Yet Another Cake


Today during the handshake event——♪


The Kadokawa Bookstore staff gave me a cake as a refreshment(≧∇≦)




I’m soo happyyyya~y\(^ー^)/



Thank you!!



The cake unexpectedly━‥
Didn’t just have a chocolate plate for the Alo!hello hand shake event,
it also had a Sayumi HAPPY BIRTHDAY plate(;_;)


When I noticed they had gone to such lengths‥‥I was really happyo(^-^)o




The fans had also given a lot of presents↑
Everyone, doing such for Sayumi, thank you soo much.



Sayumi thought about how we were close to my birthday!


The area around Sayumi is AMAZING.


Amazingly amazing!


Somehow, again…
I thought about how I said I’d do my best.
I thought, but this isn’t about my doing my best alone.
It’s thanks to everyone’s support that I can do my best!
So, I thought I have to do my best for everyone too
From my heart, Sayumi really loves the people who are around her(*^o^*)


So, it might be shameless but‥
For everyone,
Seeing Sayumi, Feeling this.. thinking I should do my best, is the greatest joy↑


So going like this, let’s keep going forward forever together‥♪♪♪♪



Somehow that turned into a pretty speech, huh?! Me( ̄∀ ̄)


As expected of a 21 year old(≧∇≦)
I’m not getting years just for show ♪←← did I use that right?(^。^;)


2010/7/16 22:32

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.

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