the fans!










I’m so grateful T_T



Truly thank you all up






Posted by It’s Gotten Fittingly Cool Huh?


2012-09-22 16:19:24

















It was yummy.



I’ll do my best with the second show too ^^








Posted by Fightin’ sparkly

Flowers From Everyone!!

2012-09-22 08:41:47


Flowers from all the fans…T_T








































Everyone… truly, thank you.


I’ve gotten your Power!!
I’m full of it!!!!!
Truly thank you T_T yellowdia



Thanks to you all, I’ve gotten through the opening day of our return without problem! Tomorrow I’ll do my best toooo!





Posted by Grateful Iface redheart


2012-09-21 10:17:12


☻ Eat what you want and what you like then exercise! You’re often saying that but,
what kind of exercise are you always doing (´▽`)?



Walking and likeー, runningー



☻ Is there a little known spot to be when watching the Disney parade?(Whether there is or not is OK. It won’t be a little known spot if you say that’s why huh)
Do you line up and wait till it starts?



Everywhere’s popular, it’s hard to find a good special spot but, I do line up ?



☻ This season, it’s pretty unfortunate to get bitten by mosquitos. Gakisan save me><



It’s no good getting bitten, put on some Muhi!



☻ Gakisan who has octopus as on of her favorite foods!!
How do you like to eat it!?
As tempura!? Sashimi!? Or could it be live!? lol”



I like it as sashimi but, that uh,
I at it once in Korea, it was really yummy!



☻ In the mornings,
are you good with it!? Or not!?
What do you do to wake up early in the morning??
I’m not good with morning (>ε<)



I’m weak with mornings!!



What would I do to get up?…Uuum








☻ There’s people at the same age, who are really anxious about Gakisan’s philosophy of love? Can you please talk about it again somewhere?lol
Are youre friends from your hometown and like the people around you already married?(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I want to have an event where we can have girls talk with Gakisan while drinking alcohol chobichobi (・∀・)?lol




Wa! That sounds fun!!
I’ll try suggesting itー!






☻ What kind of guy do you feel attracted to?



Ah I see.
Someone who is reliable themselves, and thinks about other people’s feelings I think ^^









I’ll do my best with the Tumbling opening day!


Posted by Iface


2012-09-19 21:28:45


☻ Please give us a word about Ikuta’s first blog where she referred to Gakisan without honorifics (^^) lol



Idiot. lol



☻ Gakisan has graduated so in Musume I probably should follow IKUTA but
in Musume I’m already follow Duu, and yet IKUTA say, “Changing who you follow is banned!” so
I can’t change who I follow to IKUTA but, what should I do in this situation…



Trust in yourself!lol



☻ Are you going to grow your hair from here?



I’m heading in the direction of growing it out!



☻ If Gakisan were to sit next to a cool person on the train what would you do?



“Waao! Coolー yellowdia
I’d think that inside. Iface



☻ I joined the dance club but, what should I do to be good at dancing like Gakisan?(´・ω・`)




If you have fun with it, it’ll be a winnnn!



☻ I like Gakisan so much I can’t even sleep at night!



Oh my!
Go to sleep, and after you wake up you can like me againー? Smile
Thanks tehe



☻ Lately have you seen Takahashi Aichan?



I saw her when I went to see the theater



☻ At what point do you think I’m glad I’m in show business?



When I get to meet the wide range of age and all kidns of types of people I think.
There’s loーts of kids younger than me doing work, giving such motivation, and great seniors doign work, and I learn from them…It’s an environment I’m grateful for.



☻ Putting a letter in the concert hall present BOX, within a day does it get to Risa-chan??



There’s some that won’t be on that day too but, for sure they’ll get in my hands!!
Thanks blackspark



☻ What is one of your favorite fairy-tales? Is it Urashima Tarou?



Oo? Did you arbitrarily pick Urashima Tarou just now?



It’s Urashima Tarou. lol



☻ Risa-chaーn, have you been smiling latelyー? Having funー? Are you happyー?← So much questions
I want Risa-chan to always be happy (●´ω`●)




I’m laughingーhaving funーhappyーー


Thanks, for real!



☻ What gives Gakisan her driving force!



Everyone’s support! This fills me up with the most Power!!



☻ What do you think about Sayumi saying she’s “the cutest in the world!”?




I think so too!!
She’s cuteーthat’sーwhy, Sayusuke love dokidoki



☻ Niigaki-san, what is your favorite oden from 7-11?



Hmm well you knowー, it’s string konnyakuuu









Posted by Fiー