My sis and dad

A little while ago, my dad who lives in Yamaguchi prefecture
had a business trip to Tokyo


I had work though so I couldn’t meet up with him


Apparently he went to visit my sis, who lives alone


My sis
sent me a mail
with a 1shot of my dad attached


The caption was
“Dad rm etmmx


“rm etmmx” is supposed to mean “so funny”


Pushing the keys is a pain for my sis,
so she stops at the letter before the one she wants to say


In the pic of my dad
for some reason, he looked angry…


The next time I saw my sis
I asked her
“What’s up with this pic?”


“I told dad he needs to shape up and he got angry! So I took a pic to remember the moment”


she said with a big grin on her face


Now now,
isn’t it weird that you tell an angry story like that with a big grin


Wait, before that
isn’t it weird that you take a picture of someone you just made angry


After I pointed that out to my sis


She showed me another pic of my dad


It was my dad with a carefree smile


“What is this?”
I asked


“That’s dad when he’s angry, but since I was taking a pic, he smiled for me”


said my sis again with a big grin on her face


Ahhh, my dad is pretty naive too


And that is
Not being angry at the person who made you angry just because they want to take a pic!


Well this is what I think
My sis is always smiling


Whether it’s good or bad
when someone’s angry at her, she still smiles


And if the other person is smiling, you end up feeling happy
So in the end, they both end up smiling


So that’s how my dad forgot about being mad, and ended up smiling (lol)


My sis
has had a ton of worries because of her younger sister
as well as many embarrassing moments (lol)


But, she is always smiling
and always kind, so she has my utmost respect!

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.


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