

Before dinner, we took some purikura♪


Purikura, it’s certainly been a long time~(^_^)v


For these purikura, we were super cute when we took them↑


Even though Sayumi has no make-up, I’m still too cute right? (Laugh)


Even though I was cute since I was born, in these purikura I’m exploding with cuteness! (Laugh)


So next time, I think I’ll do some “bunny-ness!” (Laugh)























Aika vs. Shrimp


For dinner, I took Mittsi to a popular Hawaiian restaurant♪♪


The pasta noodles were deep-fried so they were super delicious(≧∇≦)
I’m so loving them♪


she got so frantic trying to peel the shrimp (Laugh)


That Aika is a classic shot☆


“I peeled them-!” and I had a great shot of Aika♪


So delicious♪♪


Oh, and for the bill,
I was the perfect sempai and treated her!
So be relieved (Laugh)





My date☆


I’m on a date with Mittsi, Mitsui Aika-chan♪


We’ve been on a date since earlier this evening(≧∇≦)


she pulled me out of the way of this car,
and she decided on what to do on the date,
it’s been super fun~\(^ー ^)/


First we went and got some ice cream~~!


Aika’s treat (Laugh)


It’s okay though!
Dinner will be on sempai Sayumi!! (Laugh)








Tonight, I’m going on a date♪


just who will I be going with on this date?


Right now, with that certain person, we went shopping
and now we’re paying the restaurant bill(^_-)




The elementary kids on the train


Today, just now, it’s been about a month
but I went to get a massage☆


The massage sensei told me that
compared to the month before
my body is doing much better!
And since she praised me so much
I’m in such a good mood now♪♪~θ(^0^)


And right now the train is shaking~(^o^)/


The people beside me are two elementary
school girls that are doing homework!


I took a peek at one of their textbooks
and Sayumi couldn’t believe her eyes!!!!


I couldn’t understand the question!
The question was way too hard!
And what was the question??
That little elementary kid knew it…


The other little girl was writing a essay.
『What’s the kanji for “aofuku*”?』
she asked her friend.
(*往復 – おうふく – oufuku – round trip)


Sayumi thought about it.
I can kinda see it
but not so clearly p(´⌒`q)


I got impatient so
I whipped out my cell…


I feel better!


But the little elementary girls
can’t use a cell phone
so they have to rely on their
own powers of recollection.


Just that moved me deeply(*_*)


Whenever I can’t get a question,
I won’t depend on anything
and use my own power to resolve it.


I learned something from these girls.



One person? Two people?

I’m riding the train right now.


By myself.


But everywhere I look, there’s two people together.


Why is that?


You see…


The person next to me…


Is passed out on Sayumi’s shoulder…(Laugh)


Everyone, what do you do in this situation?


For me, I just loan my shoulder (Laugh)


Today especially, Sayumi slept a lot so I’m really refreshed♪
but I guess this person is still kinda tired(;_;)


Does everyone get so tired from work and school?




I’m fine with loaning out my shoulder, so let’s meet on the train someday (Laugh)



Today, Morning Musume’s 10th album 『⑩MYME』 is on sale♪♪


Since the 6th album, Sayumi’s been with the group
and with ⑩MYME I will have participated
in half of the total albums! Amazing \(^ー^)/


With this album, I think the
message is that there’s a lot of
strong songs↑


The lyrics are so good and even though
I listen to them and sing them,
I’m still moved by them (;_;)


Of course there’s also the usual Mo-Musu type genki
songs on there, it’s really fun isn’t it ♪~θ(^0^ )


The genki songs are really gonna pump up the energy…♪
Everyone’s really gonna like the B melody in 『Genki Pikappika』↑
I can imagine everyone at the concert (Laugh)
When I picture everyone calling out the names and jumping,
I really want to do the concert right now(≧∇≦)


On the album, everyone’s pretty well divided with the singing! Everyone’s broken up pretty well so you should clearly see it’s something definitely worth listening to,
『⑩MYME』 be sure to listen ε=(>ε<*)


Good morning (‘-‘*)


Lately, since I’ve came home I’ve done so much, and
reviewed the rehearsals, so much so that I’ve stayed up late but,
yesterday, as a change, I actually slept!
Even more, I only opened my eyes once the whole night ~(^_^)v
If I keep this up, I’ll have much better performances↑↑↑
And in the morning, I’m totally refreshed☆
My body and my mood ♪(≧∇≦)



Something good might happen today~♪
might happen today~♪
might happen today~♪










When I got home
and ate the takoyaki and stuff I noticed I was getting sleepy so I slept。。

Today, Sayumi trusted her instincts and gave in to her desires!

As soon as I woke up, I was hungry again (Laugh)
I ate some melon bread rusk
while watching TV (⌒~⌒)

And then, right now
I’m just loafing around on my bed…

Before, my mom used to say “If you sleep right after you eat,
you’ll become a cow!”
So Sayumi just loafed around on her bed after she ate.
My mom would say
『Aa, I see horns coming from Sayu-chan’s head!』
and be so scared she’d start crying (;_;)

And now,
since I know that no matter how many times I eat and sleep, I won’t become a cow, I loaf around to my heart’s content 。。

In those days, I recall
I used to nicely think, “Ah, I wonder if I’m an adult now”
now I disgracefully think, “Ah, I wonder if I’m sophisticated” (Laugh)

So today, I’ll really be thankful for the food from now on♪♪


As soon as I got home,
everyone was like “What have you been up to?”  

Sayumi went full speed to the fridge!

Today was,
a takoyaki discovery!!!
As soon as my mom cooled off, I ate everything♪♪
It’s Sayumi’s favorite Gindaco mentai cheese takoyaki!(≧∇≦)


Mentaiko and cheese
it’s like my dreams are growing♪~θ(^0^ )

When you say “mentaiko” you think of Fukuoka but,
there’s some pretty good mentaiko in Sayumi’s own
hometown in Yamaguchi♪

And also, I’m pretty cheeky!

When I go home to Yamaguchi, and back to Tokyo, my grandpa always gives me two huge mentaiko rolls to take.

Grandpa loves his Sayumi.
Sayumi loves her grandpa.

When I go home, my grandpa is always taking us
everywhere, and he’s always boasting to everyone
『My granddaughter is in Mo-musu.』

At the hospital, at the convenience store, on the road…he always introduces me like that♪♪

Oh, and for the convenience store, why does grandpa always say 『UFO』 instead of 『LAWSON』?

At first my family was like,
『No! It’s LAWSON!』
but lately, it’s more like
『Wanna go to UFO Sayu-chan?』
and I answer 『Sure!』 and they take
me to LAWSON (Laugh)

And there, he still says
『My granddaughter is in Mo-Musu』
to the employees♪(Laugh)

He boasts about his granddaughter becoming an adult
but the fact that he can’t remember a certain place name is really cute…well, he IS really cute! (Laugh)