The elementary kids on the train


Today, just now, it’s been about a month
but I went to get a massage☆


The massage sensei told me that
compared to the month before
my body is doing much better!
And since she praised me so much
I’m in such a good mood now♪♪~θ(^0^)


And right now the train is shaking~(^o^)/


The people beside me are two elementary
school girls that are doing homework!


I took a peek at one of their textbooks
and Sayumi couldn’t believe her eyes!!!!


I couldn’t understand the question!
The question was way too hard!
And what was the question??
That little elementary kid knew it…


The other little girl was writing a essay.
『What’s the kanji for “aofuku*”?』
she asked her friend.
(*往復 – おうふく – oufuku – round trip)


Sayumi thought about it.
I can kinda see it
but not so clearly p(´⌒`q)


I got impatient so
I whipped out my cell…


I feel better!


But the little elementary girls
can’t use a cell phone
so they have to rely on their
own powers of recollection.


Just that moved me deeply(*_*)


Whenever I can’t get a question,
I won’t depend on anything
and use my own power to resolve it.


I learned something from these girls.



Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.


  1. i guess google(or whatever japanese use) and 3G phones made sayu less smarter than a 5th grader? lolz. i guess a lot of tech-savvy adults might be guilty of that.

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