


I’m putting up offshots from the Shounen Sunday front cover we got to doー!



Fukuchan, RihoRiho, Kudou, Sayumi, it was a shoot with the four of usー( *´艸`)



It was really fun〜★



Sayumi, loーves shoots!!!



getting to wear cute clothes and cute make-up, and get pictures taken well,
it’s like a dream world huh \(^o^)/



After this too, I’ll put up more offshots kayー♪


2014/2/26 14:41 (GREE)

So Much Like Twins



Good Eveningーーー!



Recently I’ve been into an inside curl for my hair♪ー\(^o^)/



Today was cold too but, at night I ate nabe♪


with Mom and Big sis-chan♪♪♪



Warming upー



I at all kinds of vegetables too so, I felt healthy〜♪
Number 1 was the shungiku, it was delicious (*≧▽≦)



Sis-chan said the shungiku was her number 1 too♪


We reallーy go along together huh!


More than sisters, we’re twins, her and Sayumi.



The other day too, when we were in different locations
Sayumi saw a pic on a entertainer’s blog
and thought,
“These clothes look cute,”



then a mail came in from Sis-chan,
she sent the pic from the entertainer’s blog Sayumi was looking at then,
and said,
“Cuteー, I want itー,” (lol)



Isn’t that amazing??



So much like twins, it’s surprising\(◎o◎)/
2014/2/24 23:06 (GREE)

It Was Fun!



The Morning Musume。’14
Fanclub Event



performances in Nagoya have concludedー!



They’re finished…



Fun fun PureMoni。.


It reallーy went by in a flash!!!!!!


Everyone who came, thank you so much



At the event this time…


anyway, we played lots of games!!!


With the members we were just set on fighting seriously♪♪


It was funnn \(^o^)/



These two days, I feel like new
member’s sayings and moments have been born!


It’s been amazing★ These two days(^_−)−☆






By all means!!!! want to do it again!!!!!



Staff, please do me the favor



And then, all the fans
When the time comes that we can do PureMoni。 again, by all means please come too kay〜♪♪♪



The pics, one and two.
Pics with aーll of Morning Musume。’14!!!



The third shot is, aselfshot


2014/2/23 22:38 (GREE)




The Morning Musume。’14 Fanclub Event 〜PureMoni。〜



For today’s events, we’re midway through the three.



The second show finished ( *´艸`)



For the second show, I did twintailsー


Rejuvenation tactiーc \(^o^)/ lol



Twintails, I loーve them!!


When I do twin tails, well, it feels like I’ve got this cute fresh feel




The second and third shot is,


with Ishida Ayumi-chan♪♪♪



In today and even yesterday’s event, Ishida’s character is explosiveー (* ̄∇ ̄*)


Well then! Off to the third show〜♪♪


2014/2/23 18:32 (GREE)




Good Morning!!!



Today, we’re coming to Nagoya!!!!!




the Morning Musume。’14 Fanclub Event 〜PureMoni。〜


Everyone in Nagoya♪
Let’s make fun event memories kay ヾ(o´▽`)ノ



Today’s cold too huh…
kinda makes me want to drink something waーrm!


2014/2/23 12:04 (GREE)





Good Evening!!!






The Morning Musume。’14 Fanclub Event♪








Up until last year, we were doing the Morning Lab event,


With Lab, it was a project where we’d practice something before hand (Pantomime or juggling or something…) and then show it,
it was a lot of pressure,
and even with lots of practice, not being able to do things like pantomime or juggling or whatever,
was really bad (lol)



But in that way, when you miraculously succeeded it’s an great delight and really impressive




And, this time,



PureMoni。 is different Lab,



we just


Play games with the 10 Morning Musume。ー.


That’s it!!!(lol)


I laughed so hardー ヾ(*>∀<)ノ゛



The musical chairs game we played though!



Ikuta was the best (lol)



That seriousness (^_-)



Sayumi was ★Bursting with laughter★



She hates to lose so her being frantic to win was cool


In the end, Ikuta’s face when she got frustrated that she lost! Sayumi can’t forget it!(>_<) lol



The musical chairs gameit gets us pumped up like that huh!!!!!。゜(゜´Д`゜)゜。



Morning Musume。’14 is an amazing group huhー(lol)



The first shot,


with that surpreme Ikuta♪


we got tapioca juice from the staff as a refreshment!!!!!



Thank you so much!!



The second shot,
our outfits were cute too〜( *´艸`)



The third shot,
all kinds of Sayumiーヾ(o´▽`)ノ Haーi☆


2014/2/22 23:25 (GREE)

Usachan Peace



Good Morning〜!!



Today is,


Morning Musume。’14’s Fanclub Event★





My myー


I’m looking forward to itー



The picture is,
from the photoshoot for raw photo and goods and stuff,
taken for sale at PureMoni。♪



Today is, the 22nd…



Usachan Peace V(^_^)V






It ended up blurry…



Well! with that!!!


Please get the non-blurry Sayumi raw picture〜?ヾ(*>∀<)ノ゛lol



Wa〜i V(^_^)V


2014/2/22 09:21 (GREE)




Good Afternoon(o’ー’o)ノ



It’s a self-shot from the Hello!Pro Concert♪



The earrings are like toys, they wre cute〜



Today, the weather in Tokyo is great huh



It’s cold though huh(>_<)



Today, let’s have a fantastic day kay〜。゜(●´∀`●)゜。


For somer eaosn right now, I feel like I want to eat Mister Donut♪



With that, laters!!!!!♪




2014/2/21 11:39 (GREE)

Applications Open!



3/29(Sat)、30(Sun) performing at Pacifico Yokohama,


『Hello! Project HinaFes 2014 〜Full Course〜 』


Each performances sub-subtitle has been announced♪♪



The clip is here



The picture is from the shoot for that clipー!


The Hello!Pro group leaders were gathered!


Hello!Pro research student Hamaura Ayano-chan (Tsunku♂san) is there too ( *´艸`)



Tsunku♂san being played by Hama-chan,
was really very cuteー




The priority applications are now openedー!


Application Date:2/19(Weds)18:00 〜 2/26(Weds)11:00


Application URL:



Based on the performance, the main group will vary but,


Morning Musume。’14’s main day is, 29(Sat)’s 11:30 performance!!!!!



As the title says, we get to sing as the whole full course♪!



DokiDoki heart-pounding…


Everyone, by all means, please come and visit kay♪


2014/2/21 00:46 (GREE)

Two Shots



Good Evening!!!!




By chance, today and tomorrow it might snow again in Tokyo〜
I was told that but, it hasn’t huh (^_-)



the pictures are…
the first and second shot are two shots with Suzuki Kanon-chan♪


Sayumi’s hit by the nearby light (>_<)



The third shot is, two shot pictures with Fukumura Mizuki-chan



Up to a little while ago I was doing surveys but,
my pen hasn’t been going at all \(^o^)/ lol



Well then, latersー♪


2014/2/19 19:53 (GREE)